Chapter 194 Demon Qi

the next day.

When all the TV stations and newspapers in country M are scrambling to report on the entry of hunters who participated in the International Guild Conference, only one newspaper in the east published a special report on the front page.

The title is like this.

Thomas Andre fainted!

In country M, Thomas Andre's name is known to everyone.

But such a state-level hunter would faint?

Is it because of illness?

Under this simple but eye-catching news headline, people, regardless of you or me, willingly paid and bought newspapers one after another.

However, these people who are curious about the news have stagnated after opening the newspaper.

Standing where they are, they have a common reaction.


Unlike some boring topics, the content of the report is simply the shock itself.

It's not known what happened, but a hunter clashed with the entire Scavenger's Guild owned by Thomas Andre.

The result of this conflict was finally published in several huge photos.

The fainted Thomas Andre covered in blood and the countless wounded who were brought out.

If you don't know their real identities, just look at the pictures, the headline of this report reads "The victims of terrorist attacks will be believed.

It's that bad situation.

But aren't they all top hunters?

Especially Thomas, isn't he the state power level hunter who survived the Battle of Kamish known as the worst disaster in history?

People who read the report couldn't help being surprised. The reader's reaction was the same as that of the editor-in-chief when he saw the photo for the first time, almost stopped breathing.

At the end of the reading, when they saw the real body that turned the hunter of the Scavenger Guild into such a person, at that moment, all those who focused on the report could not help but exclaim.

It is surprise, but also exclamation.

"My God..."

"Oh, God!"

Not long ago, the photo of Seong Jin-Woo Hunter, who was praised by the media all over the world, was published here?

Thomas who unfolded into big characters and Cheng Jin-Woo who turned around with a blank face formed a stark contrast, which brought a greater shock to everyone.

Most of the media's focus is on the International Association of Guilds Conference, so the repercussions of this exclusive report are even greater.

In country H, the news spread on social media earlier than this report.

【Title: Is it true that Thomas Andre was beaten by Cheng Jin-Woo hahahaha? Link to the article】

Comment: Wow, I'm really shaking. I heard that Thomas Andre brought the members over, but they ended up being taken over by one pot?

Comments: Nonsense. To put it bluntly, is this plausible? One person smashed the national power level hunter + super first-class guild?

Comments: Go read the report and come back. it is true.

Comment: But why fight?

Comments: Don't know. The reason has not come out yet.

Comments: Hahahaha. These foreign big brothers are arguing about the national power level every day, what's the result? Are these guys all bluffing in the end?

Comment: It's not that Thomas is nothing special, it's that Cheng Jin-Woo is too good.

Comment: Sure enough, Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo is the pride of Country H.

Comment: Ha, the proprietress is drunk! Come here for a bowl of hangover noodle soup!!!

If it is said that most of the comments in country H are surprised, in country it is full of proud comments.

【Title: If it was Cheng Jin-Woo's hunter, Thomas Andre would certainly not pay attention. 】

Comment: Maybe the reason why country M didn't help us before was because they were afraid of getting to the bottom of the state-level hunters...

Comments: Thank you so much for a hunter like that who came to help us.

Comment: I'm the one who wanted to send a thank you gift to Seong Jin-Woo Hunter a long time ago.

Where should the gift be sent to Jin Woo Hunter to receive it?

Comments: Just send it here. address is......

Comment: Why is your address written?

Comments: wwwwwwww this madman

Cheng Jin-Woo is already a hero of Country R.

Cheng Jin-Woo, who rescued country R from the crisis, defeated the hero who saved country M. This incident simply re-established the confidence of the people of country R.

Whether it is country M or the countries that have been silent for a while after the giant eradication, everyone focused their attention on Cheng Jin-Woo.

Why exactly?

Why did Hunter Seong Jin-Woo beat Thomas Andre and his guild members violently?

What happened between the two?

As speech and public opinion heated up, people who learned about the incident anxiously waited for the truth to be found out.


Seong Jin-Woo, who woke up at the hotel, was stunned when he saw the number of reporters gathered in front of the hotel.

"Where did you find all this?"

It's not that they don't know why the reporters came here.

