Eight boys came out of the lounge, and seven of them had unusual expressions on their faces.

He Qing’s heart skipped a beat, was someone infected?

Tang Xiaorou thought the same as her, and asked, “What’s happened? Was anyone infected?”

Qin Lang ignored her for the first time, and found a corner to stay by himself. Ling Liang’s gaze has always followed Qin Lang and did not respond to her.

She had no choice but to focus on Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei looked at her, hesitating to speak, and sighed helplessly.

“Fuck! Why the hell don’t you say anything, you want to kill the old lady?” He Qing slapped Li Bin on the back.

Li Bin, who hadn’t had enough food for several days in a row, was hit by her. He stabilized his body and said, “No infection. What about you?”

Although he thought these people were strange, He Qing did not continue to ask, and replied, “Her hands and knees were just bruised, there’s no problem.”

Li Bin nodded and stopped talking.

ACheng came over at this moment with some food and was about to hand it over to Li Bin. Just as Li Bin was about to pick it up, he said, “Hold on, give me money.”

Li Bing choked back the ‘thank you’.

Yu Chao, Zhang Mao and others looked ugly. Ling Liang was not happy either, there were even faint signs of anger. He Qing took several deep breaths, as if to persuade herself not to be impulsive, impulsiveness is a devil, not a fairy.

Now in this situation, it’s more important to escape so who will still bring money? Moreover, there are campus cards, bank cards, mobile phones, WeChat, Alipay, even if there is cash, it will not be much.

Tang Xiaorou frowned and said coldly: “We gave you all the money before, they are all busy running for their lives, who will bring money with them?”

Yu Chao threw the mineral water bottle in his hand, “Damn, black-hearted businessman!”

ACheng snorted and said, “What are you talking about? My family bought these things with money. You want to eat them, shouldn’t you buy them? I have let you stay for free, this is just the payment I should get. It’s not too much is it?”

“I’m convinced. I’m so convinced!”

Qin Lang came out of the corner and looked at him gloomily. Ling Liang snorted coldly, took a pen from the counter and tore a piece of paper: “How much does it cost, we don’t have cash, but I think you should have heard of K City Ling’s Group. After this is over, take this IOU to them. 500,000 yuan, it won’t miss a cent.”

ACheng looked at him, he was born in an ordinary family, he couldn’t recognize the brand of clothes Ling Liang was wearing, let alone how much it was worth, “If you said it, I should believe it? How do I know that you are not lying.”

Ling Liang laughed angrily.

Qin Lang took off the watch from his hand and threw it on ACheng: “XX brand is new this year, 500,000 yuan. Is it enough to buy a bunch of your food?”

ACheng’s small eyes flashed, and he quickly put away the watch and Ling Liang IOU, and then reluctantly said: “Okay, I’ll just trust you this once, but don’t go back on your word in the future.”

Ling Liang sneered: “Don’t worry, I, Ling Liang, will never go back on my words, not to mention that you still have the IOU. ”

ACheng nodded in satisfaction, 500,000 watches, 500,000 IOUs, 1 million! With this money, he doesn’t need to look for a job in the future, hahahaha…

After ACheng left, everyone laughed. In this situation, this person is so stupid to think that he has found a shortcut to making a fortune?

In all kinds of disasters, there are always people standing on the dead pile to make money. Those people only have interests in their eyes, they are shameless and hateful.

But this ACheng, they are too lazy to even hate. He only stayed in this store and had no idea how terrifying the disaster was. And because of his shortsightedness, he doesn’t think about the possibility that rescue may not come, and the money he took, he may never have the opportunity to spend it.

While they were eating, they told Tang Xiaorou and the others about what they had seen, which made them feel confident.

“You guessed right. There must be something wrong with the broadcasting studio.” After listening, Tang Xiaorou started analyzing, “As it is now, there will definitely be a temporary settlement in K City. Just like in the zombie movie, the base. Although this virus is raging, the military will definitely make arrangements. The country will not abandon us, the network communication didn’t work so they should have used other methods to spread messages to the people, such as the radio in cars, and the old-fashioned radio.”

Everyone looked at each other and felt that there was some truth to what she said.

