Chapter 223 New City

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:

Since it was an order from Shadow Garden, Baroness Rose immediately understood how important it was and that I didn't have a choice in this matter.

So she arranged everything so that I was able to set off the next day.

She had wanted to arrange for some people to come with me, but I refused since I knew that this would be a dangerous trip. I didn't want to put anyone that I cared about in danger.

Not to mention, I would be with Shaka and another group that Scar had sent for me that were waiting in the city already.

With all of these people, it should be enough manpower to complete this mission.

As we left, Baroness Rose looked at me with a worried look before giving a deep kiss in front of everyone. After we separated, she said, "Come back safe. Not just for me, but as for..."

Her voice trailed off, but the way that she held her stomach made it clear what she was saying.

Of course, we weren't certain that there was a baby in the oven yet, but with how much we had done it over the past few days, I wouldn't have been surprised if there was one.

I patted her on the head and said, "I'll be back soon."

Though it did look awkward with the height difference...

Still, the people around were moved by this display.

Moon and a few elves had also come to see us off and judging by the look on their faces, it almost seemed like they wanted to follow me. But in the end, I was able to convince them to stay since there was no way that I could bring them along to this mission.

Though Moon still had that strange way of looking at me...

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't glad to have an excuse to get away from her for a few days, or maybe even a month depending on how the mission went.

After our goodbyes, we headed off in the carriage that Baroness Rose had prepared for us.

On the surface, this was a courtesy trip paid by a noble, but in reality it was an investigation for the Shadow Garden.

Of course, it was useful to have this cover as a noble paying a courtesy trip since it would allow them much more freedom than if they were here to investigate as agents.

As for our destination, we were heading to Bright Water City.

This was one of the major port cities of the kingdom and as such, the city lord of this city was someone that was very important.

The one who was in charge of this important city was a duke.

It was the ducal family of Beauchamp, one of the founding families of the kingdom.

They were the target of the investigation this time.

That was why this was a very important and critical mission that had to be completed in a timely manner.

After all, the influence that a ducal family had on the kingdom was very clear.

If such a family was under the influence of the demons or if such a family was a family of demon worshippers, there was no doubt that it would be disastrous for the kingdom.

That was why I had no choice but to accept this mission even if I knew that it was dangerous.

During the trip, I tried to dig up as much information as I could about this ducal family from my memories of the game.

Bright Water City was one of the main cities in the game and was an important location that had many different quests, but...the quests had never involved the ducal family. Or even if they did, it was just a small piece of lore that mentioned the ducal family.

Such as them commissioning a survey of a local lake or them sponsoring adventurers to hunt down some monsters.

There was never a quest that had directly involved the ducal family.

At the same time, there wasn't much lore about the Beauchamp Family in the first place.

Only after becoming a high ranked noble would one be able to contact them in the first place. Even the rank of count normally wasn't enough to contact them.

So it could be said that material related to the Beauchamp Family was considered late game material.

Generally by that point, the story had settled and there wasn't much for the Beauchamp Family to do.

At most, they would come to your coronation when you took over as the king by saving the princess...

So there was just no information for me to work with...

As for the quests in Bright Water City, there had never been one that had been related to the demons.

Most of the quests in Bright Water City were either early game quests or quests that required the player to go to other cities.

Bright Water City was a port town, so it was a place where many rumours gathered from different places. That led players to take ships to different cities and towns to solve local problems.

There weren't really any important quests that were based in Bright Water City.

So in the end, the only conclusion that I was able to draw was that...I was screwed.

I had no information about this place and I had no idea where I was even supposed to start to get information.

Without prior knowledge, I would have to depend on pure luck to find the demons that they wanted me to find.

And the fact that I was given this mission in the first place showed that I had no good luck to speak of.n0VelUsb.c0m

So if I wasn't screwed, there was no other way to put it.

With this heavy heart, we traveled for a week until we finally came into view of Bright Water City.

Seeing this beautiful city, I really couldn't get in the mood to enjoy the scenery since I knew that this was going to be the place of my biggest failure yet.