Yan Chu said in duck's language, "Xiao Mo, let's go in."

Mo Yanli nodded and quietly picked up a handful of soil.

Yan Chu doubted, "what do you do with earth?"

Mo Yanli came back to himself and said with a smile: "the pronunciation of" go in "and" pick up soil "in duck language is similar, so the disciple just accidentally misunderstood the leader's meaning."

Yan Chu:

There is another useless knowledge point!

They walked into the alchemy tower, all the way to the top floor, and then Yan Chu heard ye Danxin's cry from the room: "old medicine, do you want to explode?"

Medicine does not Ting way: "how can I explode, you fry!"

"If you don't blow it up, I'll win!" Lu Li said with a smile.

Outside the door, Yan Chu was puzzled.

What can't be fried?

Who's going to blow up in the oven?

When Yan chutui opened the door, the three men were in a circle fighting the landlord!

"Four three, no one wants it? Another Wang fried, three two with six, ha ha ha, I won

Lu Li happily lost all the cards in his hand, and then the opposite medicine Bu ting and ye Danxin stretched out their hands: "I won. What about the good prescription? Hand it in quickly

Yao buting and ye Danxin suddenly noticed the arrival of Yan Chu, so they quietly turned their backs and faced their own alchemy furnaces, and began to put on a thoughtful look.

But Lu Li didn't know what happened, and pushed ye Danxin's shoulder and said, "dear younger martial brother, it's just medicine. Don't play silly with me. Hurry up, Dan Fang!"

Ye Dan heart iron heart does not look back, directly with the true yuan sealed ears, and then concentrate on refining up.

Yan Chu stood in the back and almost looked and laughed. When he appeared as the leader, he felt that he had been inspected by the head teacher in the past No, it should be the principal's inspection!

Don't mention the embarrassment in Yao buting's heart. His image in the head's mind will collapse completely!


Yan Chu suddenly coughed a few times, and Lu Li heard it and turned around quickly.

"Master?" This scared Lu Li very much. He quickly explained: "headmaster, it was the old doctor who proposed to fight the landlord!"

Yao buting quickly turned around and said angrily, "asshole, how can you sell me so easily?"

Yan Chu waved his hand to show them not to take it seriously.

Then he gave Mo Yanli a look. Mo Yanli nodded and said to everyone, "younger martial brother Luli, younger martial brother loyal, the headmaster has something to talk to the elder medicine man alone."

Two people are happy, too late, quickly ran out, Lu Li also did not forget to pat ye Danxin's ass, let him quickly give Dan Fang out.

Yao buting felt a little uneasy when he saw that the two disciples had left.

After all, Yan Chu asked him to come to teach his disciples, not to fight against the landlord with his disciples. No matter whether he was blamed or not, Yan Chu felt guilty.

Yan Chu opened his mouth and said, "Gaga, Gaga, Gaga, Gaga..."

Mo Yanli quickly translated: "old medicine, the headmaster was enchanted, now he can only speak the language of ducks. He asked you if there is any way to cure his disease."

The medicine did not stop for a moment.

What kind of strange disease is this!

He has been in the alchemy world for thousands of years, and he has never seen such a situation

So he said, "I'll check for the leader and see the results."

So Yan Chu went to Yao Bu ting and opened his mouth.

"Master, I just need to send Zhenyuan into your body, and you can check it out. You don't need to see it with your eyes."

Yan Chu laughed awkwardly and closed his mouth.

Yao buting slapped Yan Chu's chest with a slap, and then sent to Zhenyuan for examination. Yan Chu obviously felt that Yao buting's Zhenyuan was moving in his body, but he suppressed his Zhenyuan and didn't resist.

After a while, Yao buting accepted Zhenyuan and said strangely, "master, you are not sick. It's a seal. The seal will be invalid after one day."

Automatic failure?

Yan Chu was relieved that he didn't need to speak duck language all his life.

However, he soon began to ache again. Tomorrow is the new disciple's introductory meeting. All guests will come to watch it. Then, everyone will ask him to speak. What should he do then?

Yao buting said: "the seal is too powerful. If you can't break it yourself, we can't do anything about it..."

Hearing the speech, Yan Chu was depressed.

God, do you want to do this to me!

Dead northeast tiger, if it is not now our big move is CD, we must open the emperor's heavenly expedition to beat you ya!

Looking at the depressed Yan Chu, Mo Yanli suddenly said: "headmaster, I have a way to help the leader get through tomorrow's hurdle!"Yan Chu asked, "Gaga Gaga?" What can I do

Mo Yan from the mysterious smile: "this method, must by a most familiar with the leader's elder martial brother to help."

Who knows this seat best?

Yan Chu thought for a moment, to understand, Mu Qingqian, Li Zeyang, they all know themselves very well.

But listen to Mo Yan from this tone, he seems to have a candidate.

Ten minutes later, Li Yuanfang was sitting in front of Yan Chu and his wife.

"Master, master, I know I'm wrong!" Li Yuanfang simply kowtowed to admit his mistake.

Yan Chu:

Yao buting doubts: "where are you wrong?"

"The disciple should not write a challenge to the seven holy places!" Exclaimed Li Yuanfang.

Hearing this, Yan Chu almost didn't call out the green lotus earth fire and burn Li Yuanfang, the son of a bitch!

However, Mo Yanli said in time: "master, please don't be angry. The challenge letter from Yuanfang senior brother has not been sent out."

"Gaga?" Why

Mo Yan Li replied, "elder martial brother Yuanfang doesn't know the address of the seven sacred sites."

Yan Chu was relieved.

It seems that no culture is the greatest meritorious official limiting Li Yuanfang's death!

Li Yuanfang felt guilty and said, "master, you didn't call me here because of this?"

Yan Chu shook his head and said to Li Yuanfang, "Gaga, Gaga, gaga

Li Yuanfang looked at Yan Chu, then suddenly closed his eyes!

"Gaga, Gaga?" What's wrong with him

Medicine does not ting a little check, then exclaimed: "headmaster, Yuan Fang suddenly realized ah!"

Yan Chu:???

What did he say? This guy realized??

Is it so easy to realize??

Mo Yanli then said with a smile:

"headmaster, elder martial brother Yuanfang is the one who knows you best. No matter what you do, he can automatically replenish the brain, and finally transform it into a tall idea to express it! So tomorrow's entrance meeting, you just need to Gaga, and the rest will be handed over to elder martial brother Yuanfang! "

Yan Chu looked at Li Yuanfang, who was in epiphany, and fell into meditation.

It seems that This method is quite reliable???