Chapter 687 A raid

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:
Chapter 687 A raid

I set out with the fourth prince early the next morning.

We went to a certain part of the city which I didn't recognize, but when we arrived, I realized what we were here for.

This was the place where the fourth prince had put his troops in the capital.

This place was a full training camp that was dedicated to training troops that were under him.

I had never seen this place before in the game, but I did know that there was a place like this in the capital. After all, when the coup happened, the fourth prince's troops had already been in the capital.

It was one of the reasons why he had been so successful in his coup that he was able to get rid of all the other princes.

While they were still waiting for their troops to gather to defend them, the fourth prince's troops were already there to capture them all. The princes hadn't been able to do a thing as they were all captured and executed.

Though in this timeline, they had died a much different death.

As for the reason why we were getting these troops...

After gathering the fourth prince's troops and to my surprise, my own troops who I hadn't seen since coming to the capital, we headed out to a certain residence.

The reason why I hadn't Cecilia and the knights that came with me was because I had been in the castle. They weren't allowed in the castle as soldiers of a noble, so I had left their arrangement to the fourth prince.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

It seemed that the fourth prince had arranged for them to stay here with his troops.

As for why no noble soldiers were allowed in the castle, it was to protect the king.

Only the soldiers that were loyal to the royal family were allowed in the castle. That way, they would be able to protect the king from anything that happened.

It didn't take us long to arrive at this residence, that was how effective the fourth prince's troops were.

A part of them diverted the people in the streets while the rest of us marched to that residence.

We went up the stairs and arrived at the master bedroom before the fourth prince's men kicked open the door.

"What is going on?" A voice shouted from within before it was followed by the screaming of women.

Though the head butler said that he was with the mistress, it turned out that it wasn't just the two of them.

There were several women who were in bed with General Gardner and his wife and it seemed that they had been playing around just now as the women were naked.

Seeing the door being kicked open like this, they all grabbed at the blanket to cover themselves, but there was only so much blanket for all of them.

Still, we didn't care about the show as we only focused on General Gardner.

He was the one that we wanted.

General Gardner was a senior military official, so he of course recognized the fourth prince.

But he wasn't scared when he saw the fourth prince.

He just narrowed his eyes to look at the fourth prince before saying, "Your highness, what is the meaning of this?"

The fourth prince didn't bother answering as he raised the same paper that he had raised before in front of him and unfurled it to read, "On behalf of the royal family, we are here to capture the traitor York Gardner and to bring him to trial."

General Gardner was shocked to hear this, but he didn't ask if this was a joke.

That was because he could see the royal seal that was on the paper.

That was what had forced the head butler to stop resisting earlier.

No one would be foolish enough to forge the royal seal, which meant that this was a true royal decree.

So General Gardner just said, "You'll regret this."

The fourth prince didn't bother answering again as he gave the signal for his men to capture him.