. How to tame a pet (3)

or warm to the appropriate temperature.

Or stimulate it with a special item.

Although there are usually two or more methods of hatching eggs.

Only one.

'Ancient species'

as much as There was no way to hatch them other than the one set method.

'Thank you. For giving me this gift.'

Jinhyuk expressed his sincere gratitude.

At the same time, his fingertips turned towards the black egg.

Then tremble Anubis' body trembled thinly.

I hope you will

After all, I chose the best one out of the three eggs.

It wouldn't make sense to think of it as a coincidence.

However, Anubis only moved slightly. He didn't seem to be very upset.

it is certain

Believing that only humans would know how to awaken an ancient species.

But what about it?

'Do I know how to awaken the ancient bell?'

Jinhyuk's mouth turned upward.

At least in this world, there are no variables that embarrass or frustrate me. Even if the object is a great divinity.

-Ancient species are not even easy to come across, so little information about them exists. However, some secrets about the ancient species were revealed by the great explorer 'Pesis'.

Some sort of geek?

Pesis loved exploring the tower.

Unlike ordinary residents, the curiosity about the other floors and the desire to find out about them were different.

And thanks to that pioneering step. Jinhyuk was able to figure out many secrets about the tower.

'Actually, aside from me and the divinities, he's the resident who knows the most about the Tower.'

He's probably on the 20th floor by now... .

I'll have to see your face again later.


Jinhyuk, who was lucky, grabbed the black egg.

[Lv4 'Communion' is activated.]

The ability to make people feel familiar even when they see them for the first time.

When I was in the labyrinth, the reason I kept Hana Park alive was to acquire this skill.


A bright light gently wrapped around the egg's surface.

pounding! pounding! pounding!

The heart of something inside the egg began to beat rapidly.


Rick's eyes narrowed as he watched.

The mere movement of the egg of the ancient species, which does not respond in any way, was more than enough to draw everyone's attention.

Jinhyuk took a deep breath.

'Let's be calm.'

Attracting attention through sympathy is only the beginning.

The important thing is to succeed in subsequent steps without a single mistake.

Jinhyuk activated the 'sympathy' skill and slowly stimulated the lower part of the egg with 'glacier modeling'.

'If you activate Star Blessing at this time... !'

A faint energy fluttered from the left side of the egg.

Flick! Flick!

Al's reaction intensified.

'Yes. It's so appetizing you can't stand it, right?'


There is only one way to hatch and tame an ancient species. It draws attention as mana, their main energy source.

Of course, any mana could not satisfy their needs.

Simply because a strong or huge mana was easily bored.

'That heart, I fully understand.'

No matter how delicious food is, if you eat it all year round, 365 days a year, you will get bitten.

Whether it be chicken, pizza, or ramen, it must be the same.

if so.

'I will train you with various types of mana.'

If you have a buffet filled with thousands or tens of thousands of foods, you will never get tired of it. Moreover, if the buffet was first-class, it would be more attractive.

Jinhyeok manifested 'Tomb of the Sword' and 'Element of Fire' in turn. Heavy and thick mana and hot mana tickled the egg.

Flick! Flick! Flick!

Now the egg began to run wild as if struck by lightning.

From the guy's point of view, it would be like putting the acid and seafood in front of his nose.

Give up and quit.

By this time, you know

'There is no other owner who can satisfy you other than me.'

And let Jinhyuk activate the mana of 'Taecheong Hwarang' and 'Daylight'.


Finally, a crack occurred on the surface of the egg.

Hey, this can't be...

I can't believe it.

You can really hatch an ancient species.

From the mouths of the three divinities, an exclamation filled with complex emotions erupted.

" "

Rick just stared blankly from his seat, as if he was at a loss for words.

However, Jinhyuk focused his attention, ignoring the startled reactions.

Because what's important now is not the divinities, but what kind of ancient species come out of there.

after a while.


The ancient bell that emerged from the egg roared slightly.

Appearance resembling a reptile with a size of about 1 m.

His amber eyes were constantly twitching over his black skin like obsidian.


Dry saliva ran down Jinhyuk's throat.

'Is this too offensive to taste?'

no seriously. I want to run to you right away, hold you in your arms, and give you intense love.

But I'll have to be patient.

As long as he hasn't officially engraved it yet, he's just an extremely dangerous ancient species.

If you carelessly touch or hug him, your life's end credits will go up as it is.

Jinhyuk focused on the mana of the skills he has used so far on his fingertips.


I thought that the typified mana would form a round shape, but it soon became a small glass bead.


The ancient bell sniffed and approached little by little.

Although he was wary, it seemed difficult to resist the temptation of mana's crystals.

This is the first food I give you. If you want to be with me in the future, you can eat this.


The ancient servant tilted his head.

It's called food. Eat.


Okay. Let's do mosquitoes.

If someone else had said it, I would have thrown a fireball.

For some reason, the ancient bell felt lovely even in every stupid way of speaking.

Is this the mother's heart?

Just then.


The ancient bell ate the food in its mouth.

[A 'engraving' is engraved on the ancient species '???']

[If you give it a name, the pet will show higher loyalty to its owner.]

