What a disappointment.

But disappointed and relieved at the same time.

If he cannot inherit the power of the lord, then the lord will stay for a while longer.

For the first and last time, I felt at ease because of my lord's misjudgment.

This human being had fought so bravely in flesh and blood, so I decided to give him a dignified death.

I took advantage of the ability temporarily lent to me by the lord, and took the sword that was still far away in my hand.

Going to cut his neck one at a time and let him die without any pain.

This is the greatest mercy I can give him.

I don't know if he also noticed my thoughts, but he obediently showed his neck.

'This is the right choice. Reason that matches your courage... It's a pity, but in order to dissuade the lord... I have no choice. '

I swung down my sword to cut off his head.

at this time.

There was a sudden change in his eyes.


He parried my sword with his hand, and then his short sword sank into my face.


Ah ah ah ah ah-!

I was taken aback.

What surprised me even more than he parried my sword was that he didn't give up in either case.

Then I noticed that his eyes were very similar to the master I knew.

'Ah, ah...that's why the Lord...'

With my momentum weakened, I couldn't resist his successive attacks.

I hit the wall.


The dagger was swung down countless times.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The armor protecting my neck couldn't resist his attack, and eventually it shattered.


The power he has and the power I have.

Since it is a test for him, my ability value is clearly higher than his.

But I failed.

But I don't regret the defeat.

Am I underestimating the enemy because he is human? Or is it because of the miracles created by his perseverance?

As the field of vision gradually darkened, I saw his happy expression with his hands raised high.

"Uh ah one!

Seeing him like this, I actually laughed out unconsciously.

Maybe I'm crazy?

Consciousness gradually became blurred, and I looked up.

What are these tall pillars supporting?

I couldn't see it because it was so dark up there.

This infinitely expanding darkness seems to symbolize the distance between me and the lord, and I can't help but feel a little sad.

'Should I be happy because my lord made the right choice, or should I be sad because I can't change my lord's mind......'

I was so clueless, and then I lost consciousness.

until he came up to me and said

"stand up."


He cherishes me very much.

Maybe it's because I was his first soldier, not exactly the first, but infinitely close to the first soldier?

I also often feel grateful for his kindness.

Especially the one that stays in memory, that's right.

One day he suddenly said something to me.

"If your level increases, will I be able to talk to you?"

Looking at his bright expression at that time, I suddenly choked up.

Hmm... How can I express my feelings at that time?

Although I don't know what I mean to him, but to me he is my master, my friend, and my companion.

He and I have been through countless battles.

We fight together.

Sometimes with monsters; sometimes with monsters; sometimes with hunters.

I'm happy when he's happy; I'm tired when he's tired; I'm sad when he's sad.

I knew that as I became more and more loyal to him, my nostalgia for the original master would gradually fade, but I still gradually accepted the new master.

Of course, it's not easy.

There are also many speechless moments.

"You use this."

He made me hold a sword that had many limitations on my strength.

When he was fighting the woman in front of him with the flashing sword in his hand-

"Is that black soldier just now really the strongest shadow soldier?"


Of course there were moments of great humiliation.

He even had a roommate with a powerful but very creepy shadow soldier.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!


Looking at the brutal roommate beside me who is true to nature, but too true to nature, I really miss my original companion very much.

That's how I felt when I saw Berleon again.

So to be honest... I was kind of relieved when Berleon knocked Bale down.

But... just a little bit.

The joy of being reunited with his companions did not last long.

Because it wasn't long before Berleon was pinned down by Bell.

"Look, if this black flag is planted on the top of that castle, will the lord be happy?"

"...Are you serious?"

"Although I don't build anything like ants, I can do anything as long as it pleases the lord."

"No, that's not what I meant...."

"Hahahahaha, is that the flag you prepared for the lord?"

"...Let's say goodbye."

Of course, the reaction of the new owner needless to say.


After joining us with reinforcements waiting to be called in the dimensional rift, his power has grown even further.

Contrary to what I feared, he treats the "soldiers of the former shadow king" equally, and we can give our lives for him at any time as one.

The short training time is quickly over.

Our awakening is manifested in the war with the kings.

We fought with all our might for him, and he led us to victory.

When he fought the Dragon Emperor, we watched him in his shadow.

The decisive battle between the two kings was so exciting that it seemed to make people's blood flow backwards.

"Jiejie, what, Jagrit, are you laughing?"

"...…Shut up."

Watching countless dangerous moments without taking their eyes off, the entire Shadow Legion felt very anxious, and then, the army of the rulers poured out from the teleportation port in the sky.

Wow ah ah-!

We watched the reinforcements in the sky and cheered.

"I told you to come early."

"Those guys didn't delay to make us feel anxious, did they?"

"If I was out there, I'd beat 'em up, I mean it."

Although we are very dissatisfied on the surface, we are all happy because the lord has won.

However, this joy did not last long.

"Once again... can I use the "Cup of Reincarnation" again?"

He said.

He wanted to turn back time, to erase the traces of kings and rulers from the world in which he lived.

When I was a human, I also had someone I wanted to protect, so I can fully understand this feeling.

If it were me, maybe I would make the same choice as him, right?

I respect his decision.

Not only the legions of kings, but my companions and I can fight any enemy again for him.

But not everyone will be able to take part in the next war.

If the time is reversed, some people will disappear, and the soldiers who meet these conditions sit on the ground and cry.

Ein who has been with us for a long time, the pain of not being favored by the master from the beginning, and countless soldiers who are crying bitterly.

In this way, the time of parting is over.

We have returned to the past, and what greets us is a brand new war.

Our master is getting better at fighting, and we are gradually becoming stronger with him.

Of course there have been crises, large and small.

But every time we cross a crisis, we will become stronger a little bit.

In this way, about thirty years have passed.

We have defeated all the enemies, only the "Legion of Destruction" is left.

The conflict between the Lord and the Dragon Emperor.