It is already late at night, the clouds and mists that pervade Qingyun Peak dissipate, revealing the soft white moonlight.

The moonlight sprinkled on the spiritual spring behind the peak, reflecting the sparkling water, and the water reflected on the nearby hard stone walls, which was quiet and peaceful.

The cave that was originally used for closed-door cultivation did not only accommodate daozun Yun Jue as in previous years, especially the flat stone bed was covered with a layer of extremely soft white fluff, and two cloud pillows next to each other. In previous years, these things would not exist in this stone cave at all.

Qin Lang was lying on the fluffy cushion of some animal hide. He lay his head lightly on the cloud pillow, closing his eyes. His fluttering eyelashes fluttered from time to time, indicating that the owner was not asleep. The light white clothes with the candle light, can still vaguely see the little red marks on the white jade-like skin under the clothes.

Lang Qianxing skillfully massaged his master. A pair of slightly rough hands due to frequent sword practice pressed Qin Lang’s sore waist with moderate strength. At first, the hands were honest, but he pressed it for a full quarter of an hour, seeing his master’s defenseless appearance, the hands began to mess up uncontrollably.

This person only murmured a few times when he was the most excited, so no matter how much he teased at this moment, Lang Qianxing could not hear the sweet and pleasant voice as he hoped, and the only response to him was Qin Lang’s coldness. He grabbed his wrist with his hand and looked at him with those slightly sleepy eyes.

“Master…” Lang Qianxing smiled ingratiatingly, then kissed Qin Lang’s eyes and retracted his hand reluctantly. It’s not good to make further progress tonight. After all, he begged master to do that kind of posture. If he continued, he was not sure whether his master would become angry and irritated, resulting in the tragedy of not being able to share a bed with his master for several nights.

Qin Lang rolled over, lay down on his back, closed his eyes again, and said softly, “It’s getting late.”

“Oh.” Lang Qianxing responded obediently, put out the candle, and lay beside Qin Lang. The cave is not completely dark, there is the moonlight and the light from the heaven crystal rock. He turned his head slightly and looked at Qin Lang’s profile for a while.

After the rustling sound, Lang Qianxing’s original sleeping posture changed. He was half-embracing Qin Lang but he was not satisfied with that. His head moved closer to Qin Lang, his nose was full of this man’s cold fragrance and finally revealed a satisfied smile.

Qin Lang frowned at first, then sighed helplessly, hesitantly and slowly turned to the same side, and patted Lang Qianxing’s back with the soothing hand that always seemed a little cold. Finally, he grabbed his disciple’s strong waist and stopped moving.

Lang Qianxing was stunned. Those deep eyes opened in astonishment when Qin Lang’s hand touched his back, but now Qin Lang embraced him so intimately to sleep, there was only love in his eyes. He lowered his head and gently placed a simple kiss on Qin Lang’s forehead with his warm lips.

Although he may have to experience the infamy of being a spy from the demon and a traitor of Tianyun Sect once again in this life, he also knows that even if everyone spurns him, there is still one person who will always trust him.

After coming out of the secret realm, Qin Lang returned to Qingyun Peak to retreat because he couldn’t accept being loved by his disciple; Zhong Yi and Bo Yi alienated Lang Qianxing because of their master’s anger.

Even if a certain someone occasionally used the mysterious mirror to peep at the daily life of the three in Qingyun Peak, no one showed any flaws. Besides, this kind of spying technique cannot be used often. Even if their cultivation is high, the person being watched will still feel that someone is watching them, and thus become vigilant.

Of course, Qin Lang behind the peak is nothing to worry about. He has a formation layout and his cultivation is the highest in Tianyun Sect. Once anyone dares to peep, more than 60% will be discovered.

So a month after Qin Lang retreated, Yun Hua finally started. Like his previous life, he once again sent the heaven crystal rock to Lang Qianxing.

Although the reason for sending it to him is no longer the same, the purpose is the same. He’s afraid that even the crime this person is going to convict him is the same as his previous life.

He took advantage of Qin Lang’s retreat to send out the heaven crystal rock. Qin Lang loved Lang Qianxing so much. Of course, he could see that Lang Qianxing would never betray Qin Lang, and he was sure that Lang Qianxing would definitely make sure his master survived the tribulation, which is a guarantee to purify that piece of heaven crystal rock. As long as he touches it, then regardless of Qin Lang’s attitude towards Lang Qianxing after he comes out, Yun Hua is absolutely sure that Lang Qianxing will not be a threat to him anymore.

He didn’t know how long Qin Lang would be in retreat, and he didn’t have the patience to wait for the demon qi in the heaven crystal rock to be absorbed by Lang Qianxing little by little. So, he asked someone to help him do some tricks on the heaven crystal rock, putting some things that Lang Qianxing could not see or detect in it.

He wants his junior brother to see with his own eyes that Lang Qianxing has become humble and dirty in front of him, he is not worth his effort and trust to teach him. He wants to make his junior brother feel disappointed and disgusted whenever he hears Lang Qianxing mentioned by others in the future.

