Chapter 753 Dig out the roots

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:
Chapter 753 Dig out the roots

The king raised a brow when he heard this, but he didn't say anything.

He just looked at me with this brow raised for a bit before saying in a whimsical voice, "Should I punish you? You're the one that suddenly ditched all your work to cause this large commotion for a 'detour'...that was what you called it. You didn't tell us anything about this 'detour' and just headed off on your own."

The way that he said this, it was almost as if he was teasing me about this which made a bitter smile appear on my face.

But I didn't say anything as it seemed like he was avoiding the issue by talking about these things. It was as if he was trying to keep me in suspense for as long as possible, though I didn't understand why he would do that.

It didn't seem like there was anything for him to gain from this.

After teasing me for a bit, the king suddenly revealed a serious look as he said, "The nobles are calling for me to punish you. Since the day that we received the report of the wyverns flying to the Dwarven Kingdom, they wanted me to punish you for provoking the dwarves and endangering our relationship with them."

He narrowed his eyes to look at me before saying, "They are even saying that they want to try you for treason for trying to start another war between our country and the Dwarven Kingdom."

I gave a nod with an understanding look, but there was still a trace of bitterness on my face.

I knew that the nobles weren't thinking about the kingdom at all, but rather they were thinking about their own benefits. So the reason why they wanted to punish me was to restrain the power that I currently had in this kingdom.

If there really was a war, all they would do is hide in their territories again or even switch sides if they felt that it was necessary.

But still, I did have to be punished for this.

Angela suddenly stepped forward and said, "If anyone should be punished, it should be us. We were the ones that forced him to go there in the first place and we were the ones that forced him to take the wyverns. So we'll take the punishment in his place."

When he heard this, the king looked like he had been punched in the chest.

She narrowed her eyes to look at me before slowly giving a nod. Then she turned back to glare at her father and her brother once more.

The fourth prince suddenly broke this tense moment by saying, "But of course, even if we don't punish him, this does give us a unique opportunity to dig out the roots once and for all."

I was caught off guard by what he said before suddenly narrowing my eyes to look at him.

After looking at the fourth prince like this for a bit, I asked, "Are you sure about this?"

It was the king who answered by saying, "It's been a long time since we've cleaned up the court. People have become complacent and it's something that should be done. Not to mention, it'll be the right time since I'll be stepping down soon."

Both Angela and I were surprised to hear this, but we were surprised for different reasons.

She was surprised since that meant that we would be married soon.

I was surprised since I never thought that the king would abdicate so soon.

Or rather, I didn't want him to abdicate so soon.

It wasn't a good thing for him to abdicate soon since that meant that I would have to take the throne which was what I didn't want to do.

But it didn't seem like anyone would be able to talk him out of this based on the look on his face.

So I turned to the fourth prince and asked, "What's the plan?"

Since it was inevitable, it was better to get involved in the plan from the beginning than to be dragged along by them.

The fourth prince revealed a sly smile as he said, "Well the plan is..."