"What style of play?" Scar became interested.

Hai Jin smiled slightly, and told Scar exactly what he was thinking.

After Scar heard it, his eyes were obviously full of shock, but after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to feel that Haijin's idea was the most appropriate and reliable, and the more he thought about it, the better he felt.

"Damn it, Hai Jin, tell me honestly, did the leader tell you about these plans?"

"Damn, it must be, let me just say, how dare you dare to disobey the leader's order like my violent temper."

"Hmph, I guess there has been a secret order from the lord for a long time."

Hai Jin smiled, and he didn't blame Scar for having such a weird idea, because his style of play, to some extent, was indeed like Han Sanqian's usual one.

"How dare I compare with the leader, you think highly of me, but, after working with the leader for a long time, I naturally learned some of his superficial features."

"As for violating the leader's order, it's not surprising. I've been with you for too long, and I've got some of your problems."

Hearing this, Scar was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his eyes, but he couldn't refute at all.

"Damn, I'm lazy to tell you educated people, shit, you don't use dirty words when you swear."

After the words fell, Scar waved his hand: "Follow your order."

After Scar's order, the soldiers in the front didn't move much.

On the contrary, it is the city defense department.

The first place that Pei Yuan personally attacked had already started a big battle.

On the contrary, the second and third places are completely in the situation of thunder and rain.

All around them, there was still turmoil, and the enemy's military flags were also random. The people in the two places had no other choice. defense.

They didn't dare to move casually, and could only wait for the patrol team to quickly support them.

Seeing that the patrol team was under the city wall, the city defense generals in the other two places gained confidence for a while.

"Damn it, something's not right. Why are the people surrounding us only calling for killing but not beating?"

"Could it be that the person on the opposite side is playing tricks on us?"

"The only one who really attacked is Lao Hu, and our two sides are all fake? The purpose is that we don't want us to support them in the first place?"

Someone was the first to report it.

Looking carefully at the shouting soldiers around him and the flags that were raised at random, the more they looked, the more they looked like that.

Soon, the squad leader in charge of support also led his soldiers to the city wall.

"Where are people, where are people?!" The patrol team had already drawn their knives and was in a fighting state at any time.

It's a pity that he didn't see an enemy other than his friendly army when he came up.

"Damn it, there's no one. I'm also wondering if we've been tricked. There may not be any enemies around our two places at all. It's just that the enemies deliberately played tricks to delay our assistance."

"What?" The captain was surprised.

"Hurry up, organize effective troops immediately, and all go to support." The general defending the city shouted softly, and then pulled over his subordinates: "Leave one-third of the troops for you, no matter whether the other party is a ghost or a real one." Others, you guard the city wall firmly, and I will return as soon as I go."


After the words fell, he took his subordinates and patrol team and rushed towards the burning city wall.

And at this time on the other side...