Chapter 37: Humbert Humbert Four

Name:Silent Reading Author:
Chapter 37: Humbert Humbert Four

Lang Qiao wasn't done yet. She planned to strike while the iron is hot and egg on the others to rub it in for Luo Wenzhou. However, as she leaned forward to lead the charge, her eyes accidentally caught those of the portrait that fell on the floor. The next second, the alcohol-encouraged audacity was completely scared out of her skin.

There was a unit in their department that specialized in creating suspects' portraits. Some of them were quite good. In comparison, this portrait was elementary at best. However, strangely, it was so vivid and compelling despite the rather clumsy drawing techniques that the sketcher must have drawn this face in his mind for a thousand times before finally recreating it on paper,

Lang Qiao: "What is this?"

Tao Ran sobered up a little thanks to Luo Wenzhou's sudden attack. Realizing that he had bigmouthed big time, he struggled up and went to the bathroom to sprinkle some cold water on the face. Then he came back to help Luo Wenzhou with the mess on the floor: "Is it the Lianhua-shan case? The old man never got over it."

"Lianhua-shan" was not a mountain, despite what the name implies. It was actually a town in the northern suburbs of Yan-cheng City. In the early days it used to be a stand-alone municipal district, but had since merged with Yan-cheng City more than a decade ago. Now it had become an "Ecomomic Development District" by government planning.

On the same page of the notes taped some more yellowing pictures, falling out upon touching because the tapes were so old. Some were daily life shots; others obviously came from photo studios -- they all had exaggerated lighting, a dutch windmill on the backdrop, and a young girl in the center whose smile had grown stiff because she's been holding it too long. There were six pictures all together.

Old pictures can be quite strange. All of them fade and turn yellow over the years. But if the person on the shot lived a happy life, then the warm tint from aging would seem tender and peaceful. On the other hand, if the person later suffered from tragedy, then you might get a sense of foreboding gloom when looking at their pictures, as if some of the bitterness and anger from the deceased had transferred onto their pictures."

"You mean... Master Yang?" Lang Qiao asked, "but why was he involved in the cases in that district?"

"The Bureau had a policy back then, that all young people under thirty-five needed to do rotations in the local offices --- either serving in the district police stations, or in the nearby towns. My mentor's cohort went to Lianhua-Shan and stayed there for almost a year. " Luo Wenzhou carefully picked up the picture by the corner and put it back between the pages, "Before long, they encountered that case -- you probably never heard of it. Even I was still in kindergarten."

"At first, a man came and reported about his missing child." Tao Ran spoke as he flipped through the notebook. The senior officer who wrote on it had a very elegant handwriting. On the page just before the pictures, the name "Guo Heng" was written, with three thick underlines. "Yep. This was the informant, Guo Heng. The missing child was his 11-year-old daughter, nicknamed 'Feifei'. "

When hearing this, Luo Wenzhou's hand that was picking up a thick teaching notebook staggered. He looked at Tao Ran half-surprisingly: "you still remembered the girl's name even when you're this drunk?"

Tao Ran avoided his eyes: "The old man brought it up a lot. After all those years being around him, I could recite pretty much all the details."

Chang Ning was usually very busy with work and didn't really have much time to watch TV. It was a novel and rare experience for her to listen to the first-hand stories from the police officers. She curiously asked: "What happened then?"

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"Back then most parents weren't like the helicopter parents today. The 10 to 12-year-olds were considered big kids already. They usually go to school on their own and were free to go to friends' houses after school sans supervision, as long as the parents agreed. Adults don't usually stick by their sides all the time."

"The missing girl, Guo Fei, was one of the shyer and more disciplined kids. She almost always came home straight from school. If she needed to be late there was always a good reason. Her grades were exceptional. Nothing abnormal happened on the day of. Her classmates said that on that day, Guo Fei had no need to stay for longer so she went home right after school was over. It was at most a 15 minutes walk from the school to her home. The girl disappeared within those 15 minutes. My mentor and the others searched along her usual route again and again - there weren't that many security cameras back then - but didn't find any particular sketchy places along the way. It was summer time and it wasn't even dark yet at five. The path was mostly crowded with pedestrians and well lit. Theoretically, if a girl that big was abducted by someone from the street in broad daylight, even if she were just a little conscious and struggled, someone would have noticed."

