
Gu Wanqing murmured, then frowned painfully. She turned to look at the people lying beside her. Everything last night was like a nightmare.

Gu Wanqing looked at Li Qing, who was sleeping soundly, as if the person last night was not the same as the person now.

Li Qing was drunk last night. Even though she begged that she was pregnant, Li Qing didn't pay attention to her.

Gu Wanqing sat up with difficulty. The pain made her forehead exude sweat. Looking at the pieces of clothes all over the ground, she knew how wild Li Qing was last night.

Bearing the pain, Gu Wanqing lifted the quilt and got up to look for clothes. As soon as he was dressed, Li Qing woke up. He looked at Gu Wanqing and spoke slowly.

"Lady, help me find a dress!

Gu Wanqing endured the pain and took the clothes to him. Li Qing put them on. He ignored the painful expression on her face and spoke slowly.

"I'll go out later. You can have breakfast yourself."

After that, he went to wash himself, and then left the room. Gu Wanqing sighed at Li Qing, who was leaving the room.

"For a walk in the street?"

Gu Wanyan's eyes move out of the numerous account books and look in the direction of the sound source. Jun Jinnian is not far away.

Today's junjinian is wearing a long black gilt edged shirt, which makes his whole person more noble and cold. Gu Qingyue also looks at the visitors and immediately gets up to salute.

"Yes, I've met Lord Jin!"

"After that, it will be a family. There is no need to be so polite."

"Thank you very much

Gu Qingyue looked at Gu Wanyan and spoke slowly.

"If you don't bother me, I will! What I don't understand is asking you


Gu Qingyue turns to leave here, leaving enough space for them. Jun Jinnian looks at the direction Gu Qingyue leaves and opens his mouth with satisfaction.

"The child is really sensible!"

"Let's go!"

Gu Wanyan stands up. Jun Jinnian is puzzled by her words. Gu Wanyan arranges his clothes and opens his mouth with a smile.

"Didn't you just say to go out for a walk?"


Jun Jinnian also stood up and took her hand. They walked out side by side. Before they got out of the gate of Taifu mansion, they met Gu wansi, who was coming face to face.

"The second elder sister is going out?"

Gu wansi looked at junjinnian beside Gu wansi's face, and immediately bowed down to salute and opened his mouth gently.

"The king of Viola is auspicious

"Get up!"

Jun Jinnian speaks faintly. Gu wansi stands up and Gu Wanyan looks at her.

"Yes, I want to go out with Lord Jin."

"At the same time, my sister is going out. I wonder if I can go with my sister and Lord Jin?"

"No, I'm here to pick up Yan Yan and go to Lord Jin's house. You're not on your way together!"

Gu Wanyan has not yet spoken, Jun Jinnian has simply refused. Can the world between him and Gu Wanyan be disturbed? That can't be!

"What a pity

Gu wansi is not sad because Jun Jinnian refused her. Gu Wanyan feels that she is relieved. She looks at Gu wansi and opens her mouth.

"Sister, wait for my sister to come back. I'll go with the Lord first."

With that, Jun Jinnian pulls Gu Wanyan away. Jun Jinnian lowers his head and whispers in her ear.

"This one seems more difficult to deal with than that one."

Gu wansi looks at Jun Jinnian's doting on Gu Wanyan. She doesn't feel envious. She just feels envious. She also wants to have such love.

"Yes, Hao Yimei is shrewd, and Gu wansi is equally shrewd. She will never hurt you in the open. What she fears most is the person who stabs the knife secretly. You don't know when she will stab you. You need to be on guard all the time."

Jun Jinnian helped her into the carriage, and then he also got on the carriage. The carriage staggered away from Taifu house, and the people in the dark also left.

"Are you being watched?"

"Yes, I've also paid him back."

Jun Jinnian of course knows what she means by returning respect. She should have sent white clothes to do something!

"What's going on in the palace lately?"

"The harem has always been full of filth, and the wind and grass have never stopped, but the Queen's side has been quiet recently."

Gu Wanyan wondered how many concubines the empress had done to reduce her competitors over the years. There was no reason why the empress would not act at such a critical time.

"If things go wrong, there must be demons. See what the queen wants to do!" Tsinghua Novels www.qhxs.org

When the wind blows over and raises the curtain, Gu Wanyan sees the familiar figures, and there are still two!"How did Gu Qingping and Li Qing go together?"

Gu Wanyan opened his mouth in surprise. Jun Jinnian looked at the direction where they had just disappeared. The tone of his mouth did not seem very surprised, but took it for granted.

"Most of the Fengliu childe in the imperial city know each other."

"I see."

But Gu Wanyan doesn't want to take care of Gu Qingping and Li Qing. Anyway, Gu Wanqing has already married Li Qing. What will happen in the future depends on Gu Wanqing's nature.

