In the smoke, ye Lichang begins to attack the second leader!

At first, the second leader with the help of their own familiar with the smoke advantage, but also with the night glass clothes to fight a banner.

But later, as ye Lichang became familiar with the transformation between xianjue and mojue, only the second leader was beaten!

At that time, the demons were defeated in the war between immortals and demons, and the Ju clan was driven to another barren world. The demons who still stay in this world are as rare as giant pandas on earth.

People like the second leader may not even have the chance to meet the demon once in their life, let alone fight with them.

Therefore, the second leader, who is very strange to the demon clan, can't understand the attack way of Ye Lichang, and is directly in the downwind!

The others were completely blindfolded by the smoke, and Yasuo's spiritual consciousness was deliberately suppressed by Yan Chu. Therefore, among the people present, except for the second leader and Yan Chu, no one knew that ye Lichang was the body of immortals and demons.

Yan Chu didn't want to let too many people know that ye Lichang was the body of immortals and demons. He didn't want to let too many people know that he didn't trust everyone. It was just that the identity of yelichang was too special. If it was spread out, it would cause too much trouble.

With the passage of time, the second leader has been injured.

He is no match for ye Lichang!

"Asshole How can Jinglei sect accept a demon clan as a disciple? "

The second in charge of the house was very angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "son of a bitch, do you think I can't do anything with you like this?"

The second leader took out a strange stone and polished it hard on the blade of double knives.

After being polished by stone, the blade of Shuangdao is even glowing red!

Night glass clothes see the shape, can't help but frown, the second leader took out the stone, let her have a very resistant but feeling.

Seeing the second leader attack again, ye Lichang changes into magic Jue mode to dodge again.

However, this time, the machete of the second leader actually directly hurt the evil spirit of Ye Lichang!

There is a deep knife mark on his abdomen and blood flows from it.

"It works

Two in charge of the heart of great joy, quickly again sharpen the knife.

Yan Chu's face changed slightly. These two masters' swords could actually hurt the night glass clothes in the shape of mojue.

Yingya has been in Chutian County for many years. She has assassinated many people. I'm afraid she has taken a lot of rewards. This stone is probably one of them.

"Lichang, you don't have much time to destroy the mountain." Yan Chu said in a voice.

Night glass clothes face a congealed, do not give the second in charge to sharpen the knife time, directly kill to go!

The second leader grasped the flaw of Ye Li Shang and became arrogant. He raised his double swords to attack the abdomen of night glass clothes!

Night Lichang abdominal injury, action naturally slow, the second leader gradually occupied the upper hand!

"Ten seconds left!" Ye Lichang is calculating the time to destroy the mountain.

She couldn't help looking at Yan Chu's direction.

The jade pendant hanging on the chest is shining faintly.

"I can't let the leader and his mother down! This war Must win

Ye Lichang bit his lips and rushed out with his sword.

The dim light from the jade pendant reflects the shadow of the second leader in charge in the smoke.

The second in charge holds the double knives with red light, and splits hard to the night glass clothes!


Ye Lichang's sword, one step ahead of others stabbed the throat of the second leader!

At the same time, Yan Chu rushes to the side of Ye Lichang and holds up his sword to block one of the machetes!

However, the speed of the other machete did not decrease. Instead, it changed from splitting to stabbing. At the same time, it pierced into the heart of yelichang!


Yan Chu's face changed and he kicked the two masters away.

The effect of mountain destroying force disappeared, and the real yuan of Ye Lichang was in deficit. At the moment, his body became soft and fell into Yan Chu's arms.

Smoke, gradually dispersed.

Only at this time can we see the situation in the yard. We can see that the yard is in a mess, and the second leader is lying on the side, dying.

And the night glass clothes also have no blood color, the heart is pierced by a machete!

"Ye Shijie!"

"Ye Shimei!"

The crowd quickly gathered around.

"Master I didn't lose... " Ye Lichang said weakly.

"Silly girl, when is it? Is it important to win or lose?" Yan Chu shook his head.

Ye Lichang said bitterly: "my mother has been bullied by the Presbyterian in order to protect me. The headmaster created skills for me in order to renew my life. There are also brothers and sisters in the sect who are very good to me I don't want to lose, I don't want to let you down... "

"You've won!"

Yan Chu gritted his teeth and said, "don't talk, don't close your eyes, this seat won't let you die!"

Night glass clothes showed a smile, but the eyelid is more and more heavy.

From birth, her existence seems to have been denied.But there are so many people who constantly affirm her existence.



Brothers and sisters

I really want to be with you, forever and forever

Ye Lichang's eyelids become more and more heavy. She supports her hard, but she knows that she can't hold on for long.

"Headmaster, don't you take Jiupin pills as melon seeds? Take them out quickly to save Ye Shimei!" Li Yuanfang said anxiously.

Yan Chu shook his head: "do you really think Jiupin pill is cabbage?"

Li Yuanfang regretted that she slapped herself: "if only I hadn't eaten the Qingfeng Guiyuan pill. Qingfeng Guiyuan pill will save my younger martial sister!"

"No way, Lichang hurt the heart." Said Yasso, lost.

On the other hand, the dying second leader burst into laughter:

"you Jinglei sect is so brave that you dare to accept a demon..."

"Shut up!"

Yan Chu directly threw out the ink shadow sword and let it run through the mouth of the second leader!

This time, the second leader can no longer speak, can only look at Yan Chu and them, and then quietly waiting for death.

"Master, give my heart to Ye Shimei!" Shen Wen gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, use mine. I've just started, and I haven't learned anything yet. My life is worthless!" Zhou Qi contends.

Yan Chu said with a heavy face, "don't make any noise! If you want to give the heart, you should give it first! "

He holds the night glass clothes, looking at the night glass clothes eyes close little by little, the heart is not taste.

As a leader, how can you watch his disciples die?

But he is not a real immortal. How can ye Lichang come back from the dead!?

Heart Heart

By the way!

Suddenly, Yan Chu's aura flashed and he thought of the heart of Youming, the founder of the evil way, who had won the lottery before!

Ye Lichang is the body of the immortal and the devil. The heart of the emperor's nether world must have an effect on her!

Yan Chu no longer hesitated, quickly took out the beating heart.

But his next step was at a loss.

He is not a doctor, how to do heart surgery for ye Lichang?

When Yan Chu hesitated, he didn't expect that the emperor's dark heart suddenly had a reaction.

I saw the emperor's heart send out a burst of red light, wrapped the night glass clothes.

Then, the night glass clothes body slowly floated to the mid air.

The heart of the emperor Youming stretched out countless blood colored silk threads, like tentacles, and got into the wound of night glass clothes.

The two slowly approach, and finally in a dazzling blood light, the two become one!


