Chapter 646

Name:Skilled Doctor Wife Author:柳叶
"Dingbei palace?" Chen Mu Mu is surprised, "still have a relation with the king of Dingbei?"

She suddenly remembered the story that doctor Mo told her.

About Mo Qin's relationship with Lin Mo and Chu Lin, king of Dingbei.

"It started with him, and it should end with him." Lu Jinfeng gently breathed out, "don't ask me. I'm not very clear. I don't know much, and I can't tell why. If you want to know the answer, you have to find it yourself."

It's true, but

"Before leaving the capital, didn't you tell me that Chu Lin might be bad for me? Now let me go to Dingbei palace to find the answer, you are not afraid that I will be dismembered by Chu Lin? "

"This time, that time." Lu Jinfeng Mou light is complex, "now he, should not want to kill you."

That's fine.

It's just that.

"Are you sure I'll go to Chu Lin and ask for the answer, and he'll give it to you?"

"Not sure." Lu Jinfeng said, "but if you go to Dingbei palace, you can solve the mystery all the time."

"Good." Now that Lu Jinfeng has said that, even if Dingbei palace is a dragon's den and tiger's den, she will have to go into it.

"I'm going." Lu Jinfeng frowned, "he's going to wake up."

"So fast?" Chen Mu Mu is stunned, ask a way later, "exchange between you, what law is there?"

Lu Jinfeng shook his head: "go with the fate."

What random fate, this words baffled her heart.

He grabbed his arm and said, "don't go yet. Answer my question."

"Time is running out." Lu Jinfeng did not answer the question. He took a deep look at her face and said, "if you can, be nice to him."

"Ah?" Chen Mu was confused.

What is Lu Jinfeng doing?

Let her treat Lu Yao better!

Before, he was still disgusted with Lu Yao, and some of them were jealous?

Now let her be nice to him, saying that time is running out.

The so-called "time is running out" means that Lu Yao is about to wake up and they don't have much time to talk, or

Lu Yao is about to disappear, so there is not much time. Let her take the opportunity to be better to Lu Yao?

But isn't Lu Yao's soul stronger than Lu Jinfeng's? Didn't he always call himself a strong man?

Just now Lu Jinfeng mocked himself that they could only live one life. Why did Lu Yao disappear?

Or was she wrong?

Just thinking about it, Lu Jinfeng put his head back and went to sleep.

Chen Mu Mu looked at the face of the demon who was sleeping, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Just looking at her, her beautiful eyes suddenly opened and caught her eyes.

Then, the line of sight moved down and fell on the arm she was holding, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Why, coveting my beauty, trying to do anything wrong to me while I'm drunk?"

"How can it be!" Chen Mu didn't even think about it, so she retorted subconsciously, "am I that kind of person? I'm a clean girl's family. You can't ruin my reputation. It's just that I'll take a look at you when I see you're drunk. "

"Take a look, as for all hands and feet?" Lu Yao's eyes were ambiguous. He held her hand on his arm and said, "I've caught you. I can see your squinting eyes clearly."

... the color is dim.

She's all over the place.

When did she turn into a sex wolf!

No matter how evil he looks, she will not be so unruly. It's just a rumor!

I don't care about him.

"I didn't expect you to wake up so soon. Do you have a headache?"

"I just went to sleep. I didn't feel very well." Lu Yao stared at her and asked for a while, "he just woke up?"

He, of course, refers to Lu Jinfeng.

Two people share a body, some things experience, is outsiders can not feel.

Chen Mu Mu sees his in the mind to understand, also not conceal him, nodded.

Lu Yao was not unhappy, but said indifferently: "it's good to know that he's not very bad, and you'll have to worry about it."

Chen Mu Mu lips moved, want to say something, words to the mouth, but swallow back.

Although Lu Yao's words are indistinct and uncomfortable, what he said is reasonable.

These days, what I see is Lu Yao. What's Lu Jinfeng's situation? She doesn't say it, but she is anxious.

Now, after seeing Lu Jinfeng, she knew that she was still very well, so she put down her heart.

But what Lu Jinfeng said made her uneasy.

Lu Yao put her tangled look into his eyes. He stood up and said, "after sleeping for a while, I feel much more energetic. If there is nothing else, we will go back to the capital."

After all, there is a hidden boss waiting for them in the capital. They should start early, solve problems early and be at ease early.

Chen Mu nodded, but his mood was a little stuffy: "do you really want to leave so soon?"

"You can't bear to be the second son of the Wang family?" Lu Yao glanced at her and said, "but I have to remind you that Wang Mingyang, a short-term friend, feels that he attaches great importance to affection and righteousness. But when you get along with him for a long time, you may not be treated so politely

Chen Mu does not refute.

The childe of a rich family has a lot of heart. Although Wang Mingyang keeps saying that she is his friend and that he can take all the food and drink in this place and treat her very well, if she stays here for a long time, the beautiful friendship may be changed.

It's not too bad.

However, "Wang Mingyang is having a hangover. Why don't we go like this?"

Anyway, I had to say goodbye to my master's family, so I left. I didn't respect the master's family.

