"No way!"

"It's impossible!"

The members of the guild for defeat were stupefied one by one. All of them looked at the sky's scourge skills. They could not imagine that the people they met here were actually the most powerful guild president in China? Moreover, it is also the legendary shadow of God, which has sunk the shadow of God in the Japanese island region twice in a row, a shadow of God who leads China to the peak!

How could he appear in this little holy void map?

For them, the holy void map is very large and high-grade, but it is not worthy of the identity of the shadow of God? And this map is just a small town in Nanzhou. Why does the shadow of God come to such a place?

Moreover, now the members of the guild are confused, because the person they are attacking is the legend of China, the mythical figure of China!

At the same time, there was a strong sense of schadenfreude in the back of the scourge corps and tulagou at this time, because they had targeted Su Mu before, which caused them to be shocked and speechless. But now the invincible society directly let the shadow of God use this evil skill. It can be imagined that the shadow of God is more than Treat them more angrily.

So at this time, whether it's the god damned King Kong or standing on the Huashan Mountain to chop Huashan, it's a pleasant feeling.




The thunder and lightning fell down intensively. The thunder skill itself was high damage, and the additional paralytic effect was added. So those pets who were attacking Su mu in the air were paralyzed instantly, and then the tentacles that were hit shrank, which directly led to all the summoned pets falling into the lake quickly!

Puff, puff, puff!!

More than 20 gods fell into the lake instantly, and then one by one - 1 damage, but in fact, it was a second kill damage!

The atmosphere of the scene instantly quieted down, and Su Mu quickly jumped onto the wooden bridge with the help of lotus leaves.

But now, they haven't been killed by the second. Shenzhou Tianqian doesn't care about the second killing of players who are close to level 400. At this time, the players' life is too thick. Therefore, the members of the defeated guild are looking at Su mu with less than half of their life

Dare to ask for a defeat is even more gaping at Su Mu's murmuring way: "you, you, you are God, the shadow of God!"

Su Mu nodded and said with a smile: "you are wise."


Su Mu took a look at the people: "I'm not in the mood to play with you. Just stand here and watch. Don't disturb me to do the task."


Su Mu made a jump and fell to the boss's position in a moment, and then joined the eight Fen Fen body to attack the boss's body.

However, every time it's a miss attack.

However, at this time, no one paid attention to whether Su Mu's injury had broken the defense. All members of the guild for defeat were ignorant at this time, because they could not understand the situation of Su Mu's appearance here, and could not imagine how severe the embarrassment was just now.

Previously, they said that they didn't know each other, and even disdained to fight with Su mu. But how embarrassing is this situation now?

The most important thing is that at this time, they finally understood why tulagou, the guild that saw before them, didn't disturb this man to fight boss. They knew for a long time that the shadow of God was this man. Therefore, turagog had no intention to start at all!

Dare to ask for a defeat, this time the muddled look at even his teammates, the latter several people are also a face of helplessness.

Now, in addition to shocking Su Mu's identity, what they should consider is how to save this matter? If the shadow of God does not give up, then the guild will disappear in China!

There are hundreds of millions of members of Shenyu guild. Any branch of zijinzhou district can blow the failure guild into slag. Therefore, it is cold sweat to dare to ask for defeat at this time.

If his own fault led to the death of the whole guild, it would be too worthless!

So I dare to ask for a cool back



The huge explosion brought them back to reality, dare to ask for a defeat, turned around, and then looked at the direction of Tulage. He quickly walked past, and then came to Ruohan and cleave Huashan.

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

"We are not the only people who know it," he hummed

Dare to ask for a defeat again to look at the people of the Tianbian army, Tianbian Shura said: "how? You're going to grab the boss and blame us? Why? "


Zhou Wenling said at this time: "don't make any noise. Don't worry. The shadow of God is not as small as you think, and it doesn't offend his scales. What are you worried about? Pay attention to it

Dare to ask for a defeat this time can not help a Zheng, this coquettish woman is who?

However, he suddenly can think of the woman around the shadow of God, there is a woman who is in hot weather, and is also the imperial sister, vice president of Shenyu Zhou Wenling? The seductive and sexy woman?Boom!!!

Boom! Boom!

The ground shook, and everyone's attention came to Su Mu's side again.

At this time, Su Mu stepped on the lotus leaf, and then quickly jumped up. In the air, he stepped on his two separate shoulders, and then came to the height of 20 meters.

At this height, Su Mu's sword pointed across the tiger's front door and said, "compression, God reveres the sun!"


The huge golden light came, and the people on the shore were suddenly overwhelmed by the shock wave. At this time, the Scourge army, tulagou, and the people of the defeated guild were completely confused because they were too familiar with the skill. It should be said that they had a deep memory of this skill. Although they had only seen the shadow of God released twice, when the skill was released They know what it is in a moment.

"God reveres the sun?"

"I'll go! It's used so quickly? "

People exclaimed and excited, but they saw with their own eyes the super skill of God worshiping the sun.

Although we have seen the shadow of God release this skill many times in the projection and live broadcast, the visual impact and shock brought by the scene can not be described at all. So at this moment, everyone showed their excited expression and watched the golden ball form

However, Zhou Wenling frowned slightly, because she knew that Su Mu used the compressed version of shenzun Lieyang so quickly, which only proved that the boss's defense power was too strong. Su Mu directly gave up the power skills below the God revered sun, which meant that the skills under the God revered sun were not effective for the boss!

Boom! Boom!!!!

Like the atomic bomb experiment, a huge wave spread out in the golden liquid lake, and the giant tiger was suddenly shrouded in it. Zhou Wenling and others on the bank were directly shocked by the heat wave, but even if they closed their eyes, they could see the piercing golden awn through their eyelids



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