[The great achievement of taming the ancient bell for the first time will be inducted into the 'Hall of Fame'.]

[All beings in the tower pay attention to your achievements.]

[Ancient servants and spirits give you... .]

Numerous status windows appeared one after another.


Jinhyuk called for joy inside.

In the past, we only fought against the enemy. Adoption as a pet was unsuccessful. I was finally able to fulfill that dream.


After the ancient paper swallowed the glass bead. body trembled. Its short, blunt tail swung gently from side to side.

I guess it means feeling good.

Eat a lot and grow fast.

Later, I will cook and feed the crying Anubis over there.

'It seems that one is not enough.'

Jinhyuk made another mana crystal. And I watched the scene where the ancient bell ate deliciously.

by the way.

'I thought I should give it a name.'

To increase loyalty, you need an appropriate nickname.

Since it is an ancient species, it is impossible to call it a mosquito.

Hmm .

Jinhyuk thought for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

From the moment I first saw this guy. There was one name that came to mind.

Black skin and bright yellow eyes.

Let's name it Sweet Potato.

Yes. Ripe roasted sweet potatoes are perfect.


No, sweet potato.

sweet potato!

did you like it The sweet potato opened its mouth wide.


From now on, your name is Sweet Potato.

Time passes mindlessly. Jinhyuk headed towards the gate to return to reality.

Horus, who was rejected by Jinhyuk, seemed to be quite sad.

If you ever change your mind, just tell me. The Egyptian divinities always shadow you.

Seeing him say this to the end, it seems that he is quite greedy.

Still, it looks like the hawk's eyes are a decoration.

It's like looking at prospects.

Thank you for your kind comments, but I don't think my answer will change.

Jinhyuk euphemistically expressed his refusal with a smile.

On the other hand, Anubis, who ate one shot this time, was in a state of hiding because of his anger.

It's going to be hard to put up with anger towards yourself.

Everything he had planned went awry, and even the eggs of the ancient species were stolen.


It was an interesting meeting again. I thought it wouldn't be surprising to people, but I must say that thanks to Jinhyuk-nim, I have changed my mind a lot? I never imagined that there would be a player who could hatch and tame ancient species.

Rick came up to Jinhyuk and said goodbye.

Because there are some special people in the world.


I think you've done something too absurd to use the modifier of 'a little', but... With that said, I'm looking forward to the next meeting. I'm looking forward to it. I hope that day will come again soon.

excitement and anticipation.

And beyond that. I felt a longing to see the future of a human being.

A librarian at the Magic University Library. Not as the owner of the top, but as a member of the tower.

Just then.

[Middle Manager 'Rick Hennessy' has 'Subscribed' to your channel.]

[You have acquired 10,000 coins.]

[The application rate of 90% fee is reduced to 80%.]

A golden status window appeared.


This time, even Jinhyuk couldn't help but panic.

The Crucible Community.

More than 100,000 videos are uploaded here every day. It is truly one of the hot spots.

It goes without saying, but among the many videos, only a few were worth saving.

'It's nice to have some. damn it Much more often than not.'

PD of KDS Broadcasting Station, 'Climbing the Tower of Trials'

Choi Hee-jae, the director of the program, was desperate at the fact that he couldn't get a modest video even after staying up all night.

The number of coffee cups stacked on the table seemed to represent his anxiety.

at that time.


Seo, senior. I bet you haven't left work yet?

The door opened, and a woman with long straight hair and a suit came in.

It was Kim Daun, who was in charge of the same program.

"No matter what you have to do to get home from work. Go to the sauna. This week, it's completely hot."

Is that enough?

I'm not saying it's sick. It's enough to make my son in kindergarten turn the channel. The advance squad went up to the 6th floor, but the goblins and orcs still on the first floor are mostly videos, so will the viewers help out?

greater stimulation.

More colorful and tense action.

I need this.

In order to captivate viewers with thickly trained peripheral nerves.

Thanks to the abundance of useless videos like this, broadcasters can't enter the house. Come in! Hey. My child looked at me and said why did the man next door come into the house? I can't believe it!

Choi Hee-jae, who was lashing out like a quick-fire gun, massaged both eyes with his index finger.

Meanwhile, Kim Down moved the mouse.

"Uh senior. Have you seen this?"

I've seen it all. All night long. Have you listened to me until now?

Is this the video you just uploaded?


At Kim Da-un's words, Choi Hee-jae jumped up from his seat.

It really is.

Resurrection of ancient species.

And the first player to receive the administrator's subscription.

Two ridiculously large rice cakes were thrown.

Thanks to this, the bulletin board was on the verge of a runaway due to the plunging viewers.

You crazy!

Choi Hee-jae grabbed the monitor with both hands.

I nearly smashed myself into the monitor trying to make sure I was seeing it right.

Two people who posted this! Try hiring them right now! If it's a budget, I'll try to pull it out somehow through the director. Okay? If not, I'll even kidnap you!

Choi Hee-jae shouted urgently.

By the way.

Stand, senpai.

Kim Daun's voice trembled softly as he was checking the information.

This is one person.