grade: no

grade: no

grade: no

stage: 710

attack force: 1

magic power: 1

strength: 500

Constitution: 500

Constitution: 500

Constitution: 500

tenacity: 500

wrist force: 100

momentum: 100

momentum: 100

momentum: Lucky: 10

airspace: 10

domain: 1

domain: 1

domain: 1

magic power: Magic power: 1

< strike 。

Additional skills: Divine fist; free hand release, instantly hit 10 times critical hit, immunity invincible, immunity element, immunity field, base damage 100000, energy 50000, CD 10 minutes.

Divine · divine realm grip, release divine region wrist guard and divine realm grip, increase strength by 5% per second, add 10% power per second after maximum power stack of 10000, infinite stack, increase 50% per second after power stack of 1 million, wireless stack, 100% per second stack after 100 million power stack, infinite stack, skill CD7 days, skill penalty, divine ring failure for 7 days 。

God · heavy fist attack, regardless of any immunity attribute, basic damage unknown, CD7 days.

True · divine · divine · heaven punishment: in the passive state, the skill effect increases by 10%. In the case of active release, the descending divine fist reaches the top with a range of 100 meters. On the basis of this, the damage critical hit is 100000, and the damage in the airspace is different. The energy is 50000 and CD60 minutes.

Level: none

requirement: human spirit clan

this ring is completely the appearance of attributes of the current period recognized by Su mu, such as truth, God, divine realm, immunity, etc., and the unsealing stage is as high as 7 sections, which is the most gratifying to Su mu.

Although the attribute of the ring is rubbish, the skill of the ring can completely explode all artifact equipment.

This divine ring is just like a skill pool.

"Brother in law, brother-in-law, what kind of attribute is it?" It is said that Su Mu has been arguing for the attribute of the ring in Shenyu. Su Mu may show her, big mouth.

"Have you heard? The war zone of honor is beginning to drool again

"Really? It's only a few days, and I'm salivating again?"

"Yesterday, the Japanese island kingdom has surpassed us, and now the person called shadow has not appeared. I heard that a large-scale PK has started in the war zone, and the little devil is clamoring for the whole world."

"Sun, so crazy?"

"Take a look at the ranking!"

A group of players quickly from Su Mu two people walk by, Su Mu and Wen Renjiu also can't help but Leng God.

Su Mu knew that the honor value was against the super. The day before yesterday, Su Mu also went in to have a look. The little devil's honor value really surpassed that of Huaxia, and there were many.

At that time, Su Mu doubted whether someone, like the goddess of water blue, could enter the four-dimensional reincarnation to carry out honor value missions.

However, Su Mu had no time in the past two days because of the eight leagues. Even when he entered the thought cycle, he asked the water blue goddess to help Feitian Yingji set up the transmission array, which led to the last war.

"Brother in law?"

Wen Renjiu stupidly looks at Su Mu and looks at the city Lord's mansion of Zhongzhou city.

Su Mu gave a sound, then looked at the man and said, "why don't we go to the honor war zone?"

"Good, good. I wanted to go to Jiujiu for a long time, but my sister didn't let me. Brother in law, you brought Jiu Jiu Jiu with you. You have to explain to your sister!" I heard that Jiujiu was on the list of beauties. Su Mu knew that last time when he was in the dark gorge, so he asked.

But now Su Mu feels a little bit trapped. Because he is too young, it's not proper to contact these things. Therefore, Zihan won't let him enter the war zone of honor. Looking at the girl's appearance, he is obviously trapped.

However, I believe Zihan will not blame him. After all, Zihan knows that Su Mu is the shadow of God, so he doesn't worry about it. He directly takes Wen Ren Jiu Jiu to the city Lord's house.

When he came to the city Lord's mansion, he took a look at the list, but the little devil was still on the top. So Su Mu didn't talk nonsense. The game was coming off the line soon. It would be meaningless to go in later.

Straight into the theater.

However, what made Su Mu depressed was that Wen Renjiu was separated from Su mu.

Su Mu was in the honor war zone last time, so his location was near the main city. However, it was different when she heard that she was in the war zone for the first time, so she could not be seen at this time.

Quickly open the information bar, Su Mu inquired about the location of Wen Renjiu, and then told her to hide there. Then Su Mu spread out the blade and flew over.

This is the war zone. Wen Renjiu is a girl again, and she is still so beautiful. Although the system is protected, Su Mu is still afraid that Wen Renjiu will be hurt. If NIMA let Wen Ren Zihan know, he will not eat himself?

Therefore, Su mufei flies to the position of Jiujiu.However, the theater channel at this time was lively, which made Su Mu frown.

Japan island country: ha ha, come on, who else? Laozi is out of the city south gate flat, do not accept the challenge.

U.S. empire: Damn it, yell, wait for Zeus to come and see what NIMA calls!

Japanese island: ha ha, Zeus? Come on, let him come! Laozi is not afraid of the world celebrities. What Laozi killed is the world celebrities, and what kind of night sky in China, continue to come!

China Empire: shit, you're a fool. You're so cool to drive an invincible PK with people, aren't you?

Japanese island kingdom: Laozi, is this invincible scroll? Stupid? Can invincible scroll have immunity attribute?

The whole war zone was full of war of words. Su Mu couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Because at this time, the Japanese island countries are almost challenging the world's top players.

At this stage of the game, most of the players have been offline, so Su Mu doesn't know what the situation is.

But the Japanese island country's players suddenly said Xi Tian, which had to make su Mu frown.

While flying, open the information bar, and then directly apply for a friend of the evening.

After a while, Xi Tian accepted and asked, "are you su mu?"

"Well, it's me. What happened?"

Xi Tian sighed helplessly: "Oh, don't mention it. The little devil doesn't know what kind of hidden occupation it is. It has the attributes of immune system and invincible immunity. On this day, the masters of China, the high of American Empire, and the experts of India all went to fight one by one. In the end, none of them could beat this man. It's a shame that Lao Tzu's three moves were killed by seconds!"

Su Mu was surprised.

Who is Xitian? He is a three turn, Master Assassin, was killed by seconds?

Listening to the tone of the evening, I'm afraid that the players of the Japanese island country are more powerful than what he described, so Su mu can't help but be curious.

Even if there is such a master in Japan island, there is no need to challenge the global masters, right? Isn't this a death hunt?

If someone kills this person, isn't it red fruit's face?

Su Mu closed the dialogue with Xitian, and suddenly received the message of Wen Renjiu.

"Brother in law, brother-in-law, where are you? Someone's coming Someone's coming It's a foreigner... " I heard that the message of "99" was written, so I couldn't hear her tone. But Su Mu was in a hurry when she saw this message. NIMA, please don't have an accident! , the fastest update of the webnovel!