
The mysterious man and other senior executives all shook their arms and shouted, and were excited for a time.

Su Yingxia and others were also holding each other's hands at this time, jumping and jumping happily.

Yes, winning more with less, and making 200000 troops flee in confusion almost without particularly heavy casualties, how can this battle not make everyone present crazy?!

"Haha, if it weren't for personal participation, even if I was killed, I would never believe that we could accomplish such a Jedi turnaround under such a great adversity."

"Yes, it's like a fucking dream."

"However, these have to be written down on the head of our alliance leader. Although I was confused by his operation before, I even thought whether my alliance leader had become a headless fly because of excessive fear. Now it seems that I am not at the same level with the alliance leader. He flies in the cloud and I drill in the field."

"Yes, yes, I didn't understand it at all before. In fact, I don't understand it now, but who the hell cares? The important thing is that we won now, and his mother won completely."

"The leader is awesome!"

A group of people didn't mean to praise at all, and they raved about Han Sanya.

Han Sanqian's face showed a faint smile, looked at the enemy army that fled in confusion, and did not speak.

Ning Yue, Su Yingxia, Wang Simin, Qing Ji and others came to him one after another. Ning Yue shook her head and gave a wry smile: "they are all praising you. In their hearts, you are all gods. Are you still pretending to be reserved?"

Su Yingxia patted Han Sanqian on the shoulder, "great hero, what's wrong with this?"

Seeing Su Yingxia, Han Sanqian withdrew his eyes and looked at Su Yingxia. He breathed a long breath: "there are only 44 people in the jungle. I need to make sure that ye Shijun's troops have really scattered and fled."

"Threethousand, you... What did you say?" Su Yingxia was surprised.

"It's the secret knife army." Han Sanqian laughed bitterly.

"Just them? No one else?" Su Yingxia road.

Ning Yue was also extremely puzzled: "it's clear that the other party sent tens of thousands of people to fight against the defense. Why... Why are we so many people? Shouldn't we all be down there?"

"The beauty of the sun and the moon"

Han threethousand smiled bitterly, "I just lied to them on purpose. I knew there was something going on down the mountain, and they would send someone to inspect it. I had asked my team to release many scarecrows in the woods with the help of trees in advance. When that group of people came to investigate, the team hit them quickly according to my order."

"Those people were blindfolded. When they saw those trance figures when they hurried to escape, they naturally thought there were many people there. Later, these people must go back and report. I had ordered the team to light torches everywhere, and put dozens of drum beasts to them. When the drum beasts roared, they were like heavy drums, and dozens of them roared together, just like thousands of troops beating drums."

"In this way, they thought that our mountain had assigned the elite of the city, so they would certainly step up their defense and send outside soldiers to attack the city."

"Once the war in the city is tight, people who think they are trapped in this mountain will slowly become depressed. At this time, if I let Fu Mei separate again, guess what they will do?"

Hearing Han Sanqian's words, a group of people finally understood what had happened.

Su Yingxia smiled: "it's too late to attack on the other side of the city, and this side is besieged again. There are still rebels inside, which is a huge blow to any army."

Han 3000 nodded: "yes, if 200000 troops are compared to a camel, then demon Ming's gang is the last straw to crush the camel."

"Nothing makes people more desperate than to suddenly despair after giving them hope."

Su Yingxia suddenly smiled when she heard the speech: "haha, if they were to know the truth, what would ye Shijun and his group of people be like?"