Chapter 500 Preparing a banquet

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:
Chapter 500 Preparing a banquet

A few days later, we left Viscount Henry's territory.

During this time, we had toured his territory quite a bit and found that it was even better than I thought.

Unlike Viscount Teomold's territory which was a mess, Viscount Henry's territory was very well managed.

He was someone that applied town planning quite well.

Each part of the town served a particular purpose and he grouped buildings that had similar functions together.

There was a residence area, a leisure area, an industrial area, and a business area.

It was perfectly divided up so that all these areas had places to grow and that they complemented each other.

He wasn't just a warrior, but also someone that was skilled in taking care of his territory.

No matter how I looked at it, he seemed like a S Rank character that I wanted to collect. If I could get Viscount Henry as my subordinate and have him help Rose manage my territories...

I could see that Rose also wanted the same, but the one she was targeting was different.

She was targeting Viscount Henry's wife.

During our stay in his territory, we had gone around with Viscount Henry and his family, touring his territory.

But while we were touring and asking questions, half of the questions were answered by his wife.

So it was clear that she was a very capable woman that fully supported her husband.

Rose was very interested in taking her under her wing as well.

When we left Viscount Henry's territory, both of us could see what the other person was thinking.

It was just too bad that the viscount and his wife didn't know what would be coming for them.

For our next was our own territory.

After being away for close to three weeks, it was time to head back.

If we stayed out any longer, it would be very likely that our territory would collapse without Rose there to manage it.

Shaka shook his head with that same bitter smile before saying, "You tell me."

I tilted my head to think about it and I slowly gave a nod as if agreeing with him.

Now that I had been taught common sense, I recognized how big every single incident that I had caused had been.

But that wouldn't stop me from doing what I wanted to do in the future.

So I just shrugged and said, "It's not as bad this time."

Shaka revealed a bitter smile, but he still gave a nod as he said, "Alright, what is it this time?"

"It's very simple, I just want to host a banquet."

Shaka immediately revealed a surprised and confused look when he heard this as he slowly repeated, "A banquet?"

I gave a simple nod in response.

Shaka looked at me with a brow raised, but he didn't question it as he said, "Alright, then what do we need to do to help?"

I revealed a smile.

It was good when they caught on quickly.

I gave the instructions that I had for Shaka and they quickly set off while I returned to the town.

When I came back, I went to find Haley to get in touch with someone else.

This would be the surprise that would be prepared for the banquet that I would be holding.

After that, all that was left was to prepare the actual banquet.

This would be a banquet for several nobles, so it wasn't something that could be done casually.

It would take a lot of preparation before we would be ready to welcome all of these different nobles.

But of course, that was mainly for Rose and her subordinates to take care of.

All I could do was silently apologize to them.