Chapter 3687

Lin Bai stood in the same place in silence, and asked himself: do you want to kill him with a sword!

But in Lin Bai's silent thinking, the crow is impatient to urge up: "go and kill the monster to pay off the debt, do you want to pay off the debt, you say, do you want to default?"

Hearing the crow's voice, Lin Bai was speechless in his heart, and said darkly: "I can take you with me, but I have to make it clear that I have the secret of swallowing the spirit of martial arts. You can't tell anyone!"

The crow said with no interest: "Oh, you are not the only one in the world who has devoured the spirit of martial arts. I don't want to send the people of tuntian clan to the giant Protoss, because I know that the giant Protoss and the tuntian clan can't win this war!"

"The Colossus will never win!"

Lin Bai was shocked and asked, "why?"

There was a blank look in the crow's eyes: "what, why? I don't know. These words seem to appear out of thin air. I can't help but say them directly! "

Lin Bai was even shocked by the crow, and even felt that there were some secrets hidden in the crow!

"Let's go, let's hunt and kill monsters to pay off debts!"

The crow immediately said happily.

Lin Bai nodded and put it down first. But he was always on guard against the crows. He flew slowly into the air and said in a low voice, "this is among the foxtail mountains. I don't know where there are most monsters? And we have to be careful, in case we meet a monster in Daojing, we are not rivals! "

The crow's black pupil flashed, surprised to call: "go north, a hundred thousand miles away, a mountain like a sheep's horn, there is a boa constrictor which is about to reach the road. Hum, this boa constrictor tried to eat me, but I'm back to revenge now!"

"Yes, you can avenge me!"

The crow suddenly exclaimed in surprise. The storage ring on his ankle flashed, and out of it flew a scroll about 1000 meters long. On it were many strange symbols that Lin Bai could not understand.

But it seems that the crow can understand, because he wrote it himself!

"Yes, yes, yes, there is a place called Yanglao mountain, 100000 miles away from the north. There is a five colored boa constrictor in it. In those days, he wanted to eat me and hunt me down for 100000 Li. He bullied the birds too much!" The crow searched the scroll for a long time and growled angrily.

Lin Bai leaned over and looked at these strange symbols. There was no word that could be understood. Lin Bai asked curiously, "what are you writing on it? It's just like a chicken claw on the ground

"You can insult me, but you can't insult my words! You see, it is clearly written here that yanglaoshan, the five colored boa constrictor will eat me and chase me for 100000 Li

The crow pointed to a line of characters on the scroll. The "characters" on the scroll showed two sheep horns, an earthworm below, and a cross at the end. Then it was gone

Lin Bai helplessly covers his forehead and wants to cry without tears.

This word, it is estimated that only crows can understand it!

"Let's go, let's find the door! Hum, I want revenge

The crow put up the scroll and stood on the shoulder of Lin Bai, looking forward to the appearance of a strong man coming back.

Lin Bai met and got up and went straight away a hundred thousand miles away.

About a moment later, Lin Bai came to hundreds of thousands of miles away. Under the guidance of crows, he quickly found the mountain like a sheep's horn. The mountain was bare, with strange rocks, steep peaks, cold wind, overcast wind and evil spirit. It was not a good place to see!

After arriving here, the crow jumped on Lin Bai's head, stuck his waist and roared, "do you still remember the little snake and snake in the old goat mountain?"

After the crow's voice was heard, a roar came from the mountain. Countless rocks were flying in the sky, and the mountain burst apart. A colorful light burst out from the mountain, and a hundred Zhang Long Python swam out of the mountain.

"Who dares to come here to play wild?"

When the five colored Python appeared, he held up the snake's head and roared angrily.

This five color boa is also a monster with a fierce reputation within 100000 Li. Ordinary monsters and warriors dare not get close to his mountains easily. For many years, no warrior or monster has dared to challenge it here.

"It's your grandfather Wu, the little flower snake. In those years, I just took a fancy to a small flower in your mountain. As soon as you picked it, you came. You would eat me without saying a word. Even more, you would kill me for a hundred thousand li at a time."

"I'm coming back today. I'm going to kill you on the spot."

Crow standing on Lin Bai's head, pointing to the five color python, roaring and shouting.

Five color Python seems to think of something, a pair of cold snake pupil gradually exposed the sky of anger, roared: "it's you! At that time, I carefully cultivated a hundred years of longyanhua. Just when it was mature, it was snatched away by your hateful little crow. This blood feud, I will make you pay for it with blood! "In retrospect, the five color Python was angry in the sky after the miraculous medicine that he had cultivated for many years was taken away by a crow in the Shendan realm. However, the five color Python was also very surprised because the crow's evasion skill was extraordinary. Although only the cultivation of Shendan realm was only achieved, his escape skill could not catch up with the Wuse python, the demon family of the quasi Taoist realm.

"Hey, you remember me?"

Crow complacent smile way.

"Remember, these years, I wish I could eat your meat and drink your blood. Since you have delivered it to your door today, I will die!" The five color Python opened his mouth and roared. The endless spiritual power of the old goat mountain poured into his mouth. The sand and stones were flying around, and the storm and thunder were raging.

The crow was so smart that he fell on Lin Bai's shoulder and hid behind Lin Bai's hair. He whispered, "depend on you!"

Lin Bai said with a smile, "aren't you so good? Go on

Crow exclaimed: "in terms of fighting, I am a waste!"

"You know yourself well."

Lin Bai said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. He's coming."

The crow exclaimed.

Lin Bai fixed his eyes on it, and the strength gathered from the mouth of the five colored boa spewed out and turned into a column of light to smash mountains and rivers. It broke the mountains and destroyed the forests.

"Hum!" Lin Bai snorted coldly. The flying sword slipped out of the storage bag and fell into his hand. He stepped out with a fierce look.

At the moment of the five color Python's hand, a series of swords fell from the sky and killed the five color python.

In a flash, the five color Python was beaten with blood dripping and crying constantly!

Depending on the mountain situation, the five color Python evades Lin Bai's attack while waiting for an opportunity to fight back. However, Lin Bai's sword technique is extremely domineering, and the five color Python is almost powerless to fight back. After dozens of rounds, Lin Bai's figure emerges from the sky in the shadow of the sword. A sword light falls from the sky and penetrates the head of the five color python.

Immediately, the five color Python fell to the ground, howled and died. , the fastest update of the webnovel!