Zhuge muyue is wrapped in a white bathrobe, with snow-white skin on her shoulders exposed outside. There is a trace of water on her clavicle. Her long hair is wrapped up in a towel, which makes her a beautiful woman.

Su Mu sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at Zhuge muyue's blushing face. He hadn't been together for several years. It was quite exciting to compound again.

"Silly Don't think about it today. " Zhuge muyue's blushing cheek went to the bedroom.

Su Mu followed him and said, "why? You don't want me if I'm not together for years? Is there a new love? "

"Xinhuan, you big head ghost, who dares to ask us such a woman." Zhuge muyue sat on the dressing table and slowly straightened her long hair.

Su Mu took it without hesitation, then wiped her long hair with a towel and looked at the gorgeous Zhuge muyue through the mirror and said, "it's not that they dare not, but they can't ask for it. What's wrong with us? It's also envied by countless people. "

Zhuge muyue looked at Su mu with a smile and said, "come on, who would like to marry a woman who would dare to kill at any time? So women like us will either live alone or marry people of the same occupation, but they are afraid of losing their partner one day

"Little moon, you are beautiful." Su Mu said involuntarily hugged Zhuge muyue's shoulders.

The latter with a sweet smile said: "today really can't, to relatives..."

"Do you want this? Do you have to come today? Can't you restrain it? " As a master of ancient martial arts, Zhuge muyue is fully capable of this step.

It's a pity that Zhuge muyue didn't know that Su Mu would come today, so there was no way.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, but it is a pity that holding Zhuge muyue and chatting all night can not move.

Zhuge muyue was in a state of excitement all night. After all, Su Mu's arrival today was too unexpected, and it surprised her too much. So the girl didn't sleep all night. She held Su Mu and talked about their past and some interesting things about them.

Su Mu and Zhuge muyue didn't go to sleep until dawn. After sleeping for more than an hour, they got up one after another. For them, it was nothing to stay up all night.

After getting up in the morning, Zhuge muyue's face became more and more ruddy. Although nothing happened with Su mu, he was very happy when he had a good time. So Zhuge muyue got up early and painted a light make-up, and then made a rich breakfast.

After eating, they took a plane to Haitian city.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Su Mu and Zhuge muyue arrived at the gate of a hotel in Haitian city.

They went in holding hands with each other.

Dong Dong

The door slowly opened, the door is Jize Mingjing, the girl from Japan island, the girl who is extremely respectful to Su mu

"Su, Su, sir..."

Jize Mingjing was originally a surprise on her face. However, when she saw Zhuge muyue, the surprise on her face instantly disappeared. Instead, she was a calm expression. She slightly vertical shoulder said: "it seems that you have been together. Congratulations."

Su Mu took Zhuge muyue and went in and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Jize Mingjing stood by the water dispenser and poured himself a glass of water before he said, "Su mu, we haven't seen each other for four or five years."

"Your face makes me feel the same as that girl from Japan island, the baby of the remnant soul!"

Su Mu wears a indifferent smile. She, that she, is the first generation leader of the remnant soul and the baby of the remnant soul. The name of Su Mu comes from this.

Originally, Su Mu didn't want to use this name. However, quacks agreed that the leader of the remnant soul should use this name. After all, it represents the spirit of the remnant. Therefore, Su Mu's name is Ying, which is homophonic with the baby. This is to commemorate the founder of the remnant soul.

Yoshizawa slowly turned around, and then slowly fumbled under his cheek. Then, a thin skin of flesh color was torn off and replaced by a gorgeous and smooth cheek.

This face is not only beautiful, but also looks like a baby's skin. It looks like a baby's skin, so this woman has the name of the baby of the remnant soul.

"Should I call you baby or Mingjing?" Su Mu sat on the sofa with his legs up and asked lightly.

Jize Mingjing picked up the water glass and took a sip: "my name is Jize Mingjing, but you are ignorant."

"You're from Japan island. You're from dragon soul group. You set up remnant soul to accommodate mercenary experts from all over the world. I'm afraid it's not just for money."

"Of course." Yoshizawa Mingjing was originally that kind of polite and very docile girl, suddenly turned into a strong baby of the spirit, but let Su Mu have a sense of consternation.

She turned to sit on the opposite side of Su Mu and said, "the ghost is a sharp knife that I used to control the Eastern European battlefield, but I didn't expect to kill you on the way, and I didn't think that you were so powerful. Before you killed me, I didn't think that your combat effectiveness had already surpassed that of me. This is really an accident and surprise.""You are cruel and fierce, you kill countless people, you have no virtue and no cultivation. You control the spirit of the dead and rule the whole Eastern European battlefield. You don't care about the lives of the defeated countries and flatter the war countries. You get what you want at the cost of the lives of the ghost members. Even if you don't have su mu, another person will kill you. This is your inevitable result."

Su Mu thought that she felt terrible in the first two years of canhun. She killed people without blinking an eye. She was so angry, bloodthirsty, and crazy that she was just a witch head. She was called the ghost girl head. Not only were other mercenaries afraid of the disabled baby, but also the internal members of the spirit were incomparable I'm afraid of this woman.

The disabled soul was not allowed to retire at the beginning. Anyone who retired would get news of death the next day. Everyone knew that she did it, but she dared not speak up. After taking part in some tasks, the disabled soul members would inevitably suffer from serious injuries and disabilities. These people should have retired to enjoy life, but in her eyes, the meritorious officials of the disabled soul were called "disabled" Human slaughter!

This is the remnant soul led by the baby of remnant soul.

Su Mu saw the blood and cruelty of human nature on the battlefield, and he almost didn't die in the first year because of the relationship between Zhuge and muyue. Later, the cold and arrogant zero disobeyed the meaning of the baby of the spirit and was punished by the baby. Zero did not resist because of the organizational discipline.

Then, the cruel woman actually took a little girl's life in the battlefield as an opportunity to make up for the past. How could zero start?

Even if zero is a aloof and aloof person, but want him to do so miserable and heartless things, can not do.

On that day, zero was seriously injured. When the baby wanted to kill him, Su Mu fought for five hours. At last, two daggers were inserted into the woman's heart and caused a fire. Then the ghost lost its leader, and Su Mu was coaxed to become the leader of the remnant soul, and the shadow of the remnant soul was born.

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