Chapter 487 487 – Engagement Ceremony [3]

Chapter 487 Chapter 487 – Engagement Ceremony [3]

?The two of them stood there, with the morning sun peeking from the horizon between them. The light from sunrise was blinding, but not as much as their figures in white dresses.

Their faces were hidden behind a white veil, so I couldn't see them. But I believed they were the most beautiful ever.

Accompanying them were Vivian and Cecil, dressed in a dress that matched their hair color. They didn't stand out at all and let both Tris and Eli be in the spotlights. The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

All guests attending looked over them when they walked toward me on the red carpet. Their gazes were that of amazement.

Once again, I couldn't see their faces yet, but I knew they were smiling behind that white veil, just like me.

When they reached the last row of guests, I noticed Tris' movement slowed down a little. Her head moved slightly to the left, to eleven empty seats beside the guest benches that I especially asked Sana to prepare.

Some random items, such as a hat, a teapot, a broom, a staff, and a slipper, were sitting on these chairs.

It was only for a moment, but she was surprised and moved at me in a happier mood. Just like me, she probably saw the images of our deceased comrades there. I certainly would've loved to hear their teasing again. I knew they would do it if they knew I was engaged to Tris.

Vivian and Cecil moved to their seats after Tris and Eli reached the front row. Both of them walked slowly, stopping in front of me with Pope Juriel between us. No one said anything, and we just stared at each other.

"The fiancees have arrived."

At that moment, Pope Juriel broke the silence. She opened the Holy Book in her hand. It was different from the usual one, as it had a golden cover.

"By the will of the Goddess, the fiance may take his fiancees' veils off." She said with a soft voice and no expression whatsoever on her face.

I wondered whether this was actually an engagement or a wedding ceremony. But I followed Juriel's word and took off Eli's veil first. Her smile was the first thing I saw, followed by her happy expression.

Sighing in relief, I proceeded to take Tris' veil off this time. I noticed a streak of tears on her cheek, passing her lips that curled upward.

"It's strange... Once I saw those items on the seat, my tears couldn't be stopped." She said, "Thanks, Art."


Because she was wearing heels to match Eliza's height, she couldn't tiptoe any further. So I leaned closer to her and gave her a light peck on the lips. Her face flushed red, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"With this, the tie between the three is established. Congratulations."

Pope Juriel clapped her hands, followed by the guests. I stood between my fiancees and looked at them.

Vivian was crying, and Cecil tried to calm her down. She looked happy when she watched Eli. Rania and Sophia also congratulated us in their own ways, as they couldn't clap their hands.

"They are also clapping." Tris suddenly said as she held my hand tightly.

I glanced at the empty seats, and their imaginary presences were there, grinning widely and congratulating us. Some mocked me for being so dense and late, while the others tried to hold their laughter together.

Eli looked a bit confused at what we did.

"I will tell you the details. I am now ready." I reassured her by grabbing her hands tightly.

Next would be the party. I expected this to be over, but I suddenly felt a suffocating presence behind me.

(Not so fast, my child. Let me offer you my congratulations.)

I turned around when I heard a different voice. Pope Juriel's blindfold was untangled, revealing sky-blue eyes that seemed to oversee everything.

"My Goddess!"

All at once, the guests lowered their heads and fell to their knees. Tris narrowed her eyes as she looked back, but she didn't seem to be able to handle the Goddess' presence either. Even Eli would already be on her knees now if I didn't put my <Holy Barrier> in time.

Juriel's lips curled up in a playful smile.

(My beloved Paladin. Congratulations on your engagement. I shall give you and your fiancees my blessing.)

As soon as she said those words, the hall was engulfed in a golden light, forcing me to close my eyes. Following that, a soft whisper tickled my ears.

(I believe you will be ready for your real task now. See you again, my beloved.)