"Jess's online." Said Mercer.

Su Mu looked back at her and asked, "how many grades is Jess now?"

"72, the first in the continental division of the US empire. What's the matter? Do you want to see him? " Mercer knew the relationship between Sumu and Jess. Both of them didn't agree with each other. In Zeus' time, they often fought against each other.

In the impression of Mei Xil, the tomorrow of Jess and Huaxia is almost the two people who challenge the gods Pavilion most often. However, they often stop at the zero level, so the challenge to Su Mu has happened three times in recent years.

One is tomorrow, totally defeated, one is Jess, ten skills later, and one When Michelle thought of the man, she couldn't help smiling. Tut, shadow Born to pick flowers.

"Forget it, it's gone. Let's talk about it during the national war." Su Mu turns to the window of the mission hall.

Honor Theater: ten tasks are refreshed every day, and the tasks are graded. From the first task, the honor value is 200, the second task is 100 honor value, and so on, and so on.

However, the first task is often the task of the God boss, which requires 100000 gold coins to accept the task, and the penalty for failure is the deduction of 400 honor value.

This is also to restrain monopoly, because the system is afraid that the task will be accepted by others if it is refreshed. Even if the task cannot be completed, it will not be completed by other countries. Therefore, in order to curb this kind of behavior, the failure penalty of each task is twice the honor value deduction.

The honor value of a country can be negative. If you don't have 400 honor value in your country, it will become a negative number directly. You have been waiting for the players in this country to fill in the honor value to restore the positive number. Therefore, no one is bound to take on every task.

And the Japanese island country, two consecutive days to complete the first task, so the honor value is as high as 500, far ahead in the first place.

Today's tasks have been accepted and completed, so Su mu can only leave the task hall helplessly.

In the main city of the country, the names of all players are mysteries, but what country players will be shown.

Su Mu and Mei Xi'er come directly to a small lake in the main city. Then they see Yoshizawa in the wooden corridor outside.

Michelle giggled and said, "OK, I'll wait for you here. Go."

Su Mu nodded and left the country.

Jize saw Su mu in the morning, so he bowed quickly after seeing him coming: "Mr. Su..."

"I've said it many times. Don't be so polite." Su Mu quickly raised her and said.

Yoshida Mingjing smile, that calm cheek looks a little red, beautiful.

"Sorry, Mr. Su, Yamamoto..."

"It's not the first time that you have participated in the honor war zone. Do you need to say more about this?"


They turned around and looked at the Lotus Lake in the main city. Yoshizawa said quietly, "Mr. Su, it has been three years since I left last time. Mingjing really miss him. I don't know when I can see Mr. Su again."

In reality, it has not been seen for three years, but Su Mu said with a smile: "why do they still have such loyalty when they treat you so much?"

"Mr. Su is laughing. People like us are destined to be born for the sake of organization. Every girl waiting for a task at the age of 18 is the destiny of each school. Mingjing is lucky to be loved by Mr. Su so much."

Although Jize Mingjing said so, Su Mu heard a deep resentment.

There are a lot of people like her in Japan island. They are beautiful to the extreme. They have even trained house art since childhood. Although they are virgins, they are not comparable to ordinary women. They can only accept a task once in their life since they are selected. Because their task is to serve men, it is impossible and impossible to serve a person Serving the second person is a hard and fast rule of the Japanese island organization.

At the beginning, Su Mu didn't have a relationship with her, but in order not to let her be executed by the organization, Su Mu played a play with her. No matter whether her boss knew it or not, she survived.

However, her sisters have completed the task one by one. She is still a virgin all the time, but she has completed the task externally, so she has a little grudge at this time, and Su mu can also feel it.

"I'm sorry." Su Mu's light way.

Jize Mingjing chuckled and said, "Mr. Su, why did you say that? It is Mr. Su who is kind to Mingjing. Mingjing will never forget that the dragon soul group will enter the honorary war zone in the next few days. If Mr. Su wants to fight for honor on behalf of the Chinese Empire, he must be careful. "

Su Mu knew that this woman was not just talking about the past.

The dragon soul group is the second largest guild of the Japanese island state. It is a super guild second only to the sun god in the national war.

When he thought of the sun god, Su Mu couldn't help but think of a white girl in the U.S. empire. She had long white hair and blue eyes. She was not tall. She was a little bit of a bird. She was totally different from the American Empire's ocean horse beauty, and her personality was very gentle and Naughty There is a kind of Oriental woman's character, but it is the appearance of American Empire.Anna, the goddess of the sun.

At that time, Su Mu received a phone call from Anna's father. At that time, he accepted that Su Mu could be the president of the sun god, but in fact, the old boy's plan was to make su Mu his son-in-law. Su Mu knew this for a long time, so he didn't want to go to the sun god.

"Thank you for your information." Su Mu Dao.

Jize Mingjing turned around, then looked at Su Mu and said, "Su Mr. Su... "


"Mingjing, Mingjing, I'd like to ask you a favor..." This woman, born shy, reserved the day after tomorrow, let me feel pity.

"Let's talk about it. Don't be stingy within your ability."

Jize Mingjing's watery eyes looked at Su mu, then lowered his head slightly, and his face turned slightly red: "Mingjing, I want to hold Mr. Su Just a hug Thank you for your kindness. "


Muddled, helpless!

Su Mu has a feeling that all parts of the world are in debt!

Although there was no relationship with Jize Mingjing, in their organization, in the eyes of outsiders, Jize Mingjing was su Mu's woman. Otherwise, meizier would not have molested Su Mu like this.

Therefore, Su Mu sometimes feels that it is too professional and too archaic to be a part of their business!

Because too many unknowns are inevitable.

"Shadow, Jess and Anna are coming!" At this moment, Messier came up and called.

Su Mu was stunned: "which one?"

"I heard from Jess just now, and he came to the main city with Anna..."

"Lying trough!"

Missy hung a smile: "well, sleeping trough!"

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