Chapter 1248: Original commitment to extraordinary significance

Zhou Yi could not guess what Tony would think and how he would do it. Because he and Tony are drifting away on two different roads. So he can only talk about the concern, and then set a certain decision in the bottom of my heart.

If Tony really meets the worst situation, then if he does it himself, he will surely keep him and his family. This is the only thing he can do for him as an old friend. In addition, he can only see Tony's creation.

Reluctantly restrained his own thoughts, Zhou Yi looked at Serena, who was sitting in front of her, and told her so much.

"Since you have decided to act as an assistant to my comeback, then I will give you a task. Take my token to find Benner. I believe they have been prepared for such a long time and should be ready to enter. The waste is gone. You go with them and find a way to find a suitable foothold. We will start our own actions from this standpoint."

"Our own action?" The sensitive Selena quickly noticed the key points in Zhouyi's words, which made her face suddenly a bit strange. "Master, I know about your plan. But what do you mean by saying that you don't plan to cooperate with those of Benner?"

"Cooperation? Of course it's okay. But I don't intend to give the initiative to them and those behind them. Those politicians can only ensure their safety by guarding them all. So I would rather spend more time. Putting a stable rear, I absolutely don't want them to bury any hidden dangers on my side."

"I know, I understand what to do."

After understanding the meaning of Zhou Yi, Selena suddenly had a clear understanding of her course of action. Looking at her performance, Zhou Yixian nodded with satisfaction, and then could not help but clear the throat, and said to her awkwardly.

"In this case, then I will not say more. You have also been on the road for a long time, I will not bother you to rest. Well, your room I have already cleaned the maid, you can do well Take a break for two days, then we will start working again."

If this is said to ordinary people, it is naturally a special concern. But in the body of Serena, it seems a bit awkward. Because the area is thousands of kilometers away, it may be long for ordinary people, but for the goddess like Serena, it is just a walk. Whoever you have seen will be persuaded not to be tired, and take a break. Is this not afraid of being a neuropathy?

Now Zhou Yi said that, and just after he said this, he himself gave birth to the urge to slap himself. Isn't this what you want to cover? It is clear that I want to open a little distance with Serena. But now, how do you pull the distance apart?

Zhou Yi has always been shrewd, but at this point it has been a little confused. It was also the time when he was confused. Serena had the courage to squint her own white face and said to him seriously.

"Master, do you remember the promise that promised me?"

"Commitment? What promise?" Looking at Serena's face, Zhou Yi's heart was not good. It is a pity that this is his own home. He can't escape even if he escapes. So he can only be stupid, and asks Selena a question in a tone that I don't know.

This attitude made Selena's heart laugh, because she never thought that the person she was jealous would reveal such a appearance. This gave her a feeling of being closer to idols. And this feeling also completely shattered the idea that Zhou Yi wanted to give her a bad impression.

Although it is already very clear, Zhou Yi is intentionally keeping a distance from himself. But Serena is not the little girl of the glass heart. After living for so long, she has developed a habit of trying to fight for everything. Therefore, even if she knows that she is not restrained, she is still serious about Zhou Yi.

"Master, you promised me at the beginning. As long as I complete your mission, you will fulfill one of my wishes. Now, I want to fulfill this promise, are you going to repent?"

"Reverse? Of course not. How can I repent?" Haha smiled, and Zhou Yi concealed the guilt of his heart, and almost assured her by patting her chest. "Let's say, what are your wishes? As long as I can do it, I can do it for you, as long as this wish is not"

Just said a few words, Zhou Yi has no voice. Because he saw that Selena was standing up at this time, and did not hesitate to open the zipper of his leather.

The skin of the frosty snow, the black leather that can be almost reflective, coupled with her calm and shy look and the eyes of the flames in the cold, directly increased her charm as a woman. Enough to burst the table.

Under such circumstances, even Zhou Yi could not hold his heartbeat. He can only restrain himself desperately, and he said to Serena in a very difficult look.

"Selena, you know, I don't want to. I am already the father of several children. Now I really can't do as I used to. I have to take my responsibility."

"I know, Master. So I don't have any extravagant ideas. I just want to be a maid and serve you forever. Isn't that allowed?"

Loyalty is one thing, and serving is another. When a glamorous woman stands in front of you and solemnly says something like this, it is impossible to be unmoving. This is not easy to avoid, so soon things will develop in a logical way.

Dry wood fire, a burning is a night. And just after that night passed, the next day, Serena was already with a thing, quietly left here.

She was afraid of being discovered by those people, so she was in a hurry when she left. However, when she appeared in front of Banner, she returned to the appearance of the goddess of high cold. Even a word is not willing to say more, she just showed her intentions to Benner.

"The owner agreed with your request and he asked me to come and cooperate with you."

A word that has no head and tail, and put it in the mouth of any other person, will definitely make some strange thoughts in these lives. However, because it is Serena, the famous moon goddess, they are born with such an idea.

This is not just because of the ability that Serena has shown, so that almost everyone is convinced. More is still because of the existence that she represents behind, and the attitude he has shown.

He agreed with this statement, what it means, Banna and his companions who know the inside are very clear. That would mean that they will once again fight alongside that powerful god.

Politicians, and even many ordinary people, are full of taboos about the existence of Zhou Yi, because in their eyes, Zhou Yi is the biggest alien, the existence that they can not understand and imagine. But in the eyes of superheroes, Zhou Yi’s identity is different. Although he is the supreme god, but in front of this identity, he is first and foremost a hero, a truly invincible hero.

Everyone who has fought with him can remember the terrible battle and the battle against the tyrant.

In that battle, the most profound thing they knew was the vastness of the universe and their own smallness. Because in the face of the existence of the hegemonic hegemony, their performance is so weak. Even if all of them joined hands, they could only be like a cockroach, swearing in his fingers and struggling.

As long as you move your fingers, you will be crushed and crushed. That feeling is absolutely desperate and horrible. It was in such a situation that Zhou Yi appeared, and in the most unlikely circumstances, he defeated the terrible enemy in a most shocking way, and restored the world to peace again.

Look up and look in the direction of Mars. The hollow there is still telling all mankind about the terrible battle. And that is the evidence that every superhero who fought there has worked hard to remember the power of Zhou Yi.

As an enemy, Zhou Yi is undoubtedly terrible. But as a comrade-in-arms, such a strong presence like Zhou Yi is undoubtedly the most reliable backing.

This is why Banner does not hesitate to pay the price of Zhou Yi. Because only he is there, he is sure to defeat the horrible opponent such as the Hydra, and only he is there, in order to find a firm confidence in all those who have doubts about this action.

This is the role of a god, this is the name of He Huiwei written by Zhou Yi with his achievements and force. It is unceremonious to say that only the news that Zhouyi will join in is revealed, and all those involved in this action can find a spiritual belief and pillar.

Cohesion and combat power can be improved by at least half of the level, which is still not in the case of Zhou Yi directly in front of their face revealing the real body of Ming Wang. If you can see the existence of Ming Wang with your own eyes, this data will be even higher.

Of course, Banner will not announce the news. Because he does not want to let his enemies know such a key message at this time. So now, as a leader, he is compelling to ask his teammates.

"Put your own mouth, don't talk about things today. This may be our trump card. Maybe we will rely on this unexpected effect to open the situation."

In a reasonable arrangement, everyone agrees with Benner’s statement. However, there will always be accidents, such as now.

"Just kidding, why don't you let me say. I want freedom, I want human rights. Also, give me aside and let me and my goddess take a selfie and send it to Facebook."