Just because I didn't expect the news to spread so fast, I was a little surprised.

But he had no intention of avoiding it.

Maybe this is an opportunity to let the world know what will happen if you mess with yourself?

In country M, it is not illegal to shoot someone who is pointing a gun at you.

This is especially true recently when the law has been strengthened due to the fault of the hunters.

If he continued to attack Thomas, who had lost consciousness, it might still be a problem, but he stopped his fist immediately after the opponent lost his fighting spirit.

The same is true of Huang Dongshu, if he knew what he did to Liu Chenhao, it is impossible for someone to scold Cheng Xiaoyu.

Seong Jin-Woo calmly waited for contact from VIP Adam.

as predicted.

tuk tuk.

After knocking on the door, it was Adam and a hunter from the Hunter Administration, standing outside the door together.

Cheng Jin-Woo didn't look nervous at all, he asked casually.

"Are you here to arrest me?"


Adam shook his head and then spoke again.

"We already expected that there might be a commotion today, so in order to bring Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo safely to the site of the International Guild Joint Meeting, we rushed here. There is still one more."

Suddenly, Adam, who was arranging his clothes in front of Seong Jin-Woo, bent down solemnly.


In front of Cheng Jin-Woo's surprised gaze, Adam still didn't look up.

"I want to say thank you."

Cheng Jin-Woo tried his best to recall, but he couldn't think of anything he had done that deserved the gratitude of the Hunter Administration.

What I did yesterday... lost the shadow of Kamish, searched everywhere for Liu Chenhao who was kidnapped, defeated Thomas who I met by chance, these are all.


Thinking of yesterday's memory, I can't help feeling depressed all of a sudden.

You shouldn't be thanking me for showing the shadow extraction skills, but why are you thanking me?

Before Cheng Jin-Woo's doubts deepened further, Adam opened his mouth again.

"If Hunter Seong Jin-Woo hadn't stopped at that time, country M would have lost two hunters of state authority."

Ah, this is what I was talking about.

Cheng Jin-Woo recalled the scene of Adam screaming and blocking him last night, and nodded slightly.

If Adam hadn't shown up and Thomas had continued to act recklessly, the result would have been different.

Country M has lost a hunter at the national power level.

They had to do everything possible to prevent the loss of another state-level hunter.

Seong Jin-Woo could understand the mood of Adam who lowered his head in front of him.

Adam continued.

"The Hunter Administration of Country M will definitely do its best to prevent this incident from affecting Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo."

After saying that, Adam raised his head.

He showed a tired look.

The Hunter Administration held a meeting overnight on how to deal with the incident.

Of course, Adam, who was assigned as Seong Jin-Woo's personal manager, could not be absent.

The conclusion of the meeting is only one.

Don't mess with him.

The superior's decision was to make it as convenient as possible for Jin-Woo.

Because of the defeat of Thomas Andre, the senior executives in the Hunter Management Bureau have even higher evaluations of Cheng Jin-Woo.

From the standpoint of the Hunter Administration, they did not want their relationship with Cheng Jin-Woo to be broken due to the fault of the Scavenger Guild.

And more importantly... Thomas Andre is not dead, is he?

Looking at the situation where Cheng Jin-Woo left Thomas alive, Cheng Jin-Woo was not at all unreasonable.

So Adam came to look for Cheng Jin-Woo after receiving all the tasks that had to be carried out according to the schedule.

And now, Adam, who was looking at Cheng Jin-Woo for a second, was a little nervous.


Adam was so nervous that it was difficult to swallow the water in his hand.

'This is the man who brought the Scavenger Guild......'

The usual Hunter Seong Jin-Woo is an image of a strong man who can reason.

However, Adam directly witnessed with his eyes what kind of situation his anger would bring.

Moreover, this anger is for the person who protects him'... Just from this point of view, Adam really envies that person named Liu Chenhao.

"Oh, it's almost time."

Adam glanced at his watch and raised his smiling face.

"So... can we go now?"

"Let's go."

Under Adam's leadership, Cheng Jin-Woo, who came out of the hotel, broke through the high crowd of reporters and got into Adam's car.

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

The reporters kept pressing the shutter until the vehicle disappeared from view.