In the room.

Su Mu is sitting on the bed, and Zihan is sitting on Su Mu's thigh. Su Mu holds his little hand and puts his arm around her shoulder. The little woman who hears Zihan is shy. Even though she is already with Su mu, she can't be natural.

A head of straight hair fell on Su Mu's shoulder. Su Mu put his face close to his purple cold head, smelling a faint body odor and the smell of shampoo. Su Mu also had a smile on his face.

"Miss me?"


"Didn't you miss me?"

"Who's going to miss you

"But I miss you..."

"Who believes it." There are so many women in China, and Zihan will believe Su Mu's lies?

However, at this time, Zihan's face suddenly blushed. She twisted her body, then lowered her head and said, "Su mu, you You'd better let me down... "

"Why? Ha ha, I've hit you? "


Zihan was about to break away from Su mu, but he was holding his legs by Su mu. His smooth q-thigh made Su Mu's heart flutter. The woman wore a tight black trousers in the room, so Su Mu felt as if he had touched his skin directly

"Su mu..."


Hearing that Zihan was still hiding in Su Mu's arms, she didn't dare to look up. She sat on Su Mu's legs and felt the hardness coming from below. She could only blush and feel helpless. But in the daytime, and Su Mu had just come here, she had to go to see his mother's parents first.

However, to her surprise, Su Mu picked up Wen Ren Zi Han directly, which made her exclaim. Su mu, who was full of brute force, directly drew Wen Zihan to his own body, and his posture was directly the same as that of Wen Ren Zihan riding Su Mu's waist

With her hands around her back waist, Su Mu said, "I know. Let's go and see my aunt."

Zihan thought that Su Mu couldn't bear to want, but she didn't expect to say such a sentence. On the contrary, Zihan felt very intimate. In fact, she knew that Su Mu couldn't help her now, but there was no way. Su Mu said that it was good to see her mother. After all, this is AODA, the place where she takes care of her mother.

After hearing that Zihan came down from Su Mu's body, he stood up and cleaned up his clothes and a little messy long hair. Then he looked at Su Mu and said, "let's go."


After opening the door, Su Mu and Wen Ren Zihan come to the corridor on the second floor. However, Su Mu directly holds Wen Ren Zihan's hand. The latter is stunned but does not break free. Because Wen renzihan's mother knows that she is in love with a man in China, she also tells her mother that his name is Su mu.

What's more, my grandfather has already agreed to this matter, so Zihan has nothing to avoid. Instead, he feels more intimate because of Su Mu's initiative.

Because the mother's time is not many, in fact, the mother's most worry is the children's life, so at this time Su Mu's holding the little hand of hearing Zihan can give his mother a kind of comfort, at least will let his mother feel relieved about his life.

At the end of the corridor, he opened the door and found a large bedroom. It was more like a living room than a bedroom. Besides a hospital bed in the middle of the room, there were all kinds of medical equipment. Su Mu finally understood why Wen renling wanted Wen renling's mother to recuperate here.

At this time, in addition to Elizabeth, there was a foreign doctor with a big beard in a white coat, who stood up when they saw Su Mu and Zihan coming in.

Elizabeth also gave a smile to Zihan, who made her face blush again.

Su Mu smiles and walks to the edge of the hospital bed.

A middle-aged woman, white lips, but on the whole very refreshing, long hair has been stripped, but it does not appear ugly, but there is a unique beauty, she is after all the purple cold mother, her appearance is not bad.

Su Mu said with a smile: "at the beginning, I suspected that your father was so ugly. How could you have such a beautiful daughter? It turned out that he had a beautiful mother."

Hearing Zihan Wen Yan smile, the middle-aged woman on the hospital bed also showed a smile. Although she did not open her eyes, she heard Su Mu's words.

Then, the middle-aged woman slowly opened her eyes, but the smile on her face suddenly stopped after seeing Su mu

It's like seeing something incredible At the moment of seeing Su mu, her body obviously trembled

"God?! Su Tian asked? " After hearing Zihan's mother said these words, she began to twitch. Elizabeth and the doctor rushed forward

"Mother! What's the matter with you, Ma? "

A burst of confusion, Su Mu is Lengshen.

After a while, Zihan and Su Mu were driven out and stood outside the door. Su Mu put his arm around Zihan's shoulder and comforted her, but he always thought of the name her mother had just said.Su Tian asked?

Surname Su?

Why does the mother that hears person purple cold see oneself after meeting suddenly mood out of control? And who was her name? And obviously, Zihan's mother lost control after seeing Su mu.

After a long time, the door opened and the bearded doctor came out with a smile on his face.

He looked at the nervous smell, Zihan nodded: "it's OK, don't worry, just a little nervous, it's OK."

After hearing that Zihan heard nothing, he relaxed obviously, and then the whole person almost fell to the ground as if he had collapsed.

Su Mu hurried to pull her back to the room and helped her to the bed.

When hearing Zihan lying on the bed, Su Mu has already touched her pulse.

She is very weak and disordered. She seems to have suffered some pain. Su Mu is very strange. She has a special person to take care of her. Why is she so weak?

Su Mu didn't close the door and leave the bedroom until he heard Zihan fall asleep.

When he came to the living room on the first floor, Su Mu got through to Kongshan's phone and said, "check out a person named Su Tianwen."

"Shadow, are you sure it's su Tianwen?"

"Yes, Su Tian asked. What's the matter? You know? "

"Not only know, but also investigate I don't know if this person you are talking about is the same... "

Su Mu was obviously surprised. He stood at the foot of the stairs for two seconds before he asked, "are you talking about the Su family in Kyoto, China?"



This person Su Mu also knows, but if, after hearing Zihan, her mother and Su Mu know whether this is the same person, if so, it will be a bit inconceivable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!