Si Yihan rubs the tip of his nose and sees the successful reward interface. He puts his mobile phone back in his pocket with satisfaction.

Then he straightened up and sat on the chair.

After a while, out of the inner hall came an old man with luxuriant hair and dressed in an ancient white gown.

"You are the one who wants to see me?" he said in a neutral voice

This man is just the old Qiu that Si Yihan is looking for. Fortunately, he came back suddenly today.

Si Yihan stood up, showing a kind of noble atmosphere naturally, with a modest and genial smile on his face: "I want to ask Mr. Qiu about some problems, and visit him without permission. I hope Mr. Qiu will forgive me."

"Ha ha, it's OK. Anyway, I'm free now, old man." Old Qiu laughed twice and sat on the throne, looking up and down at Si Yihan.

The latter also sat calmly, let him look.

After a while, Mr. Qiu stopped breathing. The teacup on the table sipped gently and said, "tell me about it. What kind of event can the general manager of tangtangchenfeng come to me personally? "

Qiu Lao's face became a little serious. He looked at Si Yihan with a straight face and asked.

"It's my honor to meet Mr. Qiu. Since Mr. Qiu asked me this, I'll be frank. I'm here to ask you whether you've seen this thing before." Si Yihan took out the leaf shaped jade from his arms and put it in front of Qiu.

The latter saw this jade eyes mercilessly fluctuated for a while, exclaimed: "unexpectedly is the legendary Silk Brocade warm jade!"

He busily took the jade, and his hands trembled slightly because of shock.

Old Qiu turned the jade over and over, his eyes flashing green, not greedy, but in the face of such precious jade can not hide love.

This kind of jade is said to have been lost more than 1000 years ago, and only historical records prove that it really existed in history.

The jade has a thin transparent layer on the outside and a silk like texture on the inside. The whole jade tentacle is as smooth as touching the top silk. And the most important thing is that the jade is in constant temperature all the year round, so it is called "silk brocade warm jade".

It's the most difficult to get from ancient times.

There are only three in history.

But the silk brocade warm jade formed naturally like a leaf. It has never been mentioned in history.

However, no matter how old Qiu can see this legendary jade in his lifetime, he has no regrets in this life!

After a while, he asked tentatively, "boy, is this jade yours?"

"No, it's my mother's. Do you know the origin of this jade

It's the first time that Mr. Qiu met me today. How could he know? So he shook his head, carefully put the jade on the table and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

After tracking down the dosage, I finally got some clues today, but the result was completely broken. Si Yihan said that he was not disappointed. It was all false.

Old Qiu looked at the jade on the table with his lover's eyes. Suddenly, he felt that the shape of the jade became more and more familiar. A flash of inspiration in his mind made him slap himself on the thigh.

"Wait, this I seem to have seen manuscripts of similar shapes. Boy, sit here for a while, and I'll come. "

After that, Qiu rushed back to the back hall and went to the place where he piled up his calligraphy and paintings. In a pile of words and paintings to pick and choose, finally, at the bottom of a box found a small square box. Open a look, there is a yellow paper lying inside.

The paper was broken one by one because of too long time, and the edge was also broken, as if it would turn into a pile of ash when the wind blows.

And the above is the pattern of a leaf. Details, through the piece of silk brocade warm jade almost the same.

So he quickly took the box and ran out again. He didn't care about the stains on his white sweater, which was always clean.

"Boy, take out your jade again." Before the cannon fodder hall, he yelled anxiously.

Si Yihan put the jade in the palm of his hand, and there was a faint warmth.

as like as two peas as like as two peas, Qiu Lao looked back and opened it. He found a manuscript and found it was the same as the jade shape in his cold hands. The size of the manuscript was as large as the size of the manuscript.

"What's this, Mr. Qiu?" Si Yihan looks at old Qiu with a little doubt. How can he have this thing here? Does it really come from here? How did this fall into his mother's hands? And who is the man who came to look for jade? Is it related to Qiu Lao?

Si Yihan's face was a little dignified.

"This should belong to one of my ancestors. It is impossible to decay in this wooden box without one or two hundred years of history. This is the same thing that I found a few years ago when I sorted out the things left by my ancestors. Because of the lifelike painters, I couldn't help paying more attention to them. I didn't expect that it had something to do with silk brocade and warm jade! "Qiu was also very surprised and excited. He was so excited that his face turned red.

"Wait, there seems to be some words here Tang Yao Wen Qiu Lao found that there were several fuzzy handwriting on the edge of the broken. He read the name after carefully identifying it.

Si Yihan didn't know who Tang Yaowen was, but looking at Qiu's expression, he might have something to do with Qiu.

Suddenly, as soon as Qiu patted his forehead, his eyes were as bright as two light bulbs. He held the box in his arms like a treasure in the world and said: "Tang Yaowen is the man of the day in the vein of our jade discriminator! This, this, this is from him

Old Qiu was so excited that he was about to faint.

"Mr. Qiu, does he have descendants?" Si Yihan can't wait to ask.

As a result, he shook his head in frustration and said, "he has never married in his life, and there is no descendant." If so, how could their pulse decay like this!

Si Yihan frowned tightly, picked up the box and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, from a certain angle, he saw a few words behind the name of "Tang Yaowen".

But because time was too long, it was almost invisible. If it wasn't for the ink that could shine in the sun, he might not have found these words.

"Mr. Qiu, could you lend me this piece of paper first, and I'll ask someone to repair the words on it." Si Yihan pointed to the words that could hardly be seen and said very seriously.

Mr. Qiu's face suddenly became embarrassed.

This paper looks very fragile. What if it is damaged in the process of repair? But he also wanted to know what these words had written and whether they were records related to silk brocade and warm jade? , the fastest update of the webnovel!