Su Mu took a look at the Dragon mark and said with a sneer: "Yan Huang let his members shout like this?"

Long scar helplessly vertical shoulder way: "President Su, this is Tanaka, he personally admire your strength, want to fight with you, how is it clamoring? President Su is too small-minded? "

"Boss, let me do it." Qi Yun walked to Su Mu's body and stared at tianzhongling.

"Little leader of Shenyu, you'd better stand by and watch. I'm afraid I'll beat you to cry. Ha ha..."


"Qi Yun."

Su Mu stopped Qi Yun and asked him to step back.

Qi Yun may not know the real strength of the Tanaka commander, but Su Mu knows that because Su Mu has seen him more than once in the national war, his overall ability is above the Dragon mark. Otherwise, long mark will not let him challenge himself. He just wants revenge.

"Ha ha, the president of Shenzhou, you can let your vase pets go together. After all, this is also a person's strength, isn't it? Maybe Tanaka will be able to kiss her in the battle? "

For the goddess of water blue, none of the men present did not covet. The goddess was so beautiful, and the temperament was not what women in reality could have. With the blue hair and blue eyes on that head, the diamond shaped mark on the forehead was so beautiful that no one could be unmoved by such a magnificent posture.

The phantom


Su Mu's whole person disappears in the same place, but tianzhongling is holding a sneer, and then his hands are united.

With a bang, the art of separation began. Two tianzhongling appeared directly in front of Su Mu's body. To Su Mu's surprise, he didn't see which was the entity and which was the separation. Su Mu was a bit surprised by the ability of this Tianzhong Ling.

And the big guild leaders who were watching did not see which was the real Tanaka order, so they also exclaimed one after another. Although the Japanese Islander was arrogant, he did have some ability. No wonder Yanhuang would protect this person so much.

"Chairman of Shenyu, if you have this skill, I suggest you go home and play with your pet, ha ha..."

Two tianzhongren laughed, but Su Mu stood in the same place and gave him a cold look and said, "I said that if you say something wrong, you may die."

"Ten thousand swords in the divine realm!"

With a bang, a huge sword Spirit fell from the sky, and Tianzhong made the whole person disappear in the range of skills, and all the people screamed at the next moment.

The two figures of tianzhongling came to Su Mu's back together, and the long sword stabbed Su Mu's back coldly: "I'm here..."



the damage value of ten thousand instantly came out, but Tanaka made a slight stir in his eyebrows and said, "good defense."

"The art of weathering!"

With a crisp sound of Ding, the figures of the two tianzhongling became shadows. They moved in an instant and went straight to Su Mu's body.

Because it was a two-way attack, Su Mu could only retreat. However, Su Mu's retreat speed was far from keeping up with Tanaka's charge speed. He was about to come to Su Mu's.

Zhuge muyue frowned slightly. Although Su Mu's body was not fully recovered, her speed was absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people. Obviously, the speed of tianzhongling had caught up with her, which made Zhuge muyue worried.

Not only she, but also Qi Yun was very surprised at this time. The strength of Tanaka Ling was far beyond his imagination. He knew that if it was him who took part in the war, Qi Yun might have been killed by seconds now. I'm afraid that the boss had thought of this for a long time if he didn't let him.

The big men of other guilds also understand that the speed of the leader of Shenyu is not as fast as that of the Tanaka order. Besides, his attack posture and skills are all self-contained. Other assassins generally use the technique of separation in defense. However, the Tianzhong order actually uses the technique of separation to attack, which is totally contrary to the use of the assassin.



The two swords stabbed Su Mu's chest in an instant, and Tanaka made a smile and said, "there's a saying in China that there's a heaven in the sky, the president of the divine realm. Have you ever heard of it?"


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two huge damage values suddenly appeared from Su Mu's head. Qi Yun and Zhuge muyue were both shocked and widened their eyes. Although Su Mu's figure did not fully unfold, Zhuge muyue knew that Su Mu did not have time to display these identities. The attack of this field commander was too intensive and too fast, even if it was Zhuge muyue They all feel that they may not be able to dodge.

When the white light rises, Zhuge muyue frowns, and Su Mu is killed by seconds?

"Yes, there is a day out there!"




Su Mu was killed, but behind tianzhongling was su Mu's voice. At this moment, Tanaka felt a chill behind him, and the next moment.Boom!!!!!!!!!!



Tanaka's eyes were staring at him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a huge fist coming face-to-face, which directly hit his nose. The instant bombing sound came, and Tanaka made the whole person be shot down on the ground and made a huge explosion.

Debris flying all over the sky, the whole scene instantly blurred.

But when all the debris fell, they were stunned to find that Su Mu's figure had already appeared, and rushed to the field in an instant, so that he was shot down in a big pit on the ground.

"The wave of breaking armor!"


-Br > < 455!

White light rises.

Tanaka, killed instantly.

All the people didn't know what happened at this time.

Because it is less than 0.5 seconds since Tianzhong Ling killed Su Mu's figure!

This is just a blink of an eye time, and when people blink, what they see again is a ten meter diameter pit on the ground, and Su Mu's figure instantly rushes to tianzhongling, and one hit is sure to kill!


The priest's resurrection skill fell down, and Tanaka's Qi and blood slowly recovered. However, at this time, he squatted in the pit and stared at the divine sword in front of him

Su Mu looked at Tian Zhong Ling coldly and said, "I'll break your teeth again!"

A word makes Tanaka speechless.

The most shocking thing is that Su Mu slowly looked at the Yanhuang on the pit. The state of Qin said coldly, "the state of Qin, Yanhuang is big, and there are many experts. But before you kill me, I can kill all the people in the scene! Take care of your dog, pull your rope, and then let me hear him speak ill of aqua blue and kill him to zero level! "


Who is Su Mu talking to? And Yanhuang? And the state of Qin?!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!