Chapter 694 Strange report

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:
Chapter 694 Strange report

A week passed since that sham of a trial.

The former General Gardner and several of his loyal subordinates were handed over to the Beirut Kingdom as punishment for their war crimes.

But knowing that there was the possibility that things could go wrong, we had to take precautions as well.

So the former General Gardner and his men were all...executed ahead of time and only their heads would be sent to the Beirut Kingdom.

Although this would cause a bit of displeasure from the other side since they would want to execute these people themselves, there was no other choice. We wouldn't let anything go wrong, so we couldn't let the former General Gardner and his men go to the Beirut Kingdom alive.

As for their families, they were also executed and sent along with them.

Cutting the roots as well, that was the only way to ensure that it was safe.

If we didn't do this, there was no knowing what would have happened.

Along with this, the nobles that had been summoned as part of the fake jury had also been executed.

They were nobles that had their corruption found by the fourth prince, so we were using this chance to catch them all in one fell swoop. We wouldn't let any of them escape from our net.

Just by taking care of all of them, the capital had become much cleaner.

There were still nobles outside of the capital that weren't as clean, but it wasn't as if we could get rid of them all right away. These nobles held important positions outside of the capital, so it was impossible to kill them all right away.

If that did happen, then it would mean the collapse of the kingdom since there would be too many gaps to fill.

The biggest threat right now was Duke Yuletide, but it wasn't the time to take him down yet.

We still had to stabilize the core of the country before taking him down.

When the king saw me reading the report so intensely, he couldn't help feeling strange, so he asked, "What is it? Is something wrong?"

I shook my head in response as I said, "There's nothing wrong in particular, but this seems strange."

"Strange?" The king repeated before reaching his hand out towards me.

I just passed him one page of the report while keeping the rest of myself.

That one page was the general summary of the event while the rest of the report went into further detail about it.

But basically, this was a report about a rumour from this country.

It was a rumour that seemed to stir the entire country with the way that it spread.

There was a forest on the edge of that country and lately, there have been animals that have been dying there. These animals would suddenly cough up black blood and die in the middle of nowhere.

It seemed like some kind of illness, but the doctors hadn't been able to find anything.

Even the magicians that checked these animals weren't able to find anything wrong with them.

So they could only conclude that the animals had died of some kind of natural death.

But the people that lived in the area surrounding the forest insisted that this was the work of a dark god that was sealed deep in the forest. They said that the seal on the dark god was weakening, which was why these creatures were dying.

It would only be a matter of time before the dark god was unleashed, so they begged the duke to send for someone to seal this dark god again.

"Isn't this just a bunch of superstition? Though the fact that these animals are dying these unnatural deaths does seem strange." The king said aloud, but I didn't react.

That was because I had been in deep thought this whole time.

All of this seemed familiar to me...