Chapter 6154

"The three dignified princes of the Chu Kingdom, the most favored prince of the imperial family, a man with great power and contempt for the world, will actually be reduced to drinking to soothe his sorrows."


"Isn't that funny enough?"

In the empty bedroom, apart from the mess everywhere, only the third prince was left in the corner.

The third prince looked around, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and his face was angry, "I don't care who you are, I've already said it, don't bother me!"

"Get out!"

"If you don't go away, when His Highness finds you, I will definitely give you a taste of purgatory!"


The third prince roared coldly, and angrily smashed the wine jug in his hand against the wall. With a bang, the wine jug shattered into pieces, and the remaining wine spilled all over the wall.

"Since you still know that you still have the ability to send people to purgatory, since you still know that you have power, why are you decadent here?"

The voice continued, "Why don't you cheer up and continue to compete with His Royal Highness Chen Wang and Lord Langhou?"

"Compete? Hahahaha." This time it was the third prince's turn to laugh wildly, "I would like to compete with them, but it's too late!"

The third prince clenched his fists viciously, his face full of resignation, "Lin Bai, this bastard, the time and place he chose were too good, just half a month before Emperor Chu's birthday!"

"Having caught Xia Jingzhi at this time, with the means of purgatory, Xia Jingzhi will give up everything if he can't hold it for half a month!"

"And I... in such a short period of time, I can't fight back at all!"

When the third prince mentioned Lin Bai's name, the anger that spurted out of his eyes almost burned the sky, and he gritted his teeth and growled, like a wild beast that is mad but helpless.

The voice asked: "Did Your Highness the Third Prince not send someone into Purgatory to secretly kill Xia Jingzhi?"

The third prince said coldly: "I said it just now... Lin Bai chose the time too well, I have nothing to do!"

"Do you think I didn't send people into Purgatory?"

"I am in purgatory, and I also have my own dark son, and I also have my own power!"

"But when I contacted these Anzi this time, no matter how much I promised a huge reward, they all made excuses to delay!"

"You don't want to do anything for me anymore."

The third prince's tone was low and full of helplessness.

Ever since Xia Jingzhi was captured in purgatory, the third prince knew that he could not keep Xia Jingzhi. After discussing with Nanjiang Chonggu, the third prince decided to use the dark men in purgatory to get rid of Xia Jingzhi.

However, when the Third Prince summoned Purgatory Anzi, these Anzi used various reasons to shirk or delay the time.

Anyway, no one is willing to kill Xia Jingzhi.

The third prince even paid a lot of money and was willing to pay an unprecedented price, but still no one was tempted.

The voice asked, "Why are they unwilling to kill Xia Jingzhi?"

The third prince laughed desolately, "Lin Bai's choice of time is too good, too good, he occupies the right time, place and people."

"It's been half a month since my father's birthday, and now everyone thinks I'm doomed if I catch Xia Jingzhi now!"

"Since I am already doomed, why are they willing to sacrifice their lives for me?"

"To tell you the truth..." The third prince closed his eyes in pain, "Since Xia Jingzhi was arrested, someone in the imperial capital has been secretly pushing that His Royal Highness Chen Wang has obtained my criminal evidence and wants to move to the court on the birthday of Emperor Chu. My statement!"

"After the storm was blown, half of the Anzi I had carefully cultivated for many years could no longer be contacted."

"This group of beasts, this group of grass!"

The third prince sighed helplessly, "It's not just that the Anzi inside and outside the imperial capital can't be contacted, even the strong men I raised in the Sun Moon Pavilion have left Qi Qi in just half a month. Eighty-eight."

He also said: "The five families and seven sects of Chu State who were loyal to me, the Li family, the Sun family, the Zhao family, and the Wentian sect, all have very vague attitudes at this moment."

"Even Tiandimen, which are not as good as pigs and dogs, dare not listen to my orders at this moment!"

The third prince became more and more angry, and the last sentence was almost roared out.

The voice said: "Who is spreading rumors in the imperial capital?"

"Who knows?" The third prince sneered twice, "It might be the Chen family, it might be the Holy Lotus Palace, it might be the Tianxian Sect, it might be the Prince Hong's Mansion, or it might be other forces..."

"Over the years for that supreme chair, I have offended too many people and too many influences. Seeing that I have fallen into peace now, everyone naturally wants to come up and bully me."

The third prince leaned against the wall helplessly, and looked up at the ceiling, "I am powerless now, and I am also tired."

Since Xia Jingzhi was arrested, the third prince carefully counted the power he could use.

As he said just now... After Xia Jingzhi was arrested, there were forces in the imperial capital secretly promoting rumors, claiming that the evidence that His Royal Highness Chen had controlled the Third Prince could only be publicly presented on Emperor Chu's birthday. Undoubtedly lost.

After this rumor spread, combined with the peerless battle where thousands of Taiyi Daoguo realm warriors participated in the battle in the eastern suburbs forest, many people guessed... This rumor is very likely to be true.

Immediately afterwards, a chain reaction began.

First of all, the third prince summoned Anzi from Purgatory, and he found that Anzi placed in Purgatory was no longer willing to work for him.

But they were also very smart and did not explicitly reject the order of the third prince.

He was just constantly looking for excuses to shirk and delay, anyway, he just didn't want to kill Xia Jingzhi for the third prince.

The third prince, the guest minister who had been kept in the Sun Moon Pavilion for many years, after this rumor spread, many people were shaken by it.

In the past, the Riyue Pavilion claimed to have thousands of strong men, and there were more than five hundred warriors in the Taiyi Daoguo realm, among which there were Daluo Daoguo and Hunyuan Daoguo realm warriors.

But now after this incident spread, the Riyue Pavilion warriors began to leave the imperial capital one after another for various reasons.

It is today, the five hundred warriors of the Taiyi Daoguo Realm in the Sun Moon Pavilion have already left seven or eighty-eight, and there are only more than one hundred warriors who are loyal to the third prince.

As for the so-called 'one sun, two moons, three honors, four sages and five heroes' in the Sun Moon Pavilion, some people betrayed, some left, and some disappeared during the battle in the eastern suburbs forest.

The entire Sun Moon Pavilion was torn apart.

Although the third prince was very angry, he also understood them from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it's the guest ministers in the Sun Moon Pavilion or the Anzi he has cultivated for many years, they all come here for fame and fortune.

They gathered together to help the third prince push to the throne, so that they could enjoy the glory and wealth.

But now seeing that the defeat of the third prince is certain, coupled with the fact that there are other forces in the capital of God that are fueling the flames, people's hearts are quickly shaken, and they run away like a bereaved dog.

They all came here for fame and profit, and seeing that the Third Prince could no longer give them fame and fortune, they would naturally not be willing to work for the Third Prince.

The voice continued to ask: "Then, does His Highness King Chen really have the evidence against His Highness? Are those criminal evidences too serious?"

(end of this chapter)

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