Chapter 4215

Lin Bai retreats to the middle of the challenge arena, looks up at the shocked warriors on the four sides of the cliff, smiles and waits for the next challenger!

"This person seems to be with elder martial sister Qin Yuyan?"

"It's strange that elder martial sister Qin Yuyan is such a character that even the direct disciples of the eight powerful families in Hengzhou can hardly meet her. The talented disciples in the eternal demon sect have to ask in advance if they want to go with her. How can she get into the eye of elder martial sister Qin Yuyan if she wants to go with her

"Is it from Qin pavilion?"

"No, no, no, it doesn't look like a person from Qin Pavilion. If he is from Qin Pavilion, he should call elder martial sister Qin Yuyan" Miss ". However, what he said just now is" elder martial sister Qin ". It is obvious that this person has a personal relationship with elder martial sister Qin, not a member of the Qin cabinet!"


On the four sides of the cliff, many warriors are analyzing the subtle relationship between Lin Bai and Qin Yuyan.

However, many martial artists noticed Lin Baigang's strength: "the fist he just made, both in speed and in strength, has reached the level of cultivation of at least three levels of robbery. However, I didn't feel any fluctuation of his spiritual power just now, which shows that This man is a body builder

"He didn't use his spiritual power just now? Is it exercise? "

"Yes, the cultivation of quasi Daojing defeats the two robbers. If you only rely on cultivation, you can't do it. It must be body training."

Many people have guessed that Lin Bai practiced the body building technique, and they are very sure.

At this moment, a warrior who had three robberies in the Taoist realm jumped up and fell on the challenge arena. He looked at Lin Bai and gave a salute: "listen to my younger martial brother, any warrior below the level of daozun can fight on the stage. The elder martial brother will come. Please don't feel that the elder martial brother is bullying the small one with the big one."

Lin Bai looked up. He was wearing a disciple's robe, but his upper body was exposed. His strong muscles reflected strong waves in the sunlight. His arms were slender and his fists were like steel. Lin Bai could see at a glance that he was also a practitioner.

"Younger martial brother just defeated his opponent and didn't display his spiritual power. So I think younger martial brother should be a body exerciser."

"Look, brother Wei has also practiced physical training for several years. I've come to ask for advice from younger martial brother!"

Lin Bai laughed and said, "elder martial brother, please."

Without saying a word, the warrior clenched his fist with five fingers, and his powerful strength rose from his body, setting off bursts of red flame, rising above and converging into a dragon shape around him.

With the operation of the supernatural power and Taoism, the body of this warrior has undergone subtle changes. His musculoskeletal structure is more robust and his strength is amazing. Lin Bai feels that his every move is enough to crush mountains and tear mountains and rivers.

"Younger martial brother, take it."

The warrior's eyes flashed, and his body suddenly rushed to Lin Bai, which was like a cannon ball.

Lin Bai sneered, raised his right hand slightly, clenched his fist with five fingers, and struck forward with a fist, in tit for tat with this warrior's fist.

At the moment when the fists collided, the deafening sonic boom shook the seventh mountain arena, and the storm surged wildly, which tilted the warriors on the four sides of the cliff.

Then, a crackling sound came. The skin of the warrior's arm began to crack from his fist to his shoulder. The flesh and blood burst open, revealing the white bones inside and splashing blood. It was particularly ferocious.

Bang! Which warrior flies backwards and falls on the edge of the arena covered with blood.

He stood up unsteadily from the ground with a pale face. He looked at his right arm and was completely unconscious. He could easily see the bones and bones in the flesh and blood.

"I give in."

The warrior nodded to Lin Bai and turned to jump off the challenge arena.

This is a tough guy. If other warriors are hurt so badly, he will change his face even if he doesn't scream. But he doesn't, as if his arm has nothing to do with him. His face is calm and cold, and his eyes are cold. After he admits defeat, he falls on the cliff and sits down.

"Really? I don't believe that no one can clean up your quasi Taoist realm? "

"I'll try it!"

Then, another warrior fell down on the stage.

Lin Bai said before that he had an agreement with elder martial sister Qin that he would win ten games in a row, so he would not step down.

In this case, seeing Lin Bai beat his opponent, a new challenger came to the stage immediately!

"Be careful, younger martial brother, but you have the cultivation of the five robberies, which is not comparable to those crooked melons and split dates." The warrior who landed on the ground sneered and said to Lin Bai.

"Please do it, elder martial brother." Lin Bai smiles.

The man's body swayed and turned into a series of shadows, and rushed to Lin Bai from all directions. He held a dagger in his hand and stabbed Lin Bai's dead bodies with cold breath.

Lin Bai quickly swept away and found the real body of the man from the countless shadows. He clenched his fist with five fingers and struck him out. He accurately hit the man and knocked him out of the arena.


Lin Bai clasped his fist.The warrior who fell down from the challenge arena was dazzled. He couldn't believe how Lin Bai found his real body from his illusory skill for many years?

Lin Bai fought three games and won three games in a row, which made the warriors on the four sides of the cliff dumbfounded.

The most important thing is that Lin Bai only has the cultivation of quasi Taoism.

"Interesting? I'll try it! "

While talking, another person will come to an end.

Lin Bai bowed his hand. The man took out a long knife and waved it. The knife Gang chopped at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai, as always, clenched his fist with five fingers and hit it with his fist. His huge strength shattered Dao Gang, and he flew off the competition platform.

"Another punch?"


Many people were stunned. In four matches, Lin Bai defeated four opponents with four fists.

It seems that the people on the stage today can't let Lin Bai give a second punch.

Another person came on the stage, but it was sword cultivation. The blade was sharp and the meaning of the sword was incomparable.

Lin Bai shakes mountains and rivers with his fist, smashes his sword intention, and knocks him down from the arena.

"Five wins!"

"Can he really win ten games in a row?"

"My dear, this man is not simple. Deng Hang's Huanglong liantijue can't help him, and ye Qingfeng's" lakeside sword song "is not his opponent. They are all defeated by him with one easy blow."


It seems that Qin's younger sister is not happy with the cliff

Li Yumen was stunned and said, "younger martial brother Qingluo is so strong? Speaking of it, I have never seen younger martial brother Qingluo make a move? This is the first time. "

"It's just a Book of cultivation experience. Does elder martial sister Jiang think I can't bear it?" Qin Yuyan said with a bitter smile: "but I can't let younger martial brother Qingluo win so easily."

Jiang xuansu asked curiously, "what? Does younger martial sister Qin want to add more? "

Qin Yuyan shook his head and said with a smile: "no, no, no, the risk of adding is too big. It's unnecessary, but you can raise some difficulties for younger martial brother Qingluo."

Jiang xuansu frowned, unable to understand the meaning of Qin Yuyan.

Li Yumen is also confused.

But then Qin YuYan's words made them dumbfounded.

Qin Yuyan stood up and cried to Lin Bai, who was in the audience with a shy face: "younger martial brother is so brave. The biggest dream of elder martial sister in this life is to marry a strong man like his younger martial brother as his wife Cluck, younger martial brother, don't be tired, don't hurt people, otherwise elder martial sister will be very heartache

When Jiang xuansu and liyumen heard Qin YuYan's words with shame and shame, they were immediately dumbfounded.

Even Lin Bai was stunned. Looking back at Qin Yuyan, he suddenly had a bad premonition: "not good Elder martial sister Qin Cheats , the fastest update of the webnovel!