The thing that the brokers will always want in on the sale to make as much money out of it as possible.

I see.

If it is okay for me to ask, what would sir be interested in buying?

Kobold Skill Crystals, among other things, but as to what exactly, I guess it depends on what would actually be available and how much is it going to cost.

Kobold Skill Crystals, is it? Just give me a moment and I will check their current prices.

Laurel the Sex Maniac broker took out what looked like a notepad from his pocket and started looking through its pages, which looked like they were made from a brownish, delicate material, which meant that they were most probably made out of papyrus instead of ordinary paper.

For the next minute or so, the only sound that could be heard in the room was the sound of the broker flipping through the notebooks pages.

So? How is it?

I asked while trying not to sound as impatient as I truly was. I mean seriously, how long does it take to check one simple thing written in a notebook?!

One Kobold Skill Crystal has been sold yesterday for five thousand two hundred Nars, and before that, the other has been sold for five thousand four hundred Nars. On the twenty eighth day of the spring, one was sold for five thousand two hundred Nars as well. . . . . . . . . and two days before that, there was also one that got sold for five thousand two hundred Nars.

I have no way of knowing if this price, five thousand two hundred Nars, is a fair price for a single Skill Crystal, but if that is the established market price for them, then there is nothing I can do about it besides accepting it. Or rather, if his words and notes in that notebook of his are anything to go y, then it would seem that people have been buying Skill Crystals at that exact price for quite some time now, and it would actually make a lot od sense, since it is a common knowledge that the fusion of the Skill Crystals usually fails, and it had to be one of the factors in elevating the price of the successfully fused Skill Crystals.

The brokers face became a little distorted.What, what is wrong with the amount that I just specified? Some kinda bad number? Or is it perhaps that now is not a good time to be selling weapons in batches of five in general?

Unfortunate? In what sense is it unfortunate?

The Copper Swords of Obstruction are usually sold in sets of six almost exclusively to the Parties wanting to challenge the Floor Bosses on the lower floors of the Labyrinths, and when they are sold in such a way, they tend to be sold for a much higher price. I mean, I could buy them off sirs hands if you would really insist on it, but in the off chance that sir would be willing to postpone the selling of the swords until you could obtain a sixth one to complete the entire set, then I would have no qualms about paying the highest possible price for them.

Then the broker made a face as if he was pondering something pretty intensely. Maybe he is performing various calculations in his head right now? And on a sidenote, I wonder if brokers and middleman of the Merchants Guild have access to theCalculateSkill?

Is the set of full six of them really selling at a way higher price than for five or less of them? How big of a difference are we talking here, exactly?

The full set of Six Copper Swords of Obstruction usually goes for one hundred thousand Nars. As for the set of five, my guess it that they could probably be sold for about fifteen thousand Nars each, thirty thousand at best if the winning bid at the auction ends up being especially high. Also, if you decide to sell these five swords individually and not all at once, then the resulting price of each consecutive sword that you sell would very likely be lower than the last ones.

Is that so? So that is how it is, huh?

If I remember correctly, the brokers share for winning at the auction is half the price, right? Even though I perfectly understand why does it have to be like that, it is still a pretty big amount. Damn, it is exactly like what Sherry said. That is too little chance for making a reasonable profit and too much formalities and trouble to be dealing with.

So, what would you like to do, sir? Are you going to hire me as your personal broker?

Yeah, this guy is absolutely no good for me.

No, I do not think I am going to do that. Instead, I am going to look for another one first. Sorry for taking so much of your time.