Chapter 3525

The old man smiles and arranges the servants in the villa to come and take Lin Bai and others to rest in the manor.

As they walked on, Lin Bai looked up and saw a stone tablet in front of the manor. On it was written in vigorous and powerful characters: tianwai villa!

All of them walked forward side by side, and were suddenly invited to come here, which also made Fu Qingshuang and others particularly alert.

"I'm afraid the master of the manor here is not a simple role. The manor is surrounded by the array of prohibitions, one ring at a time, one after another, one after another..." Xun zhizang slowly walked forward, his eyes fixed on the soil under his feet, and said in a cold voice: "even under this earth, there are still arrays of Dharma."

"This place is just an unbreakable iron bucket!"

"I'm afraid that even if millions of troops outside besiege for a hundred days, it's hard to break through these arrays and enter them!"

"If the owner of this place is kind, it's fine. But if the host is evil, I'm afraid we don't even have the qualification to leave here!"

Xun zhizang is an expert in the array. When he comes here, he will surely see that he is extraordinary!

Fu Qingshuang also said: "the old man who just steered the Shenxu Dongtian Shenzhou is a strong quasi Daojing one. However, I am very curious. There are not many strong quasi Daoists in ancient China. After the bloody battle more than 20 years ago, so many people have fallen off. I should know the rest of them, but he looks so strange!"

Lin Bai walked in the middle of the crowd, heard Fu Qingshuang and Xun zhizang's words, his face was particularly dignified, and he was slightly worried!

I also thought in my heart, who is the master of tianwai villa!

Lin Bai could not help but look at Yin Jiuling and others and asked, "Yin Jiuling, Anning, have you ever seen the master of this manor? Why do you say you are invited here? "

"I don't know!" said Yin Jiuling

"Ah Ning said with a wry smile:" or I say it

"Yin Jiuling and I separated from you in Antarctica, then we traveled around and entered the central Holy Land!"

"But after we entered the holy land of the central government, someone came to us and sent us a message saying that Lin Bai was in trouble. I hope we can help us!"

"We heard that you were in deep trouble. We set out immediately and came to the villa outside this day."

An Ning said with a smile: "it's very strange that we didn't see you here, nor did we see the master here, nor did we encounter any difficulties and opportunities. We only saw the housekeeper in charge of the manor, that is, the old man who drove the Shenxu cave Shenzhou just now. He is the housekeeper here, and we call him Libo!"

"We can't leave here to cultivate many Dharma resources, but we can't leave here because we can't get a lot of resources from Li boyin

"Later, Tian can, Mo Qing, Hu Qi, Feng Wenjun, Shi Jiamu, Fang Yiyun and others also came here!"

"To this day, Li Bo, the housekeeper, tells us that you will come today."

"That's why we are waiting for you at the entrance of the manor."

Anin explained slowly.

Lin Bai frowned at the cold. What did the owner of the manor want to do? Taking Lin Bai as an excuse, he lured aining and Yin Jiuling and others to come here. They were trapped here. Instead of harming them, they were given a lot of cultivation resources every day for them to practice and improve their accomplishments!

In this short period of one year, the cultivation of Anning and Yin Jiuling has been climbing, and now it has reached the top nine level, even two levels higher than Lin Bai!

"Master Fang Yiyun, what about you?" Lin Bai looks at Fang Yiyun and others again!

Fang Yiyun sighed bitterly: "when we were traveling in the central holy land, we were found by Mo Wen God that he took Wenjia away. We were also trapped in the Rongqin palace. But later, when we were under house arrest in the Rongqin palace, someone came to guide us and help us escape from the Rongqin Palace. Later, we were also brought here by this guide!"

Tiancan four brothers also said: "Lin Bai, we are similar. We didn't intend to leave Dongzhou so soon, but someone came to our family in qitianyu and said that you were in the central holy state. We hoped that we could help you. We went to the central holy Kingdom and were brought here!"

Feng Wenjun and Shi Jiamu also slightly nodded their heads and said, "me too. Someone came to say that you are in danger in the central holy state. Therefore, Shi Jiamu and I started off!"

Lin Bai looked at Xiangfeng Wenjun and shijiamu. They were close together, so he said with a smile, "fengwenjun, are you two going to have a wedding reception?"

Shi Jiamu's face is cold and gorgeous. When he hears this, he appears a little shy.

"Don't mention it, Lin Bai. You don't know that since Feng Wenjun and Shi Jiamu came, we are all too bitter. They are tired of eating together, playing together, watching the stars, the moon and the rain My God, it's disgusting. I can't stand it. I'm ruthless! " Ning couldn't help but make complaints about it.

Shi Jiamu, with a cold look on his face, said, "if you can't bear it, don't look at it!"Anning glared: "then you still walk around in front of me every day, you don't know to stay away from us!"

"I just want to get angry with you, and I can't find my daughter-in-law!" Shi Jiamu smiles triumphantly.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Fu Qingshuang and Xun zhizang and others heard a quarrel between an Ning and Shi Jiamu. They immediately laughed and looked at each other. They could not help but recall and desolation in their eyes.

Fenglingzi shook the dust and said with a light smile: "ha ha, I still remember that we were like this at the beginning. Lanling and Chen qianyun are tired of getting together every day, and they don't talk about marriage, which makes us all worried."

Xun zhizang said with a smile, "speaking of this matter, Lin Bai, how did Uncle Lanling and Chen qianyun get together in the end?"

Lin Bai was stunned and looked at Xun zhizang with a grin on his face and fenglingzi's proud face. Even though he had guessed eight or nine, he still pretended to be puzzled and asked, "don't you know? What happened in the end? "

Xun zhizang and fenglingzi looked at each other and laughed wildly.

Lin Bai was confused and looked at Fu Qingshuang and asked, "Uncle Fu Qingshuang, what's going on?"

Fu Qingshuang, who has always been scrupulous, also showed a smile at the moment and said, "your uncle xunzhizang has spent a month setting up a magic array that can't be broken in a lonely mountain. Your uncle fenglingzi has carefully prepared a kind of good medicine Then there will be blue jade heart

Lin Bai smiles awkwardly. Although he has already guessed that Xun zhizang and fenglingzi used some obscene means, it is still funny to hear Fu Qingshuang say it.

Fu Qingshuang said: "but it doesn't matter. They both have feelings for each other. It's just because of the affection and propriety. There's no explanation. Xun zhizang and fenglingzi just add fuel to the flames."

Lin Bai nodded slightly, but did not think that Chen qianyun, one of the eighteen immortals in Taoshan, was actually Lan Ling's wife and the biological mother of LAN Yuxin, who died more than 20 years ago! , the fastest update of the webnovel!