Chapter 316 315: The Chosen Ones

Chapter 316 315: The Chosen Ones




And Intrigue.

These were the emotions of Rosa, Fatty Black Bonez, Old Man Poison, Selene and the rest as they watched a scene which should not be possible.

"You're a healer?"

Old man poison's shock filled voice boomed in the abandoned warehouse. His words mirroring the exact question that was in the minds of everyone.

"I'm not."

Corey shook his head, and all eyes landed on Corey with confusion evident in their gaze.

"It's a skill. It's a healing skill."

Corey said and everybody's eyes widened to absurd lengths.

"How were you able to get a healing skill? I thought only healers could learn healing skills?" Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Fatty Black Bonez voice that was contained noticeable baffleness echoed, and Corey raised his brows.

'Only healers can learn healing skills?'

Corey thought, but didn't express his thoughts.

He shrugged, and with an indifferent tone, he replied:

"I don't know how. But, I almost died to get the skill."

Despite Corey's words, it was obvious to everybody that Corey was not fully telling the truth nor did he want to give explicit details of how he got his healing skill.

Though, they all knew that Corey meant it when he said that he almost died when he got the skill.

Which was true.

The skill Corey used to heal Rosa was dream healing, a variant version of the Regeneration skill which he got after consuming the Veinweaver's Dreamgrass.

Corey had actually almost died after he consumed the Veinweaver's Dreamgrass, and the memories of what he went through was deep inside Corey's mind.

It was going to be useful to him in the future.

Dream Healing was extremely different from Regeneration and could be said to be even better.

There were two major differences between Regeneration and Dream Healing.

One, Dream Healing could heal another person unlike Regeneration which could only heal the owner of the skill itself.

Two, Dream Healing could also relieve one of mental distress like mental exhaustion, sadness, anxiety, fear e.t.c.

"But not for us, but for the chosen ones of the top organizations on New Earth."

Rosa's fists tightened, and Corey's eyes was filled with shock and bafflement.

"Every year, some heirs, young masters and so on, would come to the Underworld, and we the residents would be matched up against one of these people who call themselves the chosen ones."

"It's usually a fight to the death. And normally, there should be no consequences for killing a chosen one. But-"

"The world doesn't work like that right?"

Corey interrupted, and Rosa nodded slightly.

"We're prisoners and nobody would care if a prisoner dies. Especially we prisoners of the Underworld who are considered dead by the outside world."

Rosa clenched her left fist more tightly and Corey glanced at her fist.

He saw a drop of blood fall unto the ground.

"During this period, the chosen ones and their elders come to the Underworld and live here for some time. If one is 'lucky', a chosen one or elder might take a liking to an Underworld resident."

"And the person could be 'free' in a sense."

Rosa said and Corey glanced at his right.

"During this period, people usually have hope and-"


Corey interjected once again, then he looked at the roof with squinted eyes.

"Yes, you're right."

Rosa nodded, then she continued.

"Who knows what fate awaits a person if he or she leaves with an elder or a chosen one. The person might suffer a life worse than death, or the person might actually enjoy."

Rosa chuckled mockingly, then she continued:

"Divine is actually from one of the top organizations in the outside world."

Corey looked at Rosa, he was not too surprised.

He had somewhat expected it.

"He's from a family called the House of Divine."

Rosa said, and Corey raised his brows.


"The House of Divine are enemies with another top organization called The House of Hellfire."

"And the house is the current reason for our predicament."


[A/N: The last extra chapter. I know it's coming late. Sorry. A lot of things came up. And I mean a lot of things. Happy New Year by the way once again.

Also, I wouldn't upload until January 3 because I have to write my school seminar before that day.]