“Also, there should also be search and rescue operations. The virus broke out from the south, and it only took half a day to reach K City. We were so far in the south but still infected, then other provinces and cities along the way must be worse. Rescue is needed everywhere. In this situation, it was understandable that no one has come here after such a long time”

Qin Lang: “So, now we have two choices. First, we will stay here and slowly wait for rescue. It might be as quick as three or five days, or as long as a week, 10 days or even longer; two, find a radio, look for possible base information and directions, and then find a car and go to the base by ourselves.”

The surroundings were quiet and silent.

Li Bin: “Okay, let’s leave it here for now. We’ve been tense for so long tonight, let’s rest for now and continue tomorrow.”

Several people got up from the ground. Tang Xiaorou kept observing Qin Lang and Ling Liang, and then she teased: “There is a quilt on the shelf over there. The two of you spent a million yuan, so you guys should use it, others won’t say anything right.”

Several boys laughed, “If that guy dares to make trouble again, I will definitely let him know why the flower is so red.”

Qin Lang didn’t smile at all as he took down the quilt and pillows from the shelf, but unfortunately, K university is so big and every bedroom has air conditioning, so there are no mats for sale in this kind of store.

Ling Liang followed behind him, didn’t speak, just looked at him, and when he sat by the wall and was about to wrap himself in the quilt to sleep, he squeezed beside Qin Lang without a trace, took away half of his quilt and leaned against him.

Qin Lang stared at him with a frown. If one wanted to say he was angry, it really wasn’t the case. He was more embarrassed.

Ling Liang didn’t move, just closed his eyes and leaned against the wall and started to sleep. After waiting for a while, Qin Lang didn’t push him away, and finally slept like that.

“The two of them…what’s the situation?” He Qing also found it strange, “Didn’t they quarrel as soon as they met? Are they willing to sleep together? Alas, it really is a disaster, now even the two of them can coexist peacefully.”

Xiao Fei silently covered his face, took a deep breath, and held back his words.

“Xiao Fei.” However, Tang Xiaorou pointed at him accurately, “What happened to them. Tell me honestly, did something happen?”

The voice of the goddess was so gentle, and the worried expression was so sincere. Xiao Fei gritted his teeth. Sorry two brothers, I can’t just watch the goddess being kept in the dark by you two: “Goddess, after you hear it, don’t be too sad…”

“What the hell is it?” He Qing was impatient. Looking at Xiao Fei’s hesitant appearance, she can’t wait to give him a slap.

“Brother Lang, he, and Brother Liang…they are together!” Xiao Fei was deeply saddened, wishing he could say 10,000 words of sorry to Tang Xiaorou for the two of them.

“…What the fuck!” He Qing’s eyes widened, then she excitedly looked at the two people who were sleeping together at this time. In her lifetime, ah! In her lifetime, she can actually see the two main characters of her fanfiction she wrote in the school post bar together! Mom! So excited! I want to write a 10,000-word H fanfiction right away.

“…Oh.” Tang Xiaorou calmly pushed her glasses and said indifferently, “I thought something was going on… It’s rare. Are these two finally enlightened?”

“???” Xiao Fei’s expression at the moment was more than just a mess expression.

After waiting for two minutes, listening to Tang Xiaorou’s further analysis, his whole body was not feeling too good.

Tang Xiaorou said that she knew that neither Qin Lang nor Ling Liang actually liked her. Qin Lang chased her because of Ling Liang, and Ling Liang seemed indifferent to everything, but he was so prejudiced that he would bully Qin Lang anywhere. Maybe the two of them haven’t noticed it for so many years, but she is between them. Both of them are excellent in front of others, but as long as the two meet, one becomes black and scheming in seconds, and the other always loses his IQ. These two people clearly fell in love with each other long ago, so now that they are together, she is not surprised at all.

Xiao Fei looked at Ling Liang and Qin Lang, who were leaning against each other. His heart was shocked.

Qin Lang seems to have fallen asleep, while Ling Liang has not. Ling Liang stretched out his hand from the quilt and put the pillow that slipped down on Qin Lang’s waist. Then his big hand stroked half of Qin Lang’s face, put his head on his shoulder, and finally helped Qin Lang tuck the quilt in, and close his eyes.

Xiao Fei saw this and felt that his eyes were burning with pain. He covered his eyes, didn’t dare to look, so he went to sleep. Goodbye this fantasy world!

