"Is this Qingling mountain?"

"Well, the journey begins!"

Holding the sword, Lin Bai walked into the Qingling mountain range in diameter. According to the map that ye Tingxian gave Lin Bai, he went straight to where the pregnant lingguo was.


Just a few steps out of the road, Lin Bai heard some movement in the jungle ahead.

Lin Bai quickly put up the map and looked ahead. From the weeds in front of him, the hungry tiger pounced out a quick black cheetah.

"Black scale leopard!"

Seeing the leopard, Lin Bai was surprised, and then a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "since you come to the door to die, I will help you!"

The black scale leopard is covered with black scales. It is hard to penetrate ordinary weapons. It is a three level monster in Zhenwu, which is just like Lin Baiqi drum!

Lin Bai quickly drew out the sword, and a sword light flew up. It hit the black scale leopard's abdomen and cut out a bloodstain.

"A spirit weapon is the lowest level weapon, but its power is not bad."

Lin Bai was overjoyed at his success.

"Let's try the bloody sword."

There are five moves of blood crying sword technique.

The first move is to blow blood with a sword.

The second is a river of blood.

The third type is bloody.

The fourth move is a cold-blooded sword.

In the fifth move, kill one person in ten steps.

When he came to the Qingling Mountains, Lin Bai spent a whole day. In this day, Lin Bai was studying the bloody sword technique assiduously.

After arriving at Qingling mountain, Lin Bai successfully practiced the first move with one sword.

"Roar --" the black scale leopard was wounded by Lin Bai's sword. He was so angry that he flew up again with a roar.

Fierce claws like to tear the sky like attack on Lin Bai's chest.

"Evil animal, dare to shout!"

"A sword blows blood!"

Whew -

a sword as fast as lightning swept a bloody red crescent sword light in mid air.

With a whiff, he cut off the head of the black scale Leopard on the spot.

The black scale leopard fell to the ground.

Killing the black scale leopard, Lin Bai is a little happy, and then urges to devour the sword soul.

"Swallow the sword soul, give it to me!"

Lin Bai pressed his palm against the body of the black scale leopard. The blood in the black scale leopard quickly evaporated and turned into a trace of blood red smoke and melted into Lin Bai's body.

Swallowing the sword soul engulfs the Qi and blood power of black scale leopard, eliminates impurities, leaving only the purest Qi and blood power for Lin Bai to absorb.

's so-called Qi and blood power is the cohesion of the essence of the beast, including the essence, essence, blood and so on.

The power of Qi and blood is not only possessed by monsters but also by warriors

However, it is not said that the sword soul can swallow the Qi and blood of the warrior, so Lin Bai did not rashly try.

"I've just absorbed the essence of the sword, and I've just absorbed the essence of the black leopard, and I've just absorbed the spirit of the sword!"

This is a demon beast with three levels of martial arts and Taoism, which makes Lin Bai feel the improvement of his cultivation. There are so many monsters in Qingling Mountains that are more powerful than the black scale leopard. If you kill all of them, Lin Bai can't imagine what kind of state he will reach!

Before leaving, Lin Bai hid the body of the black scale leopard.

Although there is no demon blood, the flesh and bones of black scale leopard are still the best materials for refining a spirit weapon. They are sold in Lingxi City, and they are worth 100 Liang silver.

Lin Bai plans to go back to Lingxi city when he wants to leave Qingling mountain range and return to Lingxi city to replenish. He finds out all the monster bodies he has killed and takes them back to Lingxi city and sells them together.

"It's been half a month. I've found it at last!"

Half a month later, Lin Bai looked at the mountain in front of him.

This is the location of the pregnant fruit on the map.

In the past half a month, Lin Bai has almost read half of the Qingling Mountains, killed more than 100 monsters, and promoted his martial arts cultivation to the fourth level of Wudao.

"I hope the fruit is ripe."

Lin Bai ran into the mountain with joy on his face. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, Lin Bai's carpet searchers searched every inch of land to find the location of the fruit tree.

Finally, at the top of the mountain, on a cliff, Lin Bai saw a green crooked neck tree.

There are three red fruits hanging on the branches of this big tree.

"Pregnant spirit fruit!"

Come to the cliff, Lin Bai looked excited at the three fruits.

"If the cultivation resources left by my father were not occupied, I would have as many pregnant spirit fruits as I wanted." Lin Bai said a word of resentment in his heart. He hated Lin zier and Lin Taiheng.

Climbing up the crooked neck tree, Linbai is close to the three pregnant spirit fruits.Just at this time, the sky above, came a startling call of birds.

Lin Bai looked back in surprise and saw that from the top of the sky, a huge sculpture with separated beak armor and claws dived down to Lin Bai.

"Wu Dao five fold white head carving!" Lin Bai exclaimed, and quickly gave up the impulse to take off the pregnant fruit. He jumped down from the tree and drew out the sword to fight back.

This white headed eagle is not easy to deal with. He is the overlord in the sky and flies very fast. With a touch of its beak armor and claws, it can tear off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Besides, it is also a five level monster of martial arts, which is more profound than Lin Bai's martial arts cultivation.

"Spell it! What about Wudao wuchong? Those who block me will die

Watching the white headed eagle dive down, unstoppable.

Lin Bai's eyes also shine a cold blood light.

"A sword blows blood!"

With a backhand sword, take the belly of the white headed eagle straight, and you'll have to rifle it!

Startled, the white headed eagle quickly twisted his body and avoided Lin Bai's sword.

"Evil animal, want to go?" Seeing that the white headed eagle couldn't make a sneak attack, Lin Bai turned over and walked away. Suddenly, a bloody light appeared on his sword.

"The second way, a river of blood!"

The second move of the blood crying sword technique, the blood flows into a river!

The bloody sword light hit the wings of the white headed eagle and splashed blood in the air.

With a shrill cry, the white headed eagle's body quickly fell from the air.

"Hum, fight me!" When Lin Bai saw that the white headed eagle fell from half a meter high, he had to fall into blood foam, and a sneer came out of his mouth.

But who would have thought that when the white headed eagle fell three feet above Lin Bai's head, its wings suddenly shook and its body stabilized again turned into an attack. Turning over was like a claw, attacking Lin Bai's head.

"Not good!"

Lin Bai exclaimed, and his scalp felt numb.


The third move of bloodletting sword technique is bloody.

A strong bloody wind condenses at Lin Bai's side and comes out with Lin Bai's sword.

The endless storm covered the white headed eagle. When the cyclone struck, the white headed eagle screamed bitterly. Its white feathers quickly dyed red. Its body was torn into three or four pieces by the sword and fell to the ground.

"Brute, you've almost killed me!" Lin Bai looked at the body of the white headed eagle, and was surprised. If he hadn't cultivated the third form of the blood crying sword, he would have died under the sudden attack of the white head eagle!

After swallowing the sword soul and quickly swallowing the demon blood of the white head carving, Lin Bai goes to the pregnant spirit fruit tree.

"Wu Dao five fold white head carving, demon blood is really those Wu Dao three, four monster beast is much stronger." With a smile, Lin Bai Xin went to the fruit tree and picked the three fruits.

"Three pregnant spirit fruits, can let me break through to wudaoxiu."

Lin Bai smiles happily.

"Boy, the fruit in your hand is coming to us

Just when Lin Bai was happy, a sneer came from behind.

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