Chapter 838 Protests

Name:Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure Author:
Chapter 838 Protests

Noah was wrong in the end.

He had predicted that the former king would be back in a week, but he was actually back in three days.

Once the novelty of retirement wore off, he found that he was completely bored.

After living in that high speed world of managing the kingdom for so long, it wasn't as if he would be able to settle down that easily. His personality had already developed because of the way that he lived for so long that it wasn't that easy for him to change it.

Used to the fast paced life, he was completely bored when he had nothing to do.

That resulted in the former king returning after just less than two weeks of retirement.

The excuse that he gave was that he was here to visit his family and have some dinner with us, but after dinner...he went to my study with me and Noah and started asking about different things with the kingdom.

He tried to act nonchalant at first, but it was clear that the more that he asked, the more into it he seemed.

Eventually, he started asking about the things that he should have been in charge of.

Noah just answered all of his questions with a casual tone, but it was clear that he was only acting.

I knew that Noah wanted the former king to come back, so he was answering in such a way that he would be guided into coming back.

The way that the father and son talked to each other, it seemed like neither of them were willing to directly state what either of them wanted.

Seeing both of them beat around the bush like this was funny to me.

It seemed that the two of them were so used to being indirect with each other and hiding their plans over the years that they couldn't be direct with each other anymore.

There was a part of me that wondered if I would be like that with my children in the future.

As that thought passed through my mind, I made up my mind that I would make sure to communicate with my children properly.

I didn't want any misunderstandings between me and my kids since that would just lead to problems in the future.

I knew what he was thinking, so I said with a smile, "We all miss you. How about coming back and being with us?"

The former king was even more surprised to hear this since being straight was not something that was done in the royal family.

He didn't answer right away as he turned to look at Noah who still had a strange look on his face.

However, when Noah saw his father looking at him, he slowly gave a nod as well.

There was a faint smile that appeared on the former king's face when he saw this, at which there was a faint smile that appeared on Noah's face as well.

The father and son looked at each other with those awkward smiles for a bit before the former king finally said, "Alright."

With that, the former king was coaxed back to the castle.

There was nothing special that happened for about a month.

Everything went smoothly since Noah had already planned for everything.

There was a smooth transition between kings and the people accepted it very easily.

Though that was mainly because some of the old ministers had retired with the former king and had created new positions for most people.

Since there were these open spots to compete for, everyone focused on that instead of trying to bring down the king.

In a sense, it was turning them against each other so they wouldn't turn on the king.

So everything seemed to go smoothly until...

"What is it?" I asked in a surprised voice as I saw Noah suddenly burst into my study.

There was a heavy look that was on his face as he said, "There's been a protest by the north gate."

"A protest?" I said in a shocked voice.

This was something that neither of us had expected.