With the words of 6987, the players on the platform waiting for the opening of the black market in Shangjiu could not help looking at the Bauhinia direction and others, and then began to talk about it.

At this time, Bauhinia slightly frowned and looked at Long Tai, but the latter was helpless and said, "it's not me, Bauhinia. Although I don't like this person, I haven't cheated on this person yet..." Long Tai said it was not himself.

But Bauhinia is very suspicious of him, but this time Su Mu is looking at the uninvited not far away, Bauhinia also suddenly realized, this time the uninvited and Zang he and other people stand together, looking towards this side.

The Bauhinia murmured: "shameless!"

Su Mu and uninvited come here. Their hatred is needless to say. How can we miss this opportunity when we meet here uninvited? This upper nine black market is not for ordinary players to come in. Every recommended person needs to be checked by the people of the ninth meeting before issuing the door card.

So at this time, a large number of players gathered around, and some players began to ask Su mu, "friend, where's your gate card?"

"Yes, where is your card? You can't get in without a door card. Take out your card and have a look

Because this is a black market replacement of various races, if the official people participate in it, it will certainly cause great damage, and it will also affect the exchange between them. Therefore, these players absolutely don't allow people without gate cards to sneak in, although they know that the people of the ninth meeting will check each player's gate card when opening the black market

However, Su Mu didn't even know what the head of the gate card was like, so where to find the gate card? At this time, Bauhinia whispered to Su Mu and said, "Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I thought long Tai could easily get the gate card, but now it seems that there is no way out. The door card in Shangjiu black market is a card with an ID, which is divided into five colors: white and silver There are five kinds of cards: gold, platinum and diamond. Generally, players are white. Those with higher status and more money will be given silver cards, gold cards and platinum cards. Of course, there are blood crystal cards in the legend, but they are just legends. "

Su Mu understood that the Shangjiu association was still in a series of different ways. However, the players seemed to have a deep understanding of the level of the Shangjiu Association, which proved that the network of Shangjiu association was very large

However, Su Mu has no way to be ostracized by the players. This gate card can't be impersonated!

"Hello, friend? I'm afraid you didn't come with your friend, did you? You can't get in without a gate card. You'd better leave here. It's not good if people from the ninth meeting will come later... " A friendly reminder from a player.

Su Mu nodded to the man, but at this time 6987 continued to shout: "Shangjiu people? Get rid of this man. What are you doing here without menka? Spy on us? "

With the dissatisfaction of 6987, some players are also dissatisfied, so a large number of players point to Su mu.

At this time, it was very easy to come uninvited. He walked to Su Mu not far away and said with a smile: "I know this man. It should not be a spy. He is a member of our Jiutian town Shenyu Association, with a total of 500 members."



"I wipe! Can anyone come to Shangjiu black market? A guild of 500 people is also worthy of Shangjiu black market? "

"I'll go! I have participated in the Shangjiu black market so many times. I heard that the guild with the least number of staff is also 2000, right? Today, a guild of 500 people has sprung up? "

"Ha ha..."

It's no wonder that, in addition to the secrecy of Shangjiu black market, the level of door opening set by Shangjiu black market is also comparable. Therefore, the number of guild members in your family largely represents your financial ability. Therefore, it is said that some guild leaders with fewer guild members have found a breakthrough at this time. Therefore, the 500 member guilds have found a breakthrough These words are instantly uploaded on the platform

Looking at Su Mu uninvited and provoked, after all, is a hostile guild. In addition, we just bet today that we met here. How could we miss such a good opportunity without satirizing Su mu?

Bauhinia and fallen leaves floating flowers are a little angry. At this time, Long Tai on the edge is also a bit surprised. According to his idea, to be able to approach the identity of a girl like Bauhinia, at least he should be the president of a guild of thousands of people. How could a leader of a guild of only 500 people come with Bauhinia? And it seems to have a good relationship with Bauhinia.

So long Tai's feeling towards Su Mu is getting worse and worse at this time. He was a little hostile. He looked at Su Mu's eyes and looked down upon him.

With the various targets and ridicule of the players, Su Mu is helpless. He can't directly say anything about hand beating PK here, so Su Mu takes a look at the Bauhinia and says, "forget it, you go, I'll wait for you outside."

Bauhinia helplessly took a look at Su mu, and now it can only be like this.

However, as Su Mu turned around, he suddenly came over uninvited, then blocked Su Mu's way and said with a smile, "friend, do you dare not even reveal your ID?"Su Mu stared at the uninvited and said faintly, "you'd better not mess with me now."

Originally, Su Mu didn't have a good opinion of this boy. In addition, people on the whole platform are paying attention to Su Mu's side, so Su Mu doesn't want to conflict with him or not. After all, this is the junction of two cities. This Shangjiu will make the black market so big, and the forces behind it can't be ignored.

He stopped Su mu with a smile. Then he took out a silver card from his arms, engraved with the word "Shangjiu". It looked very beautiful.

"See? This is the gate card of Shangjiu black market. Ordinary people can only have white card, and this silver card requires you to have assets of more than 100000 Amethyst coins at least, understand? " Come uninvited, ha ha smile, sarcastic way.

Su Mu didn't understand why he came here uninvited to show off his assets? Moreover, assets are not fixed assets. The silver card may be the comprehensive property of the person in the second level of reincarnation, such as the uninvited zhantian trade union. If it is necessary to take out 100000 Amethyst coins, it is no problem.

"Happy to show off?" Su Mu looked at him and said without invitation.

I just want you to know that you can't even reach the entry stage of the white card based on the assets of 500 members of your God land trade union? Ha ha

At this time, he said in a dark way not far away: "OK, white cards also need 50000 Amethyst coins, so don't embarrass others."

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