As soon as the voice fell, the scene was peaceful.

All the elites who should fall in fangfo are waiting for the good play at this time.

But it is doomed that this waiting will not last long.

"Not afraid!"

Just two simple words, but no one deliberately started to drink in unison.

The sound penetrates the world like thunder!

Many people squeeze me and I squeeze you, but they stand steadily forward without losing order, for fear that the person who dies this night will be themselves.

"If you want to kill or cut, do as you please. Madam alliance leader, you don't have to be threatened by others."

"Yes, we should die frankly and never live. If the alliance leader's wife is threatened by others because of us, we might as well die even if we are alive."

"Yes, come on, let's fight these bastards to the end."

The people spoke loudly and forcefully, and it was obvious that everyone put life and death aside.

"Su Yingxia, did you hear that?" The pangolin stood in front of Su Yingxia, turned back slightly and said in a cold voice.

Su Yingxia certainly heard it, but the more so, the less she wanted everyone to die in vain.

However, with the resolute attitude of the people, she didn't know what to do for a moment.

Fumei hid behind the crowd and looked at all this in front of her calmly and bitterly. If she had seen Su Yingxia in such a difficult situation before, she would not know what she was laughing at.

But somehow, she can't laugh now. Even if she has to laugh, she doesn't laugh at Su Yingxia, but at herself.

Maybe this is empathy.

Everyone is the commander's wife, but the situation is very different.

A man loved by ten thousand people just didn't want her to be oppressed, so he gladly died.

One is despised by thousands of people and is an abandoned woman. Her subordinates not only don't have any respect for her, but even she is the talk and laughing stock of thousands of people in private.

In other words, ye Shijun actually sent many subordinates to abuse himself in order to practice himself. Some of them therefore

Hehe, just these, the two are superior and inferior.

What qualifications does she have to compare with Su Yingxia and laugh at Su Yingxia.

What she has at this moment is full of envy and nothing else.

"Well, since we all want to die, I'll help you." As soon as the cold voice drank, the stunning beauty silk was not soft. Between her hands, the black gas condensed her hands again.

"Come on!" Pangolins are really lucky. They drink coldly and are not afraid at all.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A few footsteps sounded, and the disciples of the mysterious man alliance who were originally behind Su Yingxia also stepped to stand with the pangolin and stood in front of Su Yingxia.

"If there is an afterlife, we are willing to fight side by side!"

"Yes, I have no regrets in this life!"


Dozens of people drank in unison, each using their own energy, and their eyes were full of death.

In such an array, the stunning beauty was slightly surprised in her eyes, and then she was replaced by the cold. Her hand suddenly moved, and the black air hit again.

Although half of the group of more than a dozen people were quickly swallowed up by the black wind, this time, the disciples who had said goodbye to the world even if they left only white bones did not hum half a pain from beginning to end, and silently resisted and disappeared.

They are using their own attitude to show that they will never give in.

The stunning beauty smiled coldly, but just as soon as she smiled, her smile completely solidified in the corners of her mouth.

With bursts of neat footsteps, several disciples came up fearlessly to fill the position of those brothers who died in the black gas.

Zhu Yanshuo raised his eyebrows and really didn't understand: "are there really so many people in this world who are not afraid of death?"

"See you come more, or I kill more." After the stunning beauty was slightly shocked, the whole person became more angry.

Yes, they are challenging themselves and ignoring themselves.

When she opened her hands, there was another black breath, and then several people fell down.

However, almost the same as just now, several people automatically took over the top.

Kill again!


Kill again!


So that at this time, there was a very tragic and shocking scene