
Another gust of dark wind passed by. With the eyes of the people present, at least tens of thousands of wronged souls rushed to the hospital. After wandering in the hospital a little, they flew to the place where several flags exploded in the air.

Different from ye Shijun's excitement and cheerfulness, a group of bodyguards behind him were scared and green at this time.

Yes, they are all practitioners. Naturally, they should not be afraid of ghosts.

However, the scene of ten thousand ghosts traveling is always something that anyone will get angry when they see it.

It's like someone is afraid of snakes. It's fear from the heart, not whether they are poisonous or not, whether they are big or small.

Therefore, even the smallest "snake" will always be very nervous. Especially when these small snakes are still attacked by thousands of people, there is no need to say more about their feelings.


At this time, the white smoke on the flags that exploded in mid air suddenly dispersed, revealing crystal balls about the size of their heads.

On the ball shape, it is clear that there are all kinds of faces in the ball. They are either ferocious, roaring, crying and laughing

It seems that it's really disgusting.

There are eight small flags in total, which also means that there are at least eight such balls from the explosion, which are arranged in eight places and stand separately.

The eight beads are connected, and there are bursts of green chains between them.

It seems to be connected with each other, but it seems to form a defense against each other, blocking tens of thousands of ghosts out.

Those ghosts can't get in. At this time, they can only form a big circle and squeeze in the periphery.

Looking around, it looks like dark clouds crowded in the middle of the yard. The head rests on the head and the face squeeze the face. It is disgusting and extremely ferocious.

"Is this useful? It looks like the Taoist priest summoning souls and sending ghosts." Next to Zhu Yanshuo, a bodyguard was really flustered when he saw the situation.

Although to some extent, it's really not his turn to speak here.

Zhu Yanshuo didn't speak. Theoretically, his subordinates were so disrespectful to the Dragon elder that they were scolded lightly. Even if they stabbed him in the head, it wouldn't be too much.

But on second thought, my subordinates' words are indeed not unreasonable.

How to say and how to look, the Dragon elder really looks like a great God, receiving demons and catching ghosts.

When it came to his heart, he was not angry. He drank slightly and said, "shut up, you can't talk here."

Subordinates also knew they were rude. Their heads bowed and they didn't dare to talk.

Ye Shijun looked back, which made Zhu Yanshuo feel a little bad. When Shengsheng was sweating for his men, ye Shijun didn't get angry as expected, but smiled: "although it's rude, there's some truth in his words."

"However, the law of the great road is originally unified. It seems similar, but the actual difference is great."

The bodyguard dared not answer and lowered his head.

But Zhu Yanshuo smiled gently, took over the conversation and said with a smile: "young master ye should have a special meaning? Please give me some advice."

How can Zhu Yanshuo's observation of words and colors be worse than helping the sky? Of course, he knew why Ye Shijun didn't get angry but spoke.

Ye Shijun was really in a good mood and said with a smile: "although I don't know what secret method the Dragon envoy uses, it can lead all the wronged souls around to gather, ferocious but not disorderly. How can it be compared with the art of catching ghosts and demons?"

His voice was very loud, and it was obvious that his words could not be said to Zhu Yanshuo, let alone have leisure to guide a small guard.

What he wants is actually very simple, but he takes the opportunity to offer his hospitality to a beautiful woman.

Facts have proved that ye Shijun's idea is right. When his voice fell, the gorgeous woman in the array obviously heard the loud voice here and couldn't help looking coldly.

"This is the art of looking for the dragon and asking for its trace. As long as it is in these three realms and within these five elements, nothing can escape its trace."

Then, the stunning woman looked at the crowd, bit her teeth and moved her body. Then she slowly turned her body, pinched the Dharma finger in her hand again, and her body suddenly jumped into the air for nearly tens of meters, pulling the light from the eight police shaped spheres to prevent the Buddha and the goddess from spreading flowers.

Then she moved again, and something happened that everyone else opened their eyes