"Report to the elders, those who broke through are a group of Ant-Man, but just now, they suddenly got into the landslide collectively and disappeared without a trace, they should have retreated."

Before the conversation was over, the second spy also rushed to the front.

"Elder, Han Sanqian suddenly withdrew in the direction of Yetian City."

After the information from the two spies was delivered, a group of people looked directly at Han Sanqian and the breakout.

Sure enough, especially Han Sanqian's side had already begun to retreat towards Yetian City.

Although he was surrounded by countless pursuers, it was obviously difficult to hold back such a powerful character.

"What do you mean? Han Sanqian withdrew suddenly?"

"What the hell is he doing? Is he afraid of being beaten by us? Knowing that he can't get through?"

"Then what does he mean by attacking us today and trying to break out? So many people who broke out died in vain?"

A group of cronies and subordinates were all puzzled. Even if Han Sanqian knew he was going to be defeated and had to retreat, he wouldn't have left so early.

At least, even if he wants to try, he should do it for a while, just like when you do something with hope, even though you already know that the result may not be very good, but you have no choice, or After spending a lot of energy, financial resources and material resources, I am not willing to give up halfway.

There is a saying that is good, you will never die until you reach the Yellow River.

"What is Han Sanqian doing?"

A group of people can't understand this kind of operation.

Suddenly, the elder who had been silent all this time seemed to think of something, and he immediately ordered: "Contact the people in the city defense immediately, I want to know how the city defense of Yetian City is now."


Someone took orders and retreated immediately.

A group of people wanted to say something, but when they saw the elder's face was livid, they stopped talking immediately.

They didn't understand why the elder's face became even uglier when Han Sanqian had already retreated voluntarily.

Isn't this a good thing?

However, everyone didn't dare to ask more about the elder's current appearance, and could only quietly accompany him and wait on the spot.

After all, there is still a little distance from Yetian City.

Everyone waited for a while, and finally couldn't help it anymore: "Elder, forgive me for being rude, I think that Han Sanqian is retreating now, we should join forces to keep him behind, and at the same time, those Ant-Man who broke out should also Hang them, even if they go underground, we still have a way to kill them."

"Yeah, why don't we do these things, but why should we care about the situation on the city defense side? It's impossible to have anything there, and, even if we take ten thousand steps back, now Han Sanqian has gone back , Yetian City's city defense is also facing more pressure, so we don't worry at all, just send some troops there."

"Yeah, we don't have to worry at all."

Hearing these words, the elder glanced at the group of people coldly, his eyes slightly angry: "Do you all think so?"

Everyone was silent.

The elder sneered: "I'm afraid that if we want to go back to support Yetian City, it may be too late."

Everyone frowned collectively: "Elder, what do you mean?"

"What does this mean?" The elder was slightly annoyed, watching the spies not far away running towards this side, he said coldly: "The person who contacted the city defense of Yetian City has returned, why don't you listen to what he said , maybe, he has the answer you want in his mouth."

Everyone looked back, and the spy was also running towards this side desperately at this time.

A moment later, the man arrived and knelt down in front of the elder.

"Tell me, what is the situation at the city defense office of Yetian City." The elder said coldly.

The spies panted heavily: "Report...Report to the elders, the little one just met the spies from Yetian City on the way, and he is coming towards us to report the emergency situation, Ye... The two city defenses of Yetian City have already fallen It's..."

"What? Ye... Yetian City fell? Damn, did you make a mistake?"

"What kind of defense in Yetian City, how could it be broken by someone? Besides, Han Sanqian is not in Yetian City at all. With so many of us, let him destroy it directly with a small cavalry regiment? Is it information? Is there a mistake, or what?"

"You can see clearly, that is really a spy from the city defense department of Yetian City? I mean, isn't it someone from Han Sanqian pretending to be?"

In fact, they themselves are very clear that they are completely different from the other party, so even if the other party wants to pretend to be them, it is absolutely impossible to do so.

But when they said such words at this time, it was obvious that they were already in a mess.

The news of the fall of Yetian City was extremely shocking to everyone present, so much so that they started talking nonsense...