Chapter 4682

Luo Wuling, who was outside the competition, saw this scene and jumped in his heart: "it's over. Just now he went to repair the defensive array Who knows that Lin Zhiwei's speed is so fast that he is not behind the speed of a Taiyi Daoguo? "

"What is to be done?"

"No? Is it so easy for the tuntian people to die? "

Luo Wuling unbelievably looked at Lin Bai who was picked to fly in mid air. For a moment, he was at a loss.

"Lin Bai..." Jiang xuansu appears outside the defensive array of the martial arts competition field. He runs the defensive array by hammering. It seems that he wants to tear a hole to save Lin Bai.

The defensive array can be broken by Jiang xuansu. She can't shake the defensive array if she uses her cultivation methods.

Just when Jiang xuansu was anxious, he was shot through his abdomen. Lin Bai, who was flying in mid air, raised his right hand slightly, indicating that Jiang xuansu should not be fooling around.

Seeing Lin Bai's action, Jiang xuansu's anxious heart finally relaxed, and his face showed a pale smile.

Lin Bai put away the ruler, pressed the spear through his abdomen with his left hand, pulled it out of his body, and the whole man bounced back and landed on the edge of the competition field.

"Younger martial brother, are you ok?"

Lin Zhiwei was scared just now. He thought he had killed Lin Bai by mistake.

If Lin Bai really died in his hands, Leng Xingguang would not let him go.

Leng Xingguang not only has a high status in Fengxue villa, but also enjoys excellent popularity.

Feng Yiren is the confidant of Leng Xingguang. Although Hua wuhui wants to surpass Leng Xingguang, he always regards Leng Xingguang as an example and a respected object in his heart.

In the early years, when Lin Zhiwei reached the bottleneck of his cultivation, Leng Xingguang also gave him many instructions.

It's no exaggeration to say that Leng Xingguang's status among the young disciples of Fengxue villa is definitely higher than that of the current master of Fengxue villa.

If he killed Lin Bai, the friendship between him and Leng Xingguang would almost come to an end.

As a good friend of Leng Xingguang, Lin Zhiwei deeply knows how difficult it is for Leng Xingguang to find a fellow.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lin Bai keeps his life, which makes Lin Zhiwei feel relieved.

"It's just a little blood. It's OK!"

Lin Bai looked at the blood hole the size of his abdominal fist and laughed. The power of the five elements Taoist body started to work and soon stopped the blood.

After stopping the bleeding, Lin Bai raised his head again, looked at Lin Zhiwei's God armor, and said with a smile, "the God armor on elder martial brother's body really deserves the reputation."

"To tell you the truth, with my cultivation strength so far, I can't break through the defense of the God armor."

Lin Bai grinned bitterly. Others thought that Lin Bai was going to give up.

But then Lin Bai said, "but This competition is the fourth one between Fengxue villa and the eternal demon sect. The eternal demon sect has already lost two competitions. I have to win this one. "

"If I were to compete in other periods, I would not hesitate to admit defeat and leave, but this one I have to win! "

Lin Bai solemnly said to Lin Zhiwei: "just now, elder martial brother has been giving me the opportunity, giving me time to show my ability Now, I also give elder martial brother a chance. As long as elder martial brother admits defeat, younger martial brother can stop here! "

Everyone's face turned pale when they heard Lin Bai's words.

Sounds like Lin Bai has other means?

And some people who know the inside story, immediately excited.

Especially those old people in the depths of the evil moon sect said excitedly: "here, here, the secret of tuntian clan is coming."

"As long as Lin Zhiwei doesn't give up, then we can see the secret of tuntian clan."

"Don't worry, Lin Zhiwei has no other advantage, that is, toutie. He won't give up!"


Elder Zhou's eyes shrunk, and he could not help sitting up straight, carefully observing every move in the contest.

Leng Xingguang raised his spirit and looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Zhiwei's eyes were full of excitement and yearning: "please don't worry, younger martial brother. If you can die in the secret hands of younger martial brother, you will die without regret I have admired you for a long time. Unfortunately, I wanted to fight with elder martial brother Leng a long time ago, but elder martial brother Leng said His secret method will only bring pain to people and will not be used easily! "

"So, I've never experienced it personally in all these years. Today, I'd like to thank my younger martial brother for giving me this opportunity!"

"Younger martial brother, please."

Lin Zhiwei reined in the reins and injected his whole body's spiritual power into the armor, which raised the armor's defense to the highest level.

When Lin Bai heard the words, he slowly lifted up the demon sword, lingering all over his body with a black sharp light.

The black limang seems to have a mysterious power, which can crush and absorb everything between heaven and earth. Even the light shining on the limang is swallowed up.

"Elder martial brother Leng is right. This secret method can only bring pain to people!""Elder martial brother, let me remind you that my sword will not kill you, but I may Destroy your armor

"I still hope elder martial brother can admit defeat. The power of the Heavenly God armor is extraordinary. If it is destroyed in my hands, not only elder martial brother will feel heartache, but also I will blame myself."

Hearing Lin Bai's words, Lin Zhiwei didn't respond. Instead, he heard the voice of ridicule from the other warriors on the observation table: "arrogance, God armour is absolutely the top ten defensive magic weapon in the thousand states of evil moon. How can it be destroyed if you say it can be destroyed?"

"Is, don't say is you a seven grade road God, even if is too Yi Road fruit of strong want to destroy the God armor is not very easy!"

Lin Bai and Lin Zhiwei calm down and are not disturbed by the sound of the audience.

Lin Zhiwei smiles and takes a look at his armor. His eyes show some reluctance. It can be seen that he is making a very difficult choice in his heart.

If other warriors in the realm of Tao and God said that "his next blow will destroy the armor of God", Lin Zhiwei would also laugh like those warriors in the audience.

But this sentence comes from Lin Bai's mouth. Lin Zhiwei deeply knows how powerful the tuntian clan is!

Since Lin Bai said that he would destroy Tian Shen Jia, then the next blow, he really might destroy it!

After half a sound, Lin Zhiwei seemed to make a choice. He said to Lin Bai with a free and easy smile: "I always believe that a unique piece of armour should not be placed in a dusty and dark treasure house, let alone on the exhibition, and become a nameless treasure..."

"It's like a unique sword. He shouldn't hide in the scabbard all the time."

"Sword is a tool to kill people. From the moment it was born, it was used to kill people and drink blood."

"Baojia, from the moment it was born, was used to fight, it was used to resist the offensive."

"If at this moment I give up because I'm worried that the armor will be destroyed, then I'm not worthy to own it, let alone be its owner!"

Lin Zhiwei's words from the bottom of his heart seem to resonate with the spirit of the armor, which makes the armor shine brightly and the golden light glare at everyone's eyes.

"Good!" Lin Bai's face sank, and his black sharp arrows converged on the demon sword.

At this moment, Lin Bai's voice was cold and heartless: "swallow the way of heaven! Stop fighting , the fastest update of the webnovel!