"Ink brocade is back, also brought some news back."

Jun Jinnian opened his mouth slowly. He lowered his eyes and could not see the mood of his eyes. However, Gu Wanyan could clearly feel the change of Jun Jinnian's mood.

"Is it about the old prince?"

"Well, dad was in prison at that time, but it wasn't Jun Yin's doing it, because Jun Yin was also struggling hard. It's said that when Jun Yin broke out of the encirclement, dad was already in a different place!"

Jun Jinnian's voice has a trace of sadness. For so many years, he must have had a hard time. Suddenly, his hands held Jun Jinnian's clenched fist.

"This matter is sure to come to the end. Even if I die with my enemy, I will accompany you, whether it is life or death!"

Gu Wanyan's voice is very firm. Jun Jinnian holds her hand in the back hand. It's good to meet her again!

"There will be action in Pingnan palace tonight. Do you want to come?"


At the beginning, Pingnan palace wanted to destroy the whole palace. Now that junjinian takes revenge, how can Gu Wanyan not go?

Gu Wanyan wants to say something, but the carriage shakes. Jun Jinnian subconsciously holds Gu Wanyan in his arms. Gu Wanyan also holds Jun Jinnian's clothes tightly.

Soon, the carriage calmed down, and Gu Wan Yan leaned out of Jun's arms and spoke softly.

"What's going on?"

Jun Jinnian shakes his head to show that he doesn't know, but Jun Jinnian doesn't dare to relax his vigilance. He listens carefully to the movement around him. The sound of light footstep doesn't escape Jun's ears!


The carriage cracked in response to the sound. Jun Jinnian flew up with Gu Wanyan in his arms. People around him were stupefied. Didn't it mean that there was only a frail and sickly man and a woman inside?

But the skill that this man shows now, five of them are not enough for him to fight!

"Go away!"

The timid man looked at Jun Jinnian and couldn't help but speak timidly. The leader also felt the crisis. He immediately nodded, and the five people turned around and ran away in the opposite direction!

"Want to run?"

Jun Jinnian's eyes were fierce, and he immediately caught up with them. He took out the soft sword from nowhere. Without hesitation, he became the ghost of junjinian's men.

Gu Wanyan's breath was filled with the smell of blood. Soon, people dressed in black also appeared here, cooperating with Jun Jinnian to solve all the people here!

"My Lord, the princess is frightened! If you are late, please punish me

Mo Jin kneels on the ground and remorses himself. Jun Jinnian looks at him and opens his mouth slowly.

"If someone has a mind, you will follow me all the time, and it will still happen. Get up first. You've arranged something tonight?"

"Everything is in order. Please rest assured."

Jun Jinnian nods and something like this happens. Jun Jinnian still decides to send Gu Wanyan back to Taifu mansion first. He is as smart as Gu Wanyan. Naturally, he knows who did this thing.

Gu wansi deliberately appeared and asked them where they were going. Something happened on the way. It's hard not to think that it was Hao Yimei who did it!

In fact, what makes Gu wansi puzzled is why Gu wansi did it? She always felt that Gu wansi was not bad in nature, but had led Hao Yimei to the wrong way.

As a matter of fact, Gu Wanqing is more independent by Gu Wanqing. Since she was little, Gu Wanqing mostly obeyed song Yalan's words, so she did not have the ability to think things on her own.

Gu wansi is different. She seems to obey Hao Yimei in everything, but in fact, the stubbornness in her eyes means that she won't be soft to Hao Yimei at all!

"She did it at last."

Gu Wanyan opened his mouth reluctantly. Jun Jinnian held her in his arms and looked ahead with his eyes.

"Song Yalan is like a dog who has lost his family. He can't make a bigger wave any more. He can only do it by himself."

Gu Wanyan did not speak because what Jun Jinnian said was exactly what she thought.

Soon after they returned to Taifu mansion, Gu wansi appeared. Gu wansi looked at Gu wansi who appeared here, and his mood in his eyes was gloomy.

It seems that Hao Yimei's people have already known that she is back, and they specially ask Gu wansi to come here to inquire about the actual situation. Gu wansi looks surprised when he sees the intact Gu Wanyan and Jun Jinnian.

"Yes, I've met Lord Jin!"

Gu wansi bent down to salute. Jun Jinnian looked at her and said something indifferent."Get up."

Gu wansi got up, put the food box in his hand on the table, stood aside and opened his mouth gently.

"Didn't you take my sister to the palace? Why is this coming back? My sister has brought some snacks that my sister likes to eat. I think my sister will be able to eat it when she comes back! "

Gu Wanyan really can't see a little hypocrisy in Gu wansi's expression and eyes. If it's not too good at acting, she really doesn't know anything about it!