"However, after all those searching and interviewing for witnesses, they found nothing."

"Guo Fei's father heard of the special investigation, and quit his job so he could move closer to the Bureau to wait for a closure. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. "

Tao Ran carefully placed the notebook back into the cardbox, and continued: "Later, after the special investigation group was dismissed, the only ones still following this case besides the family members were my Mentor, who was there from the beginning. Almost a year later, Guo Heng suddenly came to him and said that he had found the suspect. It was a teacher called Wu Guangchuang --- the man on the portrait. He was a teacher at 'Jinxiu Middle School', one of the earliest private boarding schools. Its students came from all over the city. Because the school had good academic rankings, despite its high tuitions many parents from the underachieving school districts wanted to send their kids over. At the time of Guo Fei's case, Wu Guangchuan happened to be part of the admissions team that was sent to the Lian Huashan District by the school to recruit new students. "

Chang Ning held her breath: "Was it him?"

"Wu Guangchuan was 36 years old that year, divorced, and was living alone. He indeed had the capability to do it. Lao Yang followed him when he was off duty, and even used some illegal methods. But in the end he didn't find anything valuable. Wu Guangchuan was easygoing and soft-spoken. Many people that knew him liked him a lot. Although his daily job involved interacting with children, he had never crossed the line. Lao Yang followed him for a long time, and concluded that he wasn't the man. However, for some reason Guo Heng was so determined that Wu Guangchuan was the abductor that after Lao Yang had pulled out, he found Wu Guangchuan and stabbed him with a watermelon knife."

Lang Qiao: "Whaaat? Dead?"

"Yes. He barely made it to the hospital. They discovered the seventh missing girl in Wu Guangchuan's basement, together with clothings from the other six -- The clothings were cut into thin stripes, and had blood stains that fitted the victims blood types. The serial child abduction case was finally solved. However, they couldn't find the bodies of the girls, and the suspect was too dead to help." Luo Wenzhou stood up and stretched, "Guo Heng committed first degree murder, and was sentenced for it. Lao Yang was never able to get over this case. He thought that he was responsible for Guo Heng's tragedy because he made a wrong judgment. It haunted him for a life time. ---Enough of the story. Even the suspect's bone dust has already cooled. Now eat your lunches."

The party continued until late in the afternoon. Then, those that took the public transportation were dismissed. Those that drove stayed to help with cleaning up, while sobering up for the ride. Chang Ning and Chen Chen left for home as well.

Tao Ran was urged a couple more cups of wine, got even more tipsy, and broke a bowl when doing the dishes. Luo Wenzhou shooed him away.

After Captain Luo quickly and adroitly cleaned up the dirty dishes and returned to the living room, he saw Fei Du facing away and casually flipping through the senior officer's note book.

As if seeing him with the eyes on his back, Fei Du started speaking: "The part that you skipped just now about what the missing girls had in common...Was it the clothing?"

Luo Wenzhou was leaning on the hallway wall. His smile vanished: "How do you know? Are you the reincarnation of the murderer?"

"You looked at Chen Chen and then stopped talking." Fei Du turned around, "the clothings that were found in Wu Guangchuan's basement they were probably dresses with floral prints, am I right?"

Luo Wenzhou couldn't resist the thought of the damn PSP if he looked at Fei Du, so he carefully avoided eye contact: "You can teach the kid to be careful, or not to trust strangers easily. But you can't teach her to fear floral dresses. Otherwise what's the use of us?"

"Mhm." Fei Du nodded, "well said, Cap' Luo."

Luo Wenzhou got all edgy and alarmed by the nod, because he almost never heard of anything good from Fei Du without strings attached. Sure enough, his dread came true in the next moment.

Fei Du asked quietly: "Besides the flower bouquet and the PSP... is there anything else?"