In the dark, even if he can’t see the color on his face, Qin Lang also felt that he must be blushing deep red. Ye Qian climbed over from below and crouched on top of him, staring at him. Through the weak light, Qin Lang saw that the man’s dark eyes seemed to be shining brightly, very brightly, pretty scary too.

Then, Ye Qian made a move to kiss. Qin Lang didn’t want to kiss him, he kept his mouth shut and kept dodging.

But with his hands tied up, once his chin is pinched, there’s nowhere to hide. Ye Qian grinned, teasingly: “Why hide? Try it, your own taste.”

Pu…Qin Lang almost spurted blood.

Then Ye Qian really kissed. Qin Lang actually didn’t taste anything at all, it was totally psychological and….he’s a little shy. He didn’t expect Ye Qian to do such a thing to him. This is so shameful.

“You….You untie my hand.” Qin Lang didn’t dare to yell at him anymore, afraid that he would do something more frightening on impulse.

“Does it hurt?” Ye Qian’s tone was very gentle. As he spoke, he touched Qin Lang’s wrist.

“Yeah! It hurts!” Qin Lang thought Ye Qian was soft-hearted so he spoke out filled with grievance.

Ye Qian withdrew his hand, buried his head in his neck and laughed. Qin Lang was stunned when he heard the laughter, then he heard him say: “That’s just like you, why do you like to lie so much? I wrap a cotton towel around your wrist. You’re only tied with a tie, and with that width, there’s no pain at all.”

“…” Qin Lang looked at Ye Qian in horror. Because they were looking at each other’s movements, it was obvious that he was taking off his pants. What’s going to happen next, there’s simply no need for any brain to think.

“Fuck Ye Qian, what do you want to do!” Qin Lang was so frightened that his face turned pale. Too bad it’s so dark so it was invisible.

Ye Qian gave another low-pitched laugh, bent down again and bit his lips. Said in a low voice: “Is that even a question? Of course do it with you!”

“Ye Qian! Are you crazy?!”

“Call me Qianqian. I love hearing you call me that.”

“Go your uncle! Get off! Get off lao tzu!”

“I’m your boyfriend. It’s been over two months. Having a meal was not too much, right?”

“Ye Qian, why didn’t I find you so shameless before?! I didn’t agree at all, okay?”

“It’s obvious. I learned it from you. Relax, I’m going in…”



[Ding, Ye Qian — blackening value -35, current blackening value is 40.]

Qin Lang blinked. Although summer is almost over, in the morning half of the sky was already lit at 5 o’clock.

He weakly looked at classmate Xiao Ye, who was still doing whatever he wanted with him, with admiration in his heart. It was so bad last time, this time his technique has advanced by leaps and bounds. A really good seedling.

“It really hurts…Untie it for me…” Qin Lang’s voice was hoarse, breathing very lightly. He really doesn’t have the strength to be tough anymore.

Ye Qian stopped. Looked at him twice, untied him. Although wrapped in a cotton towel but hung there for over two hours, his wrists were already red.

Ye Qian sees that bullying him was not that different so he no longer grinds him. After a quick fix, a simple clean up, he lay beside Qin Lang and held him in his arms and sighed contentedly.

His satisfaction is not just having a fight with Qin Lang, but Qin Lang didn’t really resist him. He loves Qin Lang, he really can’t hurt him. If he doesn’t want to, Ye Qian couldn’t do it. According to Qin Lang’s reaction, Ye Qian knows that he actually wants it too.

Thinking about this, Ye Qian’s hands on Qin Lang tightened. This is the man he likes, he will slowly belong to him.

Qin Lang didn’t move so Ye Qian thought he was asleep. He was about to close his eyes and rest for a while but suddenly his chest felt wet.

Ye Qian was stunned for a moment, looking down at Qin Lang’s shoulders that were trembling from sobbing. His heart is tight, Qin Lang cried.

“Qin Lang…” Ye Qian held up his face and carefully wiped away his tears.

Qin Lang, you said he was cowardly but he was tough and patient. Han Han refused and humiliate him in public but he did not cry; he exercised everyday to lose weight, sometimes getting stomach pain to the point of turning pale but he did not cry; the Qin family went bankrupt, he change from a young master of fine clothes and food to an ordinary person, he didn’t cry; his dad went to jail, his mom lower herself to find a job, he still didn’t cry.

But, Qin Lang cried because of him.

This time, did he bully him too much?

[Ding, Ye Qian — blackening value -5, the current blackening value is 35.]

“Qin Lang…” Ye Qian called again softly, “Don’t cry, you cry make me feel bad.”

Qin Lang opened his hand, with the few remaining strengths left, he turned around. His back turned to Ye Qian.

Ye Qian didn’t know what to do.

Qin Lang opened his eyes and called the system. The system did not respond to him, Qin Lang thought about it, he might be blocked. In general, there should be strict protection measures for the host. He just finished having sex with classmate Xiao Ye, it seems that the system cannot be contacted at this time.

He doesn’t know if the system can hear him but he still talks: “I hesitated a bit, I think it’s time to try to open up to classmate Ye now. Since the beginning of school, Ye Qian, in addition to eating my tofu, he is always very considerate, gentle, takes care, and protects me. I feel very moved. According to Qin Lang’s character. In fact, he was already in deep. He was just struggling with the relationship between the two but the sexual incident just now made him understand. In fact, he likes Ye Qian very much, although he is forced to do it, but he has always enjoyed it. He used to like girls, now, for Ye Qian’s sake, he can actually accept being fucked. What else could it be if it wasn’t love? Maybe he loves Ye Qian far more than he thought. In this case, maybe he can try to say it, at least be honest with himself. Uh..let me try, hope it doesn’t collapse.”

System: “…” he always felt that the host is not moved by the target character’s feelings but the meat. Is this just his illusion?

Qin Lang’s sobbing gradually stopped. Ye Qian wanted to hug him but was also afraid of irritating him so he did nothing.

“Ye Qian, what exactly do you want me to do?” Qin Lang’s voice was hoarse, a deep sense of powerlessness.

Ye Qian thought Qin Lang would ignore him again or scold him directly. He didn’t expect it to start like this. Listening to his tone, does he want to have a good chat with him?

Ye Qian turned Qin Lang’s body over. He moves lightly, Qin Lang did not resist either. He looked at him and said seriously: “I want us to love each other, love earnestly. I don’t want you to just run away. It’s not fair to me or you.”

Qin Lang looked at him for a while. Looking down at his adam’s apple, he says slowly: “Do you know why my mom and I have to leave K City?”

“Was it not because you wanted to hide from me?”

Qin Lang gave him a ‘you are sick’ look. “I hide from you and run to A City? How am I going to hide when we went to the same university. I’ll see you sooner or later. Well….although I ran away like that to hide from you but I didn’t say we will never meet again, did I?”

“That mean?” Is there something he misses?

Qin Lang looked at him resentfully: “It’s because of your Fang family. In K City, no company dares to accept my mother. Usually those who are good friends are afraid they will be dealt with by your Fang family if they have any connection with us so no one came to help. Your father can’t stand me and my mom at all, so we had to go.”

“Qin Lang, I think you misunderstood.” Ye Qian also understands why Qin Lang always runs away now. “My father has nothing to do with your mother and son. If he really can’t stand you two, do you think you can live smoothly in A City? Now your mother can get a job and you can go to university okay, these all show that the previous grievances and grudge are over with your father.”

“Oh, so that’s it.” However, even after hearing this, Qin Lang’s response was not great.

Ye Qian hurriedly said, “So the grievance between our two families is over. It’s not like we don’t have a future together, you don’t run away anymore okay? I believe we can face it together.”

“I don’t believe so.” Qin Lang said, “I don’t believe your dad would allow you to be with a guy, and this person is also me.”

Ye Qian felt a burst of disappointment, “You have no confidence in me, still not confident in yourself?”

“It’s not a question of confidence in who!” Qin Lang raised his voice a little.

“I’ll make an assumption first. Suppose we are already together and your parents know our relationship, what will they do? First, maybe they’ll ask me out so they could talk to you, but no matter who they are talking to, I’m sure it’s all about letting me leave you. At that time, they may choose to lure. After all, I used to be a young master who only knew pleasure. It must be their most attractive offer to make me a young master again. Second, after the first method fails, they may realize that my feelings for you may not be as simple as it appears, money is already secondary. At that moment, they’ll take means they’re not very willing to use — coercion. And in order to be able to hit this time, they would target my mom. By that time, should I choose you or my mother? Young master Qian, what do you say?” When he said the latter the corners of his lips slightly hooked up. His eyes were a little sharp involuntarily.

[Warning: Character OOC 10%, please pay attention, host!”

Qin Lang suppressed the sharpness in his eyes. It’s a bit OOC indeed. This was the tone he used to negotiate with people.

Ye Qian looked at him blankly. So, is this why Qin Lang has always rejected him? He suddenly remembered the night when he regained his identity as the young master of the Fang family and dragged Qin Lang to the backyard, Qin Lang said, ‘I’m really happy for you’, and now that happiness has turned into a chasm between them.

Qin Lang quickly put on a bleak smile, “Ye Qian, it’s not that I want to reject you. It’s because I don’t have the right to choose. Do you understand?”

Ye Qian turned to look at him: “I won’t…”

“Won’t what?” Qin Lang interrupted him, “won’t let me choose one or the other? Don’t be naive, Ye Qian. The usual coercion and inducement of businessmen, I understand this, are you still not clear?”

Ye Qian grabbed Qin Lang’s hand suddenly, looking into his eyes for a moment: “Give up without trying, I would not agree. You love me too. You want to be with me too, don’t you? I promise you, if the second situation does occur, I will take the initiative to give up on you and won’t make it difficult for you. So now, just let us be happy okay?”

The gazes of the young man were very sincere.

Qin Lang has always had a hard and unwavering heart but there was a ripple for the first time.

After a long time, the sky brightened, the dorm was also bright.

Qin Lang’s voice was still hoarse. It wasn’t loud but contained an unstoppable joy, he choked as he said: “Okay! That’s what you said!”

[Ding, Ye Qian — blackening value -35, the current blackening value is 0.]

[Ding, Ye Qian — favorability 3, the current favorability 95.]

Even if the day I have to give up comes, at least we have loved and been together. There won’t be any regret, no regrets.

That’s youth ah!