Chapter 6311

Lin Bai glanced at the pale Chu Tinghan. Her injuries were extremely serious. Although she was not fatal, her strength was greatly weakened.

If you want to fully recover, even with the blessing of the top panacea, it will take a month or two to recover.

It's really inappropriate to leave Chu Tinghan behind right now.

"Then how about I help you find your younger brothers and sisters, or other warriors in the Liang Palace?" Lin Bai said, "We will separate after we find them."

When Chu Tinghan heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he agreed.

Anyway, the hunting world is so big, in such a vast world, if you want to find a few people, it is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

It is very likely that until the end of the hunting world, Lin Bai will not be able to find anyone from Liang Wangfu.

In other words, there is a high probability that Chu Tinghan will be by Lin Bai's side and act together until the end of the hunting world.

This is exactly what Chu Tinghan wanted.

Because of what happened in the Yellow Sand World, although Lin Bai said he didn't care, Chu Tinghan could tell that Lin Bai felt guilty.

The Liang Palace once conducted a detailed investigation on Lin Bai, knowing that he is a person who values ​​love and justice, and what happened in the Yellow Sand World gave Chu Tinghan enough strength to follow Lin Bai.

If it was a normal season, if Chu Tinghan insisted on staying with Lin Bai, Lin Bai would have just come over and wouldn't talk nonsense to her at all.

Chu Tinghan also wanted to take this opportunity to win over the relationship with Lin Bai, so as to pave the way for attracting Lin Bai in the future.

After all, for an owner of a supreme figure, a future supreme being of heaven and earth, which force in the entire demon world does not want to be recruited under its command?

Besides, Chu Tinghan also knew that Lin Bai was not only the owner of the supreme phase, but also a member of the Tuntian clan.

The supreme form is already extremely terrifying, and Lin Bai also possesses the same terrifying devouring power. Such a warrior has almost endless potential in the future.

As long as Lin Bai is willing to help Prince Liang's Mansion, let alone Chu, the entire Eastern Region, and even the entire Demon Realm, will have a place in Liang Wang's Mansion.

After Lin Bai and Chu Tinghan had a good talk, they could only take her along.

On the way.

Chu Tinghan's face became paler, and he shouted at Lin Bai: "Wait a minute, I can't even catch up with you."

Lin Bai stopped angrily, and waited for Chu Tinghan to follow up staggeringly.

Chu Tinghan complained: "Don't you know I'm injured? Are you still flying so fast?"

"If you can't keep up, forget it, you can find a place to hide here, and wait for the hunting world to end." Lin Bai said to Chu Tinghan.

Right now, there are only more than 20 days left before the end of the hunting world. As long as Chu Tinghan hides, relying on the treasures left to her by Prince Liang's mansion, she will be able to survive all crises until the end of hunting.

"I don't want it, that's so boring." Chu Tinghan rebuffed straight away, looking at the flying sword under Lin Bai's feet strangely, "You take me and fly together."

Lin Bai rolled his eyes speechlessly, and wanted to refuse, but Chu Tinghan immediately said: "I stand on your flying sword and fly with you, and I can save a lot of time, which can be used for healing."

"I've recovered from my injury, so I can leave you."

"Isn't that what you always wanted?"

Lin Bai thought about it carefully and thought it was reasonable, so he agreed.

Exercising the sword control technique, the flying sword was enlarged enough to allow Lin Bai and Chu Tinghan to stand on the flying sword.

After getting Lin Bai's consent, Chu Tinghan smiled slightly, jumped onto the flying sword, and stood behind Lin Bai.

Lin Bai immediately controlled the flying sword and galloped away into the distance.

Chu Tinghan, who was standing behind, became disheartened at the moment, with a smirk on his lips, and slowly hugged Lin Bai's waist from behind.

"What are you doing!" Lin Bai turned pale with shock and scolded in panic.

"The wind is so strong." Chu Tinghan said, "I have injuries on my body, and I can hardly stand up."

Lin Bai was speechless in his heart, and immediately cast a body protection technique, condensing a windshield to protect the surroundings of Feijian, but Chu Tinghan still did not let go of Lin Bai's hand.

Lin Bai wanted her to let go, but at this moment, the concentric bracelet on his wrist suddenly appeared in light, and one of the gemstones lit up.

This attracted Lin Bai's attention.

"The alliance is here again?"

Lin Bai immediately sank his mind into the concentric bracelet and asked who was here.


Lin Bai got the answer.

A man's hearty voice came from the concentric bracelet, "Brother Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, can you gain something in the hunting world?"

It's Lu Qingjun!

Lin Bai recalled the scenes of stepping into the hunting world, from the underground sea to the vast city, from the vast city to the huge volcano, and from the huge volcano to the yellow sand world.

Although many alien species were hunted and many treasures were obtained during this trip, it was full of dangers, and they narrowly escaped several times.

"Don't mention it, it's hard to say." Lin Bai replied, "Brother Lu, can you gain something?"

"Well, there are naturally some harvests, but not many." Lu Qingjun laughed, "I happened to meet Brother Lin, why don't Brother Lin come over here, I have a big fish here."

big fish? ... Lin Bai became interested, "How big is this fish?"

"Qingyan Kunpeng!" Lu Qingjun said, "Brother Lin, are you interested?"

Lin Bai's eyes suddenly widened, and all the memories and treatments about Qingyan Kunpeng immediately appeared in his mind.

Qingyan Kunpeng is also a super alien belonging to the first step in the hunting world, and his bloodline is extremely powerful and domineering.

The alien species in the hunting world are all extremely large in size, even a mouse is the size of a cow, and some of the alien species are as tall as mountains.

But this Qingyan Kunpeng is even more extraordinary.

According to the records in the classics of the hunting world... Qingyan Kunpeng spreads its wings and can fully cover the land for nine thousand miles, and the storm blown by the vibration of its wings can destroy everything.

When he flapped his wings, he could cover hundreds of thousands of miles.

According to the legend... the owner of Qingyan Kunpeng is the blood of the Kunpeng clan in ancient times.

Although the Kunpeng clan did not become the five ancestor monster clans in ancient times, their strength is also an extremely strong group second only to the five ancestor monster clans.

"Interesting, I'm here." After Qingyan Kunpeng's memories and information came to mind, Lin Bai immediately became interested.

Judging by the position in the concentric bracelet, Lin Bai galloped towards Lu Qingjun's direction.

Qingyan Kunpeng also has his place on Tianshuizong's hunting list.

But Tianshuizong didn't want to let the disciples hunt Qingyan Kunpeng, but wanted to let the disciples get at least ten bottles of Kunpeng's blood from Qingyan Kunpeng.

"Where are we going?" Chu Tinghan noticed that Lin Bai's flying sword speed suddenly increased, and the target seemed to be clear, heading in one direction.

"Go kill the fish!" Lin Bai replied with a smile.

(end of this chapter)

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