"It's because he's drunk that he doesn't have to say goodbye."

Lu Yaomo was silent and gave her a meaningful look.

"You are a disaster now. Do you think you will not bring trouble to Wang Mingyang if you stay here?"

Lying trough, originally she had not thought of this floor, Lu Yao so a reminder, she does not go immediately, sorry Wang Mingyang!

However, "the power of the Wang family is so great that there are few troubles. Can we live with him?"

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a merchant." Lu Yao chuckled, "scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce, businessmen are at the bottom. They can't enter the official career, and they can't support the soldiers. Generally, small disasters and small difficulties will not be ignored. But if big difficulties come, how can the Wang family resist them?"

No matter how powerful it is, it's just a businessman.

After all, this era is different from the one she lived in. In her era, businessmen could cover up the sky, but not in ancient times.

Chen Mu is a thorough person, some things she didn't notice, but it doesn't mean she didn't understand.

In particular, Lu Yao said so clearly.

He bit his lower lip and said, "stop talking. I understand. Let's go now."

She's in a lot of trouble now, but she can't be too tiring.

Wang's family is just a merchant, not a shelter for her.

Seeing that she understood, Lu Yao nodded: "you just know."

Tidy up and go outside.

Chen Mu Mu looked at his body shaking, worried and asked: "are you sure you can walk like this now? Will you fall to the ground in the middle of walking? "

Lu Jinfeng can't drink wine. Even if Lu Yao lives in his body now, it's Lu Jinfeng's body after all.

Just rest for a while, can you walk normally?

She didn't believe it.

"I'm not that weak." Lu Yao glanced at her and said, "don't forget that I saved you when you were injured several times."

Naturally, he has his means.

Chen Mu Mu nodded. He didn't say it was ok, but it reminded her of her back spine: "I remember that I was seriously injured before. As a result, I woke up after a sleep, and everything was OK. What medicine did you give me?"

It's amazing. It's beyond her comprehension.

"No medicine for you." Lu Yao held out his hand, "you have bitten a snake."

"And then?" Just because of the snake?

"Snake blood can make your wound heal quickly when you are injured. As long as you are willing to sleep and have a breath, even half of your foot in the coffin can save you." Lu Yao said, "but it's just a few broken bones. It's not easy to repair them."

It's not easy. Is it easy?

It's not surprising that she'll have a good sleep after a hundred days' injury?

"The last time I was injured, snake blood saved me?" Chen Mu Mu asked, "instead of giving you what good medicine I took?"

"There are so many magic medicines in the world. The snake blood you drink is a wonder." Lu Yao said, "it's just a little bit slow, as long as..."

His eyes twinkled and he didn't go on.

However, what is not said is usually the truth.

Chen Mu Mu where is willing to let off such a news, a grasp his arm: "as long as what?"

"Nothing. It's none of your business." Lu Yao said lightly.

"It's nothing to do with me. It's about my family and my life." Chen Mu Mu where can be so easy to deceive in the past, "you tell me honestly, my snake blood healing, under what circumstances, can play faster?"

"I don't want to say that." Lu Yao showed his hand and said frankly.

I don't want to say it directly.

Chen Mu head some big: "why?"

"I'm the party, but I don't have the right to know the truth. What's the reason?"

"Because it's my secret." Lu Yaodao.

"I don't care!" Chen Mu Mu doesn't want to be cheated by him any more. He grabs his arm and grits his teeth and says, "it's up to me. I need to know what I say. Don't you say I'm your little partner in the future? Why don't I trust you? It's not because you're hiding everything from me. I don't know anything, so naturally I have doubts! "

"Do you mean to tell me by yourself, or shall I check it out? There is no impermeable wall in the world, and there is no secret to cover forever. I dare say that as long as I have the heart to investigate, I will be able to find out. It's just a matter of time. "

Lu Yao had no choice but to look at her resolute face and shake his head: "you will suffer losses sooner or later."

"I'd love to." Chen Mu Mu said, "in a word, if you don't tell me, I'll find the answer myself!"

"You must know?" Lu Yao asked.

"Sure!" Chen Mu is determined.

"Well, I don't mind telling you." Lu Yao shrugged, "with the power of the soul, with blood essence to assist convalescence, no matter how much injury, one night, you can recover as before."

i see.

Does the power of soul and blood essence assist recuperation? That's why he was so weak last time and gave the enemy a chance to take advantage of it. That's why he let Lu Jinfeng run out and fall into a deep sleep?

Chen Mu Mu pinched the palm of his hand, pressed down the ups and downs of his heart, and asked: "if no one uses the power of soul and blood essence to assist me, then I am seriously injured?"

"It's likely to be like a snake, falling into a coma." Lu Yao said, "the silver moon snake can heal itself when it sleeps. The more seriously it is injured, the deeper it sleeps. If you're seriously injured, look at the severity of the injury and fall asleep. "

"For example, my bone is broken this time?" Chen Mu asked, "if I didn't have your help, let me heal myself, how long will it be ok?"

"A month." Lu Yao said, "even if there is no adjuvant treatment, your body will recover better than others."

"Well, it's a blessing in disguise." Chen Mu said.