Chapter 2383

Lin Bai took a sip of the liquor and said with a smile, "this is your internal worry. In fact, it's nothing to worry about. Although Xiaodi likes to listen to nice things, she is not easy to make decisions. Once she makes a decision, no one can change it!"

Chu River Stream nodded slightly.

Lin Bai said, "the internal problems have been solved. Now let's talk about foreign affairs."

"The Shenwu kingdom is recruiting 180 areas in the south corner. There must be many people who are not convinced. Naturally, there will be rebellion."

"In this case, I will tell emperor Xiao that she will arrange these envoys to go back and let the warriors in their own territory suppress the rebels. This also represents the sincerity of the surrender of Shenwu kingdom."

Chu Jiangliu's eyes were happy and said, "sword Lord, this is a clever move! Let the strong men in each of their territory go back and take charge of suppressing the rebels to show their sincerity. In this way, many rebels will be solved! "

Lin Bai said, "yes, and then the kingdom of the south corner."

"That would be simpler. As long as the strong in these territories are willing to surrender, let them form a strong alliance to fight with the kingdom of God in the south corner!"

Chu River current frowned and said, "but Lord Chu, although these strong men are obedient, I'm afraid they won't really fight for the Shenwu kingdom!"

It is not enough time for them to wipe out the Shenwu cape and let the shenwujiao go to the south of Shenzhou to make a good headache

"Even if the strong in these territories are defeated, Shenwu will have the capital to wipe out the kingdom of Nanjiao in person."

"At that time, the kingdom of God in the south corner will be a group of mobs!"

Lin Bai drank wine and said with a smile.

Chu Jiangliu's face was full of joy and said, "sword Lord, you are so clever

"Sword Lord, you are so powerful. With such a few words, you have solved the embarrassing situation of Shenwu kingdom!"

"Come on, sword Lord, let's drink!"

Chu River flow full face ecstasy said.

Lin Bai gave a smile, and after meeting Chu River, he said with a smile, "ha ha, you are just fans of the game. In fact, I don't need to say that. As long as you give Xiaodi a period of time to think about it, she will think of these ways too!"

Chu Jiangliu said: "it is true that Xiaodi has been too tired these years. Since he has been fighting abroad, he has to stabilize the Shenwu state and control the military."

Lin Bai asked, "what is the national strength of Shenwu today?"

Chu River said: "the Treasury is abundant."

"As for the strength of the military, it's not bad!"

"Sword Lord, now Shenwu has..."

Chu Jiangliu said here, the voice dropped down, raised his hand and set up a sound insulation array.

Lin Bai saw that Chu River was so careful that he knew that his next words were related to some secrets in Shenwu!

Chu Jiangliu said: "sword Lord, the military power of Shenwu state is the strongest now, because Xiao emperor's whole mind is training the strong military!"

"The strength of the military, there are three trump card legions obviously, and there are three big legions secretly!"

Lin Bai asked curiously, "speak carefully!"

Chu Jiangliu said: "Shenwu Kingdom now has three legions, namely, Wugou army, Chu army, and iron and Blood Sword God camp."

"Now, there are more than one million people in the Wugou army, which is directly controlled by Emperor Xiao. The officers and men have good accomplishments, and their strength is very strong."

"No scale army, I believe that the sword Lord will not be unfamiliar. It is the army made of the scale free God iron that you left behind at the beginning!"

"Generally, the Wugou army will not leave the imperial city. Unless his majesty Xiaodi personally marches, the Wugou army will go out with him!"

Lin Bai nodded silently.

Chu River Stream continued to say: "then there is the Chu family army of my Chu palace!"

"The Chu army, with nearly ten million soldiers, is now the most numerous army in Shenwu, and it is also the one with strong combat power."

"The Chu army is under my command and is responsible for the four sides of the war!"

"It's also because I'm in control of the nearly ten million Chu army, which makes shanglang very unhappy with me!"

Chu River flow dim said.

Lin Bai nodded his head and said, "and then?"

Chu Jiangliu said: "the next step is the iron and Blood Sword God camp. This is an army formed by all the excellent generals and men of his majesty Xiao di. Although the number is only 100000, the lowest level of cultivation is Feitian realm!"

"On the battlefield, this is equivalent to a sharp sword, responsible for beheading operations!"

"If Chu's army goes on a long war, the emperor Xiaodi will send out an iron and Blood Sword God camp to assassinate the high-level figures of the other side!"

"Some time ago, the Chu army was in trouble in Feilong area, and his majesty Xiaodi sent an iron and Blood Sword God camp to rescue him!"

Lin Bai nodded slightly.

Chu River Liu said with a smile: "sword Lord, this iron and Blood Sword God camp, you are probably familiar with it!"

"Now the seventy-two sword cultivation in Xiandong mountain is the leader of the iron and Blood Sword God camp!""In addition, every major clan and family in the territory of the world will send outstanding disciples into the iron and blood sword Divine camp. On the one hand, they will train their disciples and on the other hand, they will also serve the kingdom of Shenwu."

"For example, in the Tongtian sword sect, almost half of the warriors in the iron and Blood Sword God camp are from the strong ones of the Tongtian sword sect!"

"In addition, the iron and Blood Sword God camp is also responsible for pursuing and killing traitors in Shenwu's country!"

Lin Bai nodded suddenly: "this is the army on the surface of Shenwu kingdom. What about the army in the dark?"

Chu Jiangliu said: "the number of the three secret legions is not much."

"There are three. They are God, darkness, sword

Chu Jiangliu said here and said in a low voice: "in the dark, walk in 180 areas in the south corner of Dongzhou, collect information, few people know their specific identity!"

"The sword department, stationed in the Lingnan Imperial City, secretly monitors the important officials of the imperial court! Among them, shanglang is also monitored

"As for the Ministry of God..."

"The Ministry of divinity will not move out easily, because there are very few warriors in the Ministry of divinity, only less than a thousand warriors. But these warriors exist in the realm of birth and death."

"This is a big killing move prepared by Emperor Xiao!"

Chu said.

Lin Bai said, "now there are martial artists in Shenwu's country with a perfect state of birth and death?"

Chu Jiangliu said with a smile: "sword Lord, thank you for that. Before you left the territory of all nations, you handed over the God's palace to Emperor Xiao."

"His majesty Xiaodi has cultivated many strong men and set up a Ministry of divinity by using the God's palace of nature."

"Among them, there are strong ones who have broken through the adversity of death!"

Lin Bai nodded slightly.

Chu Jiangliu said: "including emperor Xiaodi, her accomplishments have already broken through the adversity of death."

"Sword Lord, I don't understand either. According to the truth, I have the same level of martial spirit as his majesty Xiao di. I also went to the God's palace to practice, but now I've only been born and killed, the five levels of the realm!"

"But emperor Xiao has broken through the adversity of death!"

Lin Bai said faintly: "how can you compare with her? Her spirit is now Beyond the martial spirit

"This kind of martial spirit is beyond everything, from the way of heaven, from all the rules of the world, and the owner has the unpredictable ability!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!