Therefore, he will not kill Lang Qianxing directly.

Seven days after Lang Qianxing returned from Baiyun Peak, a jar of water placed in Yun Hua’s study swayed gently. Yun Hua, who was painting, raised his head then stared at the painting, the corners of his mouth curled up.

In the quiet study room, a figure came out of the shadows, the man’s face was pale, “He has moved, can I go back to the demon realm?”

Yun Hua didn’t speak. He took out a small seal from the bookcase and put it on the drawing paper, then he took out a sandalwood box. The pattern on the box was simple but beautiful, the appearance of his slender fingers on the box was also very beautiful.

But the man was not in the mood to appreciate it. He doesn’t want to stay in Tianyun Sect anymore. How could he like a righteous sect which was full of malice towards the demons? Besides, he didn’t come voluntarily.

That’s right, he was the same demon who had been beaten to death when he went to the lower realm to find trouble with Qin Lang. He had already escaped from the forest, but he encountered Yun Hua. Of course, Yun Hua remembered the fact that he showed his love to Yun Jue in Tianyun Sect, but unexpectedly, Yun Hua did not kill him, but brought him into Tianyun sect and hid him in his Baiyun Peak.

The condition of not killing him is to help him deal with a person. That person is Lang Qianxing.

Life is the most important thing, of course he agreed, not to mention that half of his injuries were caused by Lang Qianxing, and killing him was also revenge.

So he recuperated in Tianyun sect and followed Yun Hua into the secret realm. It is a pity that he and Yun Hua did not successfully deal with Lang Qianxing in the secret realm. After coming out, Yun Hua thought of another method.

He is not qualified to know the specific method of this method, but what Yun Hua needs him to do is very simple. Doing a trick on the heaven crystal rock to turn Lang Qianxing into a demon. Hearing this, he also told Yun Hua his guess about Lang Qianxing, to fight for a little opportunity to live.

But obviously, Yun Hua is very dangerous. Although Yun Hua is not as good as Yun Jue, his cultivation base is still above him. Not to mention, he is still seriously injured, so he can’t break the barrier that trapped him, let alone confront.

Looking at the smiling gazes of the man in front of him, his movements were elegant and leisurely, the demon couldn’t hold it in any longer. He didn’t dare to speak loudly, so he discussed in a good voice: “Daozun, whatever you want to do, I had help you do it, shouldn’t it be time to let me go back to the demon…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw the man open the box, revealing a small and exquisite tower inside. His eyes widened immediately, his face was disbelief, but before he had time to step back, his soul was already sucked into the tower.

The black-robed demon fell to the ground, making a muffled sound. Yun Hua threw a little white fire from his fingertips, the body burned quietly in the air, then disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving no trace.

The demon didn’t even have time to negotiate with him. He originally wanted to exchange the things Yun Jue and his disciple did in the mountain forest as his last life-saving talisman with Yun Hua, but Yun Hua didn’t even give him a chance to speak.

Qin Lang watched the video given by the system in the cave, and shook his head, “Why is he moving so fast? If he slowed down, he might be able to hear the adultery between me and my husband. Maybe he can guess that my husband and I are just acting to blow him up.”

The system shrugged: “I can only say that your senior brother is an activist and doesn’t like beeping?”

Qin Lang nodded in agreement.

Three months later, Qin Lang was out of seclusion. The reason is that he is bored to death! During the day, he watches movies with the system or reads novels by himself in the cave, and he only plays with his husband at night. It’s hard to describe what they play. Every day when he opens his eyes, there’s only stone. When he closes his eyes, it’s still stone. The most active area is in the spiritual spring, now he is really tired of taking a shower. It is extremely necessary to breathe fresh air, enjoy the blue sky, white clouds, the rivers and mountains.

His retreat this time was not for a breakthrough, so there was no celebration at all. He simply went to Yun Feng to report, then he returned to Qingyun Peak.

Yun Hua didn’t expect Qin Lang to come out so soon, but fortunately his plan has been half-successful, even if Qin Lang leaves seclusion ahead of time, things will not be too deviated.

Then two months later, an invitation was sent to him.

That’s right, Qin Lang is going to hold a dao companion ceremony with Lang Qianxing!

Seeing the familiar handwriting on the red paper, Yun Hua’s mind went blank for a moment. When he came back to his senses, the thin piece of paper had turned to ashes in his hands.

He looked at the empty palm, his eyes were fierce and sinister. Lang Qianxing, he really underestimated him!

When Qin Lang just left his closed-door cultivation, he didn’t like seeing Lang Qianxing very much. When he taught Zhong Yi and Bo Yi, he would ignore Lang Qianxing’s existence.

Lang Qianxing has always been cautious when he appeared in Qingyun Peak, like walking on thin ice. He was afraid that Qin Lang would suddenly say something like “From today, you are no longer me, Yun Jue, disciple.”

