Book 2 Stubs on Friday 2/2/24
This should have been posted on Friday, but... well... I didn't look at my callender. I apologize for the comparatively short notice. On the other hand, as regular readers here, you are barrling towards the end of Vol. 3 so... quite a way from the end of Vol. 2. Now, you all know the drill at this point. Vol. 2 is going up on KU/Kindle/Paperback/Audio March 5. Pre-order link will be in the author note below. I can't link hypertext in the main chapter content section. No idea why. Anyone with a good suggestion there please let me know. But hey, check out the cover for Volume 2! Big improvement over 1 I think.
Fun fact, if you tell a cover artist "It's a nice country, not a post apocalyptic hellscape," they will only hear the last three words. Ah well. Still looks good. Oh, and of course, stay tuned. Podium and I have something nice in store for you guys. Not... you know, life changing. But nice. God, I hope it's not life changing. Let me know if it is life changing. I don't know how much the community can do to help, but don't try to struggle under all that alone. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.