Chapter 2850

Lin Bai and ye Jianjun rush to each other, and the two peerless swords touch each other for the first time in midair. The moment when the powerful forces collide, they spread out.

The whole mountain collapsed in this moment!

The sound of the collapse of Mu mountain reverberates between heaven and earth.

The smoke and dust rolled up all over the sky covered the sky.

At this moment, in the smoke and dust, two extremely sharp swords were cut out, directly tearing the dust from the sky into pieces!

"Split Sky Sword technique! Open the mountains and split the mountains Lin Bai stares at Ye Jianjun with bloodshot eyes, and roars in his mouth. The measuring ruler on his shoulder vibrates. The unspeakable gravity smashes the void and attacks Ye Jianjun.

Ye Jianjun retreated a hundred meters, his face was dignified, and his whole body was full of swords. In his hand, Wang level spirit weapon was heard roaring from the sky.

Right now.

Ye Jianjun turned his hand and made a brilliant fight. The aim of the sword swept across the sky.

It seems that this sword will open up the world and cut the sun and moon into pieces.

"One sword!" When Dugu Yitian and Dugu Hao saw this sword in the forest, they immediately exclaimed.

This is one of the inheritance of the sword God in the family of the sword God.

Meanwhile, Dugu Yitian also understood and practiced this set of sword rules, and he knew the powerful and terrible parts of this set of sword techniques.

This sword, which cuts down the sun, moon and stars, attacks Lin Bai and knocks him back 100 meters.

"Both horizontal and vertical! Cross kill God Ye Jianjun looks cold. After smashing Lin Bai's attack with one sword, he raises his sword and cuts two times in the air.

Two vertical and horizontal sword Qi crossed and attacked Lin Bai.

And in this cross from the sword, came to Lin Bai, suddenly turned into a sword, from every corner around, were crushed to kill Lin Bai.

"Not good!"

Seeing this sword, Dugu Yitian immediately exclaimed.

Dugu Yitian also practiced "one sword", and no one knew the power of this set of sword techniques better than him.

Lin Bai in this sword, do not hide or avoid, let it kill, the body filled with three color God thunder suddenly flash, protect Lin Bai.

The sword that hit Lin Bai's body was also smashed by the thunder on Lin Bai's body in an instant.

Lin Bai, carrying the ruler and holding the demon sword, walked out step by step and looked at Ye Jianjun!

"What a weak and unspeakable sword technique!"

Lin Bai walked out of this piece of sword and said with a cold smile.

Ye Jianjun's eyes twinkled, and he looked at Lin Bai in horror. He never thought that the strongest sword move in "one sword resolution" did not hurt Lin Bai's score!

Ye jianzun, above the clouds, looks even more gloomy as water. If Lin Bai can't be hurt by the Yijian Jue left by Ye Yijian God, it will be very difficult for ye Jianjun to win this battle.

"Flying sword! Taiji Liangyi sword array! "

Lin Bai came out with a measuring ruler on his shoulder. With a cold smile, two flying swords came out of his body, one left and one right. With the sound of swords, they killed Ye Jianjun.

Ye Jianjun had to be distracted to deal with the flying sword and said in a cold voice: "do you want to kill me with these two flying swords? You look down on me too much

"Hum, I never thought of killing you with a flying sword. I will cut off your head with my own hands!" Lin Bai grinned grimly and stepped out step by step, and Jiuchong's artistic conception condensed rapidly.

Originally spread between the heaven and the earth, the nine artistic conception, like a swarm of gathered in Lin Bai's body, under the use of swallowing the soul of the sword, the fusion is unique!

A torrent of power immediately diffused from Lin Bai's demon sword.

"Nine in one! Kill the immortal

The demon sword breaks through the sky, and the sword light destroys God.

When Lin Bai's sword fell, the sky was one of the dark, the sun and moon had no light in an instant. It seemed that the cry of god Buddha came from the void around.

In the twinkling of an eye, a sword that devours heaven and earth breaks the sky and kills Ye Jianjun.

When ye Jianjun saw the sword coming, he looked shocked, pale and sweating. At the same time, his sword was running uncontrollably.

On the top of Ye Jianjun's head, a black fog surges. His martial spirit is born again

Above his head, a dark, earthy yellow world emerged. In that world, countless swords were embedded on the ground.

This is Ye Jianjun's martial spirit, Emperor level martial spirit, sword soul world!

"His spirit has reached God level

"The true spirit of the gods!"

Lin Bai was very surprised to see the spirit of martial arts above Ye Jianjun's head and said in disbelief.

Lin Bai once remembered that when he was in the south of the five ridges, Lin Bai and ye Jianjun fought each other to death. At that time, ye Jianjun also displayed his martial spirit. However, the "world of sword soul" that ye Jianjun displayed at that time was only the imperial martial spirit!But now, when Lin Bai saw the spirit again, he was God level spirit!

Ye Jianjun's martial spirit was on top of his head, and his face showed a sneer: "at that time, the sword God family sent me to the most barren land on the ancient land, sealed the martial spirit, let me start at the end of the day, go through the hardships, strengthen the heart of Taoism!"

"Lin Bai, when you saw my soul in Lingnan, it was just the sealed one!"

"And now you see the spirit of the martial arts, is the true face of the soul!"

"God level martial spirit, sword soul world!"

Ye Jianjun's face showed an extremely confident laugh.


"God level martial spirit!" Standing in the clouds, Dugu Jian Zun looks at Ye Jianjun in horror. Even Dugu Jian Zun doesn't know that ye Jianjun owns the spirit of God level martial arts.

Ye jianzun chuckled: "it seems that the secret of Ye Jianjun's martial spirit can't be kept, but it doesn't matter. Now that he has completed his cultivation in the face of death and adversity, he will soon step into the top position and no one will be able to stop his rise."

Lounan emperor looked at Ye Jianjun in horror: "God level martial spirit..."

Qian Mu, a member of the God of wealth family, blinked his eyes and said in surprise, "hum, ye jianzun of the Jianshen family is so clever that he hides Ye Jianjun so deeply!"

"No wonder, no wonder ye jianzun wants to send Ye Jianjun away from the sword God family for cultivation. Hum, if the Dugu people know that ye Jianjun's martial spirit is divine, I'm afraid that the sword master of the Dugu family can't sleep!"

Qian Mu chuckled and thought carefully and said, "but now it seems that among the contemporary youth, including Ye Jianjun, there are already three deity level martial spirits on the ancient land!"

And Dugu Hao and Dugu Yitian are also shocked.

Dugu Hao was surprised and said: "although I have heard of Ye's family seal Ye Jianjun's spirit and let him go out for training, I guess that even if ye Jianjun unties the seal of martial spirit, it is at most just a quasi divine spirit!"

"But I didn't expect..."

Dugu Yitian was surprised and said: "yes, I didn't expect that he was a god level martial spirit!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!