Vol. 3 Chap. 142 Violent Improvisation

Name:Slumrat Rising Author:
Vol. 3 Chap. 142 Violent Improvisation

I have so few mental gears left to slip. You wouldnt think there would be any left still touching each other. But here we are. And there it goes.

Truth crouched like a gargoyle or a particularly malevolent pigeon or perhaps just an over-ambitious rat, on the metal gantry over the Prototype Lab. The Shattervoid girl was laughing now, an awful sound in his head. He wondered just what those curse tablets were doing to her. If it could be worse than five years of abuse, isolation, fear. Pain. Twelve years old.

When he was twelve

Well, when he was twelve he was trying to haul scrap out of the canal, running errands, hiding in trash from gangsters and pimps and the randomly violent or rapey. To say nothing of learning the high art of shoplifting from a slum convenience store. Definitely not a challenge for the novice or the unmotivated.

*Wait, are all these images really memories? Really? This is what your cities look like from the ground?*

There was a trill of horror in her voice, the awful laughter stopping dead.

Yes? Well, the slums, anyway. Other parts of Harban dont look that bad, and Xandre was a lot nicer. More colorful, anyway. So about this whole The System Astrologica is actually Starbrites Soul thing-

The giggling came back. *I wondered about this. You really have no idea how cultivation works, do you?*

I thought I did? Up to Level Nine anyway.

*Nnnnoooope. Looks like you are starting to figure some of it out, but you really dont get how any of this works. After the Initiate realm, you become a real mage. Which means you give birth to your Nascent Soul- the awakened soul within you, made up of all the magic you learned as an initiate. All those spells that define you. Starbrite just learned some management spells, basic business management stuff. I dont know how he made it all so big. But he did. And he is pretty obviously doing it by harvesting the local yokels here.*

Truth just nodded numbly. There were business management spells. Spells specifically intended to track personnel, invoicing, inventory and property management, all that sort of thing. Probably the second most common category of spells learned after the Jeon Universal Spell, actually. If you worked in business, what could be more practical than that? Assuming you made it to Level Two, of course. Which most didnt.

Because most people on this planet werent really mages, apparently.

Awakened Soul?

*Yes. I dont really know how it works, but apparently, a bit of everyones soul has its own consciousness, grown out of your own life experiences, the magic you use, how you approach problems, all that. There is usually a big ritual, at least for the Shattervoid. Everyone gets together, there is a lot of singing, everyone is happy. You want the soul to wake up in the best possible way, so you have the best, brightest soul.*

*I dont think my soul will be very bright.*

Her voice trailed off again. Truth knew exactly how she felt.


Yup. Shes saying.

*Who was that!?*

Oh just a bit of my awakened soul. If you were wondering how Starbrite does what he does. Speaking of, you say you dont think he can move around very easily?

*No, hang on, thats not right. Thats not a nascent soul, you cant have a nascent soul. I would be able to see if you did, and you dont.*

Didnt say I did. I just said awakened. I have this image of a premature baby forced into the world and set to work for Starbrite. That, apparently, grows into Starbrite. Brainwashed into becoming Starbrite. Theres a horrible image for you. We are all baby factories, giving birth to Starbrite, endlessly. So my former employer cant move around easily?

*Its bits and pieces of his soul and personality, not the whole thing. Thats. Horrible. Im so sorry.*

Oh, Im used to horrible. I wont call it my happy place, but at least its familiar. So. ABOUT STARBRITE BEING IMMOBILE-

*Oh, well, this is incredibly weird and unnatural. I never heard a song about anything like this, at all. This isnt something anyone does, really. For hopefully obvious reasons.*

Then you will have to think of a better one. Sally.

*Booo! Booo!* Truth smiled at her, waved at the giant girl, and started making his way back. It would be a stressful, boring wait until someone opened the door again.

Truth made his way up to the top of the base. Trying not to think about things. It was all a lot. Too much, maybe. Why would the power emanating the planet want to forbid knowledge of nascent souls? Even if it forbids people from reaching that level of power or enlightenment or whatever. Why did Starbrite need a new body? Why a Shattervoid body in particular? It sounded like their bodies werent very convenient for anything other than living in the void, and the void was THE VOID. Definitionally nothing up there.

That he knew of, anyway. Just possibly the mage from off-world knew more than he did. And just what had happened to make Starbirte start his soul-harvesting operation? If it wasnt the way things were usually done, then it presumably wasnt very effective, or there were a lot of drawbacks or something. Because Truth would unscrew his own head before believing powerful people wouldnt prey on the weak whenever and wherever they could get away with it. Global curse notwithstanding.

He crept along the white semi-gloss painted corridors, with their magic windows looking out over Starbrite resorts. Keeping alert for patrolling trolls or a high level nipping to the toilets. The doors continued to be their unmarked selves, but he had gotten the hang of bypassing them now. He had even taken the opportunity to steal some office supplies to do double duty as burglary tools.

Laboratory after laboratory. Specialized spell equipment, alchemical equipment, ritual rooms, a blinding fortune in supplies and magical furniture. And not one person here is a real mage. Or maybe Im the only fake mage, because everyone else is Starbrite.

Incisive gave him a warning before he turned an ordinary corner. He lept back, but before he could race away, he felt the warning stop. He crept back to the corner. The alarm creeped up. Must be a guard post. Trolls?

He got flat on the ground and risked a bit of reflective plastic stuck with tape on the end of a long straw. The picture was blurry and distorted, but he could make out another secured room. PMC guards and, yes, trolls. All looking bored, but nobody felt like joking around and shooting the shit, apparently.

Truth was willing to bet the trolls were mood killers. He retracted his improvised mirror. Now, what rated all that security? It wasnt an entrance to the base, or at least he didnt think it was. The guards were facing in, not out.

He mentally shrugged and opted for patience. Sooner or later, there would be someone coming through, and he could learn something. He settled in to wait.

It took forty minutes, but there was a shift change. Mages came trooping in, covered in bulky, shiny clothes. The clothes glowed with enchantments. Truth recognized some of them. Air filtration. Air supply. Temperature control, over and over again. Fireproofing and heat reflection. Over and over again.

Stand Clear! Stand Clear!

There were three long chimes, a pause, then a fourth chime.

Airlock reports flushed. Confirm flush.


Unlock airlock.


Contamination team, stand by.

Contamination, standing by.

Relief squad, stand by.

Relief squad standing by.

There was a crack and a hiss. Even around the corner, Truth could feel the air suddenly get hot, smell something. Something he had never smelled before, strange and acrid. Like rotten eggs in a furnace.

Mine Equipment Maintenance Squad Seven, reporting all safe, all conditions green.

Good Job, Squad Seven. Squad Three, deploy!

Truth had a sudden, terrible idea. It was the Medici way- make your problem EVERYONEs problem. Led melted at relatively low temperatures, didnt it?