Chapter 1694

Over the past few months on the land of Lingnan, a lot of great events have taken place.

First of all, in the ten thousand star secret realm, the little sword of Tongtian sword sect worshipped Dongfang Baida, and killed almost all the strong Yang gods of the seven sects in the Wanxing secret realm!

Later, in the southern Chu Dynasty, Dongfang Bai was besieged by five men in black, which broke his heart. When everyone thought that Lin Bai would die, he was miraculously alive.

Then, XuanHuo elder, one of the four elders of the burning heart sect in the Beiyang Dynasty, was killed by Dongfang Bai. The angry master of the burning heart sect went to the Tongtian sword sect all night to seek justice.

When the burning heart sect had not stopped, it was reported that Dongfang Bai killed Luo Tianzong's supreme religious protector and the emperor level martial spirit disciple just received by Luo Tianzong in Tianxiao city!

Luo Tianzong was furious and rushed to Tongtian sword sect!

In the Tongtian sword sect, the master of the burning heart sect and the Luo Tianzong school joined hands and threatened. The master of the Tongtian sword sect had no choice but to part with pain, and expelled Dongfang Bai from the Tongtian sword sect!

When Dongfang Bai was expelled from the Tongtian sword school, there was a battle between Dongfang Bai and ye Jianjun. Finally, Dongfang Bai killed Ye Jianjun under the sword. A young sword Zun of Tongtian sword sect was killed by Lin Bai!

However, in the whole land of Lingnan, all the martial artists are chanting the words "Oriental White". At this time, Dongfang Bai has come to the Yuntian dynasty!

Fenglei city is one of the main cities in the Yuntian Dynasty. It is specially built here and the city is made of Fenglei stone. Therefore, there is a force of wind and thunder all the year round!

Many martial artists who practice the power of wind and thunder are willing to come to Fenglei city to practice.

"Fenglei city!"

In the sky, there was a cloud in the sky.

And in this thousands of thunder, a towering ancient city, standing up!

This is Fenglei city!

Lin Bai imperial sword rushed into the city, according to the picture he saw with the nether compass, he quickly searched for it in the wind and thunder city.

Finally, Lin Bai in the northern city of Fenglei City, found the house on the nether compass!

Lin Bai's eyes flashed, and the imperial sword rushed into the house!

Soon, the whole house, broke out a burst of earth shaking sound, strong vibration let the wind and thunder city are rapid vibration, attracted countless strong people, one after another out of their homes, to investigate the situation!

"What happened?"

"Who's going to do it in the city of thunder and wind?"

"Is there a strong one in the realm of Yang God

Many warriors have come to the streets in an attempt to find a place of war!

At this time, a light of blood flashed over the city of thunder and wind. Among the blood light, there was a young man who was seriously injured and was covered with sword marks. He was embarrassed and bit his teeth and escaped from the city.

After this blood light, a young man caught up with him in a flash. With one sword, he cut him in half!

"Who is the figure in the blood?"

"It's not right. The man behind him actually controls the sword..."

"It's Oriental White! The man who controls the sword is Dongfang Bai! "

Many warriors in the city of wind and thunder exclaimed in succession.

On the sky, Lin Bai stood on the flying sword. After killing the figure in the blood light with one sword, he put up his storage bag and looked at the distance with his eyes: "there are six more!"

Immediately, Lin Bai didn't have any hesitation. With a flash of his sword, he rushed directly outside the Yuntian dynasty!

Half a month later.

Qinglong Empire, new moon city!

Roaring -

a violent vibration spread, and the new moon city was shrouded in a terrible sword power.

The place where the sword power diffuses is in the east city.

The powerful families in Xinyue city came to the east city one after another. They saw a house, which was cut into pieces by the terrible sword. At the moment, a figure standing on a flying sword rushed out of the Crescent City.

"Five more!"

On the flying sword, the young man in white became more and more cold.

The same scenes appear everywhere on the land of Lingnan.

In the Daohe Dynasty, a sword was split into two parts by a Jian Xiu on the spot. It is said that two swordsmen from all over the world fought fiercely among them

Within the Su Dynasty, the lake was dyed red with blood.

In the Zhao Dynasty, a hundred thousand miles of mountains were torn apart by the fierce battle between the two swordsmen. Countless monsters and warriors died in the residual power of the fierce battle between the two swordsmen!

On the south of the five ridges, there is a rumor that a swordsman has killed a warrior across tens of millions of miles!

Within Tongtian sword sect!

Sword in the hall.Sui an Guijing stands on both sides of the master's sword Zun.

Lin Anyang and Lingluo are standing solemnly.

The master teacher jianzun stood up from his chair and roared, "what is he doing! What is he doing? "

Sui An said: "I got the news from the headquarters of tianbaolou. After Dongfang Bai left the Tongtian sword sect and killed Ye Jianjun in the Mangshan mountains, he went to the Yuntian Dynasty and killed one person. Then he went to the Qinglong Empire, the Daohe Dynasty, the Su Dynasty and the Zhao Dynasty..."

"And he killed only one person. This man is..."

Hearing this, Guijing squinted.

The master's sword Zun also looked cold.

Sui An continued: "if the news of Tianbao tower is correct, all the people killed by Lin Bai in these dynasties are ye Jianjun!"

"What!" Lin Anyang below looked at Sui An in disbelief and said, "how could this be possible! In the secret land of ten thousand stars, Dongfang Bai has already killed Ye Jianjun! "

"In the Tongtian sword sect, ye Jianjun said that it was a part of himself. Were those who came back to Tongtian sword sect at that time just a part of Ye Jianjun?"

"How can it be! The heaven and Earth Spirit fetuses that refine the body are extremely rare. If one can be found on Dongzhou, it would be a great creation. How could ye Jianjun have so many incarnations? "

Lin Anyang looks surprised and says.

But Lingluo's face is particularly calm, and seems not to be surprised by Ye Jianjun's body.

"Is that why he wants to leave Tongtian sword school?" he said coldly

Guijing said at the moment: "Zhang Jiaojian Zun, no matter why Dongfang Bai insisted on leaving Tongtian sword school, he would not hesitate to fight ye Jianjun across several dynasties and tens of thousands of miles! That shows that the hatred between these two people has reached an irresolvable level. "

"If Dongfang Bai doesn't kill all of Ye Jianjun's body, I'm afraid it won't stop!"

GUI Jing said lightly.

Sui An asked, "master, are we going to do it..."

The master of the sword master said, "no, let the outer disciples of Tongtian sword sect who have traveled on the land of Lingnan to stare at Dongfang Bai for me. If he has any action, please tell me immediately!"

"As for what Dongfang Bai wants to do! Let's leave it alone! "

"Yes." Sui An and GUI Jing nodded and answered.

Zhang Jiaojian Zun's eyes were dignified and whispered, "I feel Dongfang Bai's departure from the Tongtian sword sect is just the prelude to a killing. I'm afraid that what he will do next will be against the warriors in the whole land of Lingnan! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!