Chapter 4706

When Lin Bai came to Qinzhou in Yunling, he realized the size of the Li family in Yunling, so he had a question in his mind

That's how the evil moon sect wants to destroy a huge family with millions of people?

One million people only refer to Li's lineage and branches in Li's city.

It did not include the other Li family members scattered in 27 prefectures of Yunling.

What should the evil moon sect do?

Is it to let the warriors of Daluo Daoguo and Taiyi Daoguo kill and kill so that the day is dark and the blood flows into a river? Or is it building an unprecedented array outside the Li family town to turn millions of warriors in the Li family town into flying ash?

After all, if one of the millions of people escaped, they might be brought unknown disaster by the evil moon sect.

Now that the evil moon sect has figured out how to fight against the Li family in Yunling, it must have prepared a complete plan for how to make the Li family in Yunling arrest.

"I don't need you to worry about this. My evil moon sect has already arranged it."

"For the rest of the time, you just need to wait for good news in Lijiacheng."

"Everything has been arranged. It is estimated that the result will come in just one or two days."

Gu Jin smiles mysteriously, and does not reveal the plan of the evil moon sect to Lin Bai and others.

After arranging for Lin Bai and others, Gujin left the inn quickly and let the four of them have a good rest in the inn.

Gong Jian looked unhappy and snorted:

"the evil moon sect doesn't trust us? Is it difficult that we will disclose the evil moon sect plan to the Li family in Yunling? "

"Gong Jian, say a few words. After all, it's a matter between the evil moon sect and the Li family in Yunling. We're only here for Li Baiyue. It's reasonable that the evil moon sect won't tell us the plan."

Meng Qi knew that the evil moon sect must have planned for a long time for the Li family in Yunling. Otherwise, it would be impossible to force the Li family into a desperate situation in just half a month.

It's not easy to deal with the Li family in Yunling, and it's reasonable for the evil moon sect to be cautious.

Maybe even many disciples of the evil moon sect don't know what the plan is? How can you tell Lin Bai and others?

Lin Bai stood by the window, looking at the passers-by and businessmen coming and going in the Li family town. His brows were twisted into a piece, and his face was full of haze.

"What are you thinking?"

Jiang xuansu noticed that Lin Bai's expression was complicated, so he came to his side and asked in a soft voice.

"I always feel that something is wrong..." Lin Bai took a deep breath, eyes deep: "there is a feeling of being calculated!"

"Calculation?" Jiang xuansu frowned: "who is calculating us? Is it the Li family in Yunling

Lin Bai looked up to the sky and sighed, shaking his head: "I don't know, I feel very confused. It's like there is a huge net falling on this land, which nets us, the Li family and the evil moon sect in Yunling. We can't escape, and we can't resist."

"At that time, I heard the elder's words and thought that what he said was very reasonable. But when I came to Yunling, I combined with the actual situation of the Li family in Yunling and thought about it carefully, but I felt that the elder's words were full of holes."

Gong Jian and Meng Qi go to Lin Bai silently. Meng Qi asks, "where is the loophole?"

Lin Bai Lue pondered and said: "first, the elder told me that they found Li Bai Yue was escorted back to Li's home by Li's parents. If the evil moon sect really found Li Bai Yue's trace, why not stop Li Bai Yue outside the evil moon sect?"

"With the skill of evil moon sect, if Li Baiyue really goes back to Li's family secretly, he will never leave Yuezhou."

"This is one of the doubts."

"The second doubt is that there are millions of Li people in Yunling. It's not easy to find Li Baiyue from the millions? Why does the evil moon cult insist that Li Baiyue must be in the clan? Can't Li Baiyue travel around and slowly return to Li's home after she leaves Star City? "

"There are still many doubts It's something I can't figure out all the time. "

"For example, why did Li Baiyue break into the house and massacre hundreds of disciples when he came to the well and didn't cross the river?"

Hearing Lin Bai's analysis, Meng Qi, Gong Jian, and Jiang xuansu all felt that things were in a mess, and they had a headache, but they couldn't figure out why.

Meng Qi said darkly: "we are the weak clan on the edge of Xiyue Qianzhou. Maybe Xiyue sect and the Li family in Yunling have means and skills that we don't know. They may know many secrets that we don't know."

"Qingluo, don't think about it. Now that we're here, no matter what the evil moon sect says is true or false, we have to try to find Li Baiyue. Otherwise, once the Li family is destroyed, Li Baiyue will be away from the world. It's not easy for us to find him."

"The blood feud of zongmen must be avenged, otherwise, you and I can't go back to the Zhangjiao and zongmen disciples."

Meng Qi's words are reasonable. Lin Bai's mind is astringent, and he spits out a long breath of turbid Qi.

Hold back the random speculation in your heart and raise your spirit to cope with the rapidly changing situation.

"Well, when it comes, it will be settled.""Elder martial sister Jiang, let's go out to inquire about some news and see if we can find the clue of Li Baiyue!"

Lin Bai couldn't stop for a moment, especially after he found that things were chaotic and complicated. Lin Bai was eager to get rid of the big net and didn't want to be played with as a chess piece.

Meng Qi and Gong Jian stay at the inn in case the evil moon sect can't find anyone else.

Lin Bai and Jiang xuansu left the inn to inquire about the news.

In a luxury restaurant not far away from the inn, Lin Bai and Jiang xuansu ordered two pots of wine and dishes, and sat down for an afternoon.

Teahouses, restaurants and gambling houses are the places with the fastest flow of information.

But Lin Bai and Jiang xuansu sat in the restaurant, looking at the drinkers in and out. After listening to them all afternoon, they didn't hear any useful news.

The most talked about thing in the restaurant is the amazing battle between Lin Bai and Lin Zhiwei.

But no one talked about the tense relationship between the Li family and the evil moon sect in Yunling.

"There doesn't seem to be any useful news."

Jiang xuansu raised his eyes and looked out of the window. At the moment, a new moon was hanging in the sky, and the white moonlight was shining on thousands of families.

"Not at all..." Lin Bai smiles mysteriously.

Jiang xuansu frowned and looked at Lin Bai suspiciously.

This afternoon, he and Lin Bai entered the restaurant together, sat down together, and listened to the voices and laughter from all directions.

She didn't hear any useful news, but it seems that Lin Bai heard some?

How is that possible? Isn't the world they live in the same?

"What useful news have you heard?" Jiang xuansu asked curiously.

"It's not very useful, but a little is better than nothing." Lin Bai said with a smile: "at sunset, a group of drinkers talked about The Li family in Yunling have a large number of warriors coming back from all directions these days. It seems that they are preparing something. "

"And they seem to be talking about It seems that the Li family in Yunling held a high-level meeting in secret yesterday, but after the meeting, it seems that every warrior who attended the meeting didn't look very good. "

"I also heard the name of the warrior they mentioned most, which was The second master of the Li family. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!