Chapter 772 Eh, this is…

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:
Chapter 772 Eh, this is...

The moment that his blood made contact with the Summoning Crystal, there was a dark energy that suddenly came from the Summoning Crystal.

At the same time, there was a strong aura that came from it that made the fourth prince's elite guards stop in their tracks. They were waiting to see what was going to happen with this Summoning Crystal instead of trying to stop it.

The fourth prince saw this and shouted at them, "What are you doing? Stop him before the summoning ceremony is over!"

The elite soldiers were surprised to hear this, but they once again started moving towards Duke Yuletide.

Or at least they would have if it wasn't for a voice that suddenly rang out.

"Who dares to awaken me from my slumber?"

This was a powerful voice that seemed to shake the air itself when it rang out.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help taking a step back from the pressure that this voice naturally gave off. It was as if just being able to hear the voice made it hard for one to do anything.

But Duke Yuletide seemed to be filled with joy when he heard this.

He laughed out loud as he said, "Great lord, I summon you to crush my enemies and save me from this situation!"

The dark energy around the Summoning Crystal seemed to grow even stronger after Duke Yuletide said this before the voice once again rang out.

"Do you understand the consequences of summoning me?"

Duke Yuletide slightly knitted his brows when he heard this, but then he said with a firm nod, "I'm willing to pay the price as long as the lord can help me this once."

A loud laugh came from the Summoning Crystal before the same voice said, "Very good, very good. Your offer is accepted and I will come to your aide."

Duke Yuletide had a look of absolute confidence when he heard this before saying, "Thank you, my lord."

The fourth prince saw this and asked, "Brother, should we have the wyverns launch an attack at this demon while it's still coming out of the ground?"

I looked at the fourth prince and asked, "Is there a need for this?"

The fourth prince had a very alarmed and confused look on his face when he heard this before slowly asking, "Shouldn't we stop this while we can?"

"Eh? This is...not that bad though. There's no need to panic like that, is there?" I said in a surprised voice.

The surprise that I felt wasn't comparable to the surprise that the fourth prince felt.

Or rather, it was better to say that the fourth prince was in complete shock when he heard this. He looked at me with complete shock and confusion as he tried to understand just what I was planning to do.

However, it was clear by the look on his face that he had no idea what was happening.

I just calmly looked at him and said, "It's just a Demon Count, it's not as if this is something to worry about."

"Just..." That was all the fourth prince was able to say.

The demon that had appeared out of the ground cut him off by saying, "Oh, so you can tell that I'm a Demon Count? It seems like there's someone that knows about demons here."

The demon narrowed his eyes to look at me for a bit before saying, "Human, I am the Demon Count Mephisto. Are you saying that you're able to deal with me easily?"

His eyes and voice turned cold as he said, "Aren't you looking down on me a bit too much?"

The elite guards, the fourth prince, and even Duke Yuletide felt a chill run down their spines when they heard this.

It seemed that this demon Mephisto didn't hold back at all when he said this.

It seemed that he had really been insulted by this comment.

But I just looked right back at him and said, "Is a Demon Count really worth being scared of?"