Tianyun Sect disciples who occasionally came to Qingyun Peak to deliver supplies or borrowed some tools saw it in their eyes. When they left Qingyun Peak, they laughed at Lang Qianxing’s embarrassment and ridiculousness like falling from the cloud to the ground.

Lang Qianxing stayed in front of Qin Lang for a month as if he was transparent. Maybe he was eager to give Qin Lang the heaven crystal rock and wanted to beg for forgiveness, so he suddenly vomited blood and fainted while cultivating, falling unconscious.

As soon as Zhong Yi and Bo Yi saw it, they were frightened. They quickly went to their master to save his life.

On that day, the few senior brothers gave Qingyun Peak a spirit stone, and a group of people gathered in Lang Qianxing’s room. On the surface, they were concerned about the safety of their fellow disciples, but in reality they were just joining in the fun.

At that time, Zhong Yi invited Qin Lang, but when Qin Lang reached outside Lang Qianxing’s room, he didn’t go in immediately. However, at the end, he still saved Lang Qianxing again.

Because several senior brothers and sisters, who came back from the secret realm, said that Qin Lang doted on this disciple very much and he was very treasured, but after returning from the secret realm, the relationship between the two suddenly deteriorated. The gossip disciples wanted to know why, but according to the seniors brothers and sisters who came back from the secret realm, they said that the relationship between the two masters and disciple was good before in the secret realm, they did not understand the reason either.

It’s simply a mystery, there should be more things to know, don’t you think so?!

Tianyun sect’s enthusiasm for gossip about this matter exploded at the moment when they suddenly heard that Qin Lang and Lang Qianxing were going to hold a ceremony to be dao companions.

When cultivating and eating, they did not forget to discuss the twists and turns of Qingyun Peak’s relationship. From the mingzhong meeting to the training together, then to the secret situation, and finally Lang Qianxing was saved by Qin Lang once again, and went to Qin Lang’s courtyard to kneel for seven days and seven nights begging for forgiveness.

The words were very vivid, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

Yun Sang disapproved of the fact that her little junior brother, who had always had a weak relationship, suddenly wanted to become dao companion with his disciple. Yun Hua, needless to say, since he received the invitation, he has not shown up. She’s afraid that he couldn’t accept it, but they are only senior brothers and senior sisters, they cannot make all decisions for Qin Lang. She’s afraid that the only ones who can directly oppose him are their masters and senior brothers who have already transcended.

Yun Sang is still thinking about matching Yun Hua and Qin Lang. One is a good junior and gentleman who has been with him for thousands of years, and the other is a young boy. She naturally prefers her junior brother, so she also doesn’t understand why Qin Lang chooses a disciple who has only been with him for less than a year.

But she was not Qin Lang, and their senior brother didn’t object to it clearly. She went to Qin Lang, the indifferent little junior brother was still the same, with no expression on his face. He was so calm that he didn’t look like a person whose happy event was getting closer.

She thought, maybe her little junior brother didn’t know what love was, and there might be other reasons for becoming doa companion with Lang Qianxing, but when Lang Qianxing appeared in front of her to make tea for her, she saw a smile and warmth in her little junior brother’s eyes, who were always clear and unwavering.

When Yun Sang left Qingyun Peak, she felt a little dreamy. Her little junior brother really fell in love with his disciple. It’s not because he didn’t understand feelings but because the person in front of him was different. Like her, like Yun Hua, he treats Yun Hua the same as her, it’s just the friendship of the seniors brothers and sisters.

The only thing that could really affect his mood might really be this Lang Qianxing, who had only appeared for less than a year. She heard that they had left the secret realm, Qin Lang angrily left Lang Qianxing and left alone.

Anger is an emotion that is as difficult to appear in her little junior brother as joy, but he uses it all on the same person. No wonder senior brother didn’t stop it, she’s afraid that senior brother also understood.

So what about Yun Hua? Yun Sang felt distressed for her other junior brother.

She sighed and walked in the direction of Baiyun Peak. As soon as she stepped into Yun Hua’s yard, she smelled the aroma of wine unsurprisingly.

Yun Hua likes wine, but not alcohol, yet now there’s a strong smell of alcohol in the yard, one doesn’t need to think about it to know the reason.

Yun Sang suddenly felt even more headache. She walked into the courtyard. She saw Yun Hua sitting there drinking alone, his figure infinitely lonely.

Yun Sang reassured him a few words, but she didn’t know whether he was listening or not, so she had to drink a few pots of wine with him. As a result, Yun Hua did not fall but she herself was drunk.

Yun Hua stopped drinking, the original pair of sad and blurred eyes had recovered. He glanced at Yun Sang, who had already fallen asleep, and sneered in his heart. Giving up? How can he give up?

How could the treasure he had been waiting for for so long be taken by others? Just wait, his junior brother is only temporarily blinded. He will find out, and soon he will find out what an ugly demon his good disciple is.