"Ding! Player "shadow" shares his personal attribute level with you. Do you want to check it? "

When he came here uninvited, he suddenly got a systematic prompt. He couldn't help but look up at Su mu, who was wearing a smile on his face. He didn't come in person and said, "don't you say I'll never catch up with the level here? Can't we dominate here? Are you naive or am I bragging? Ah... "

I chose to view properties without asking.


Shenyu guild

grade: 999

Occupation: not viewable

attribute: not viewable

attribute: invisible

when he comes to see the level uninvited, his pupil shrinks instantly and then expands suddenly!

An unparalleled shock broke out from his uninvited eyes. He stayed in place and even forgot that he was still nailed to the city wall, because the uninvited at this time was completely frightened by Su Mu's level!

As we all know, when the first level of samsara is capped, it is 499, and the second level is 599. No exception, even the most famous God on the second floor, "looking at the other side of the sky blue", is a 599 level. Because there is no eight to ten sections, it is impossible to enter the third level of samsara. So what level did you see at this time?

In the legend, there are only seven levels of reincarnation, the highest level of the whole reincarnation!

How could that be possible?

Not to mention how much experience is needed, it can be achieved even within the second level of samsara. Moreover, it is very clear that Su Mu came to the second level world yesterday, so obviously, this level was upgraded in the first level of samsara, but Before that, when fighting Su mu, how many levels did he have? At that time, I came uninvited, vaguely remembering that it was about 420 level!

But how many days is it? He's full, full of grades?!

It's totally unacceptable to come uninvited. But looking at the disdainful smile on Su Mu's face, he had to believe it. Because the shared attribute can't be wrong, Su Mu has really reached the full level 999 of reincarnation!

"Do you know why I can suppress your formation? In my eyes, this array is just a pediatrician. The suppression of levels, the restraint of attributes, including the understanding of reincarnation, are too small... " Su Mu held the spear and pulled it out of his uninvited chest!


He sat down at the foot of the city wall without invitation, and then heard Su Mu's voice ring out again: "since you have slaughtered my God's domain, today, give me a tooth for a tooth!"








Shua! Shua! Shua!

Su Mu's figure is usually wandering around the city wall. No one can capture Su Mu's figure. Some archers begin to release the eyes of falcons, but they still can't find Su Mu's figure. On the scene, we can only see the white light rising constantly, and the union people are dying in the same place, and Su mu It's just a piece of air shuttling through the crowd




Boom! Boom!!!

There are no demon range skills, some are all Su Mu's body method and ordinary attack skills. No one can resist the attribute of God worship magic sword, let alone catch up with Su Mu's figure. In the whole zhantian trade union, only a few experts can see Su Mu's figure. But now, those who come uninvited have been completely defeated by Su mu Will to fight.

He sat on the ground, completely lost the power to stop Su mu. What else? Although it is Su mu of eight to two, it is only the grade that has already crushed everything.

So at this time, the onlookers were horrified. All the players of zhantian Union were sluggish, and all the players who had not been killed by Su Mu stood still and watched, because they didn't know how to help. Even at this time, their boss was completely dull, and no one was commanding, which made Zhan Tian Union's people not know why

"He How many people did he kill? " Some of the onlookers finally reacted in a few minutes

Some players around him shook their heads and fixed their eyes on the positions of those members of zhantian trade union who appeared white light, because only by looking at the white light could they know where Su Mu was, but they still couldn't find Su Mu's figure, just a series of shadows flickering

"Yes, hundreds of them?"

"Who is this, this man, in the end?"

"Is it stupid to come here uninvited? Why not direct the battle? "

"I'm afraid I have lost the idea of fighting..."


Bauhinia, at this time, stood in a daze. She didn't know what Su Mu gave to see without invitation. But seeing the present situation of uninvited, it must be something that struck him incomparably.

"Sister Su ta Is he still a man Bauhinia suddenly turned his head and looked at the rose in the dark as if frightened.In the dark night, rose looked at Su Mu's position all the time and said: "elder sister, do you think this Su, is he a person of second reincarnation? How could he be so good? "

Bauhinia shook her head and said, "I don't know But He must be a player of the second level of reincarnation, otherwise he would not be here. Moreover, the Shenyu guild is indeed a guild of the earth's reincarnation. The news has just come. It can be confirmed that the earth reincarnation can be entered from the side of Centennial reincarnation and negative year reincarnation. However, the specific news of Su has not been transmitted yet... "




Su Mu's figure falls directly in front of the uninvited. The latter is startled and then looks up at Su mu with a smile on his face.

"Come uninvited. Today is a small collision between us. You killed me 500 people and I slaughtered you 1000 people!" Su Mu Dao.

Looking at Su mu in surprise, he killed a thousand people of zhantian Union in a few minutes? You are special!

Although angry, although shocked, although still shocked, but uninvited is not a word to say.

Su mu, on the other hand, turns to look at the members of zhantian trade union who have just come from the field, and then starts to walk north with a smile on his face.

The people of zhantian trade union watched Su Mu come over. Everyone had the same expression on their faces, which was timidity!

Su Mu sneers. In an instant, the members standing in front of him quickly disperse, and then watch Su Mu slowly walk into the crowd

However, what shocked all the onlookers was that none of the members of the zhantian trade union wanted to do something about it. They watched their brothers being slaughtered thousands of people and let this person leave?

Smart people would think that it was an unsolicited order, but more people would directly shock Su Mu's deterrent power to zhantian trade union, leading to the fact that these people did not even have the desire to do something

Su Mu had been waiting for Su Mu to go out of the crowd, then stopped at the same place and said, "if people don't attack me, I won't be guilty. If people attack me Ah... "

Su Mu didn't say the following words. Then he quickly spread out the blade and flew into the air, leaving only the kind of terrifying "smell" that lingered for a long time

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