Especially the voice around him, he couldn’t believe his ears.

“Ahhhh! Xiaorou, have you seen it? Ling Liang is so gentle… ahhhhh, my heart is melting.”

“I see. Um, if you write another fanfiction, remember to show it to me.”

“Of course, of course. If you hadn’t provided so much material about them, my fanfiction wouldn’t have been popular…”

“No way, they’re a perfect match.”

“2333…If this can pass, I’ll definitely find someone to draw all the meat!”

Xiao Fei: “…” Goodbye! Goodbye this world!

Although the canteen is not big and ACheng has a bad character, it is indeed safe here. There is food, there are quilts, and the ugly faces of the zombies cannot be seen nor the unpleasant roars can be heard. It relieved the hearts of several people that had been hanging these days.

ACheng is also not blind, he knows what to do when he sees it. He also knows that the last time he made money probably made those people on the verge of exploding, so he hasn’t done anything to cause public anger. To put it bluntly, he actually saw that Qin Lang and these people were high-quality students with higher education, gentlemen, who had not yet been involved in the society, and could reason with him. If they were a group of people who were arrogant and vicious, how could he dare to ask for money, ah.

Unfortunately, Qin Lang and the others stayed in the canteen safely until the fourth night, the canteen welcomed a new batch of people.

Qin Lang and the others did not stay in vain for the past four days. Using the tools in the canteen, they made many handy weapons, just in case. This was also the result of their discussion after arriving at the canteen. If they had to, they still had to go out and find a base by themselves, so it was necessary to prepare weapons in advance.

Of course, not everyone has the courage to go on their own. Neither the girl Li Bin rescued nor the man and woman who were in the canteen except Tang Xiaorou and He Qing, who were unwilling to take risks. What they have seen and heard these days has made them lose a lot of courage. Although they understood Tang Xiaorou’s analysis, what was going on outside was completely unknown. People were always afraid of the unknown, not to mention that they thought their abilities were too limited, and going out meant meeting the inevitable.

That night, He Qing was debugging the radio as usual to see if he could receive any channels. This radio was exchanged by Xiao Fei from ACheng with his diamond earrings. After understanding ACheng’s personality, they only need to exchange something of sufficient value for whatever they want, and ACheng will be happy to exchange. The radio was found by ACheng in the shopkeeper’s utility room.

The radio was broken when they got it, but fortunately, there was Tang Xiaorou, a talented mechanic. Zhang Mao also helped her, so it only took them half a day to fix it. It has been repaired until now, but three days have passed and they still haven’t heard the news they want.

There was another rustling sound of electric current, and everyone was disappointed. Li Bin sighed, “Let’s try again tomorrow, go to bed first.”

The canteen rarely turns on the lights at night, and instead uses small desk lamps for lighting that is not too bright. After all, the canteen is just a small bungalow. If the light attracts zombies nearby, one or two is fine but if there are more, such small houses will fall sooner or later.

There are only two lounges in the canteen. One is the one the owner used, it’s now being used by ACheng, and the other was originally owned by ACheng, and is now being used by several girls. The girls use it at night. If anyone wants to sleep in bed for a while during the day, the girls will let them in.

Tonight, the girls turned on their flashlights and just entered the room, and Li Bin was about to turn off the lights, there was a commotion outside.

Coincidentally, the radio that was still rustling just now suddenly received a tearful sentence: “People of…you…This is K base, longitude XX, latitude XX…there are medical facilities in it. There is an army, I heard… no matter where, K base will stretch out their hands for you, please be sure to stay strong! If there are no special circumstances, please try to stay in a safe environment, we dispatched… wait rescue…October 20th, XX.”

The signal received was not very good so this sentence was heard intermittently and only once. No matter how He Qing debugged, they never received any other messages.

“This is the news from four days ago…” Qin Lang said, his expression still a little dazed.

Looking at other people, they are all in a trance. Really, there is a base? There is medical and military, there is supplies, is it a safe place? The feeling of being abandoned by the world that has been lingering in their hearts these days has finally settled, but at the same time they also have new worries.

“That place…” Tang Xiaorou recalled the latitude and longitude and looked at Ling Liang.

“I’ve been there.” Ling Liang nodded.