Chapter 592: Conversation

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 592: Conversation

So I've been forgotten... Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Charles quietly mulled over the question. It was all he could do, as this world was devoid of sound nor could he make any sounds.

He turned around and soon found the remaining two crew members—O.S Sam and Third Engineer Clark. They were in the same condition as Charlie, whom Charles had stumbled upon earlier. They were staring out into space.

Charles didn't know why they became like this, but it didn't take Charles long to realize the reason behind it. They were in a world without sound or color, and it was a world that would surely drive just about anyone crazy.

A flame burned fiercely in Charles' heart at the realization. The flame was like a conflagration in his chest, and he desperately wanted to let it out. Unfortunately, he could not do so, no matter how hard he tried.

He even raised the black spike in his hand and tried stabbing his own palm, but the black spike simply passed through his hand. He felt zero pain. Clearly, he could not be injured nor could he die.

It made sense, as Charles was no longer human after having been assimilated by that entity. He did a few experiments and realized that he could even lower his head and make it go through his own chest.

Humans were not supposed to stay in this world, and every single human being here would eventually go mad from the stress of being in such a bizarre world.

Charles walked forward nonstop, and he would always find Second Mate Charlie ahead of him, even though he had clearly walked past the latter. The discovery led Charles to one conclusion—walking would lead him to nowhere but where he had departed. He was doomed to keep walking or stay put until his mind was eroded.

How can I even escape? No, there is no escaping this place. I no longer exist—I've become an Inexistence. Charles thought. He felt a hodgepodge of emotions at the thought that he was about to meet such an end. He had pondered over how he would die before, but this ending was something he had never imagined, even in his wildest dreams. Technically, he was not going to die. He'd simply end up like his crew the moment his mind was completely eroded.

Charles sprawled out and stared at the monochrome sky. The cogs in his mind turned; he was convinced that thinking would slow down the erosion of his mind, so he decided to think about many different things.

I think I finally understand why the deletion and alteration of my memories are useless. The only way to overcome an Inexistence was to not leave any evidence of the Inexistence's existence.

I've always left a warning on my phone before allowing Anna to delete my memories. It must be the real trigger that starts another round of that nightmare.

In the end, Charles couldn't help but feel confused about the concept of "Inexistence." What were Inexistent beings? Why would the surface have an "Inexistent being? Just what exactly happened on the surface?

No, I can't think that way. It has become me, and I've become it. Perhaps the way out is to forget my own existence? But... how do I forget myself?

Charles smiled wryly at the sight. "It really is impossible. It has become me, and I've become it. We've already become one entity."

Anna came to a screeching halt, astonished at Charles' remark.

Charles took a deep breath, and his expression became solemn as he said, "I'm done, Anna. However, you aren't in the same boat as me. It hasn't assimilated you yet, so you can still survive.

"You must delete every single memory related to me in your head. Once you can no longer perceive Charles' existence, you will be completely emancipated from that entity."

Anna's eyes quivered as she stared at Charles. "Anna wouldn't have existed if it hadn't been for Charles! I can't do it! I can't forget you!"

"Anna, you have to listen to me. Our daughter, Sparkle... she still needs you. The Subterranean Sea needs you as well. They all need you. The two of us can't stay here and abandon them."

Tears flowed freely from Anna's eyes. Anna took on a look of agony as he stared at the man in the mirror. She was the only one who could still perceive Charles. If she deleted all of her memories related to him, then Charles would truly cease to exist.

At first, it was just sobbing, but Anna's sobbing eventually became heart-wrenching wails. Realizing that Charles would soon cease to exist, Anna had a mental breakdown.

Charles was taken aback by the sight. It was his first time seeing Anna crying in such a heartbroken manner, and he had just realized just how important he was for her.

"Anna, we're running out of time. You have to do it as soon as possible or things are going to become problematic for you."

Anna was in Charles' arms, and she looked up at him at his remark. Soon, her anguish was replaced by a firm determination.

"This is all my fault. I'm too weak! I could have prevented all this if I were just strong enough! Rest assured, and wait for me there. I'll come and save you the day I acquire the power of a Divinity!"

"No, no, no!" Charles hurriedly shook his head and said, "You have to make sure not to retain even the tiniest vestiges of me in your head. You have to forget me thoroughly and completely, as even the tiniest vestiges of me can become the trigger that will start another round of that nightmare, just like those videos that we've